
The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

author:Wild Goose Preview


Recently, the mainland promulgated a blockbuster decree against the "Taiwan independence" forces, which can be punished with the death penalty at most! What's more, it can also be tried in absentia and held accountable for life! Looking back at history, during the War of Liberation, once the People's Liberation Army issued an order to "punish war criminals," many Kuomintang generals chose to revolt one after another for the sake of national righteousness and atonement for their crimes, which greatly accelerated the process of national liberation. There is really not much time left for the "Taiwan independence" elements to turn over a new leaf!

The mainland has always stressed that Taiwan is China's Taiwan and we are willing to resolve the Taiwan issue in a peaceful way. However, if the "Taiwan independence" elements dare to act recklessly, we will not tolerate it! As soon as Lai Qingde took office, he could not wait to carry out "Taiwan independence" activities, incite confrontation between the two sides of the strait, and vainly attempt to "seek independence by relying on the United States" and "seeking independence by force." This completely harms the fundamental interests of compatriots on both sides of the strait and the Chinese nation!

The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

What is even more infuriating is that in order to maintain their hegemonic status, some people in the United States have also fished in troubled waters, vainly trying to "use Taiwan to contain China" and even want to turn the Taiwan Strait into a "hell on earth"! These American politicians have no regard for the safety of the Taiwan people, and they only have their own interests in their eyes!

The fate of the "pawn" of the United States: Taiwan will be abandoned? The lessons of history are still in front of us!

In the final analysis, in the eyes of the Americans, both the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party are just pawns, which can be used if they are useful and thrown away if they are useless. At that time, the Kuomintang was corrupt and incompetent, and was kicked away by the United States; In the 70s of the last century, in order to establish diplomatic relations with the mainland, the United States did not hesitate to abandon Taiwan. In the final analysis, the DPP, like the Kuomintang, will eventually become an outcast of the United States!

The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

Don't look at the United States is shouting happily now, if you really want to move seriously, they may not dare to make a move! Looking back on history, in the Korean War in those years, we defeated the "United Nations Army" led by the United States, and even the Kuomintang war criminal Du Yuming felt proud of it! Lee Kuan Yew, the "founding father of Singapore," once said that before the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, Westerners looked down on the Chinese at all, but after the Chinese People's Volunteers were afraid of the "United Nations Army," Westerners were impressed by the Chinese.

The "Taiwan Island Army" is rumoring: is it preparing for war or escaping? Lai Qingde wants the "Taiwan Island Army" to be "cannon fodder"?

The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea played the national prestige of New China, the military prestige of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and the self-esteem of the Chinese nation! After that, the Americans were jealous of us. During the Vietnam War, we warned the U.S. military that they were not allowed to cross the 17th parallel, and they didn't even dare to get close! But now, the United States seems to have healed its scars and forgotten the pain, and has begun to provoke us again on the Taiwan issue!

For the sake of their own interests, the DPP authorities are willing to act as pawns of the United States and continue to carry out "Taiwan independence" separatist activities. Recently, news came out that the "Taiwan Island Army" has received the latest directive to demand that the air force and special forces return to defend Taipei.

The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

Lai Qingde pretended to be tough on the surface, but in fact he was flustered inside! What they are really preparing is actually an "escape plan", and they also want to use the "Taiwan Island Army" as "cannon fodder"! We have stressed countless times that we are willing to resolve the Taiwan issue by peaceful means, but we will never allow any form of "Taiwan independence" separatist activities! The Chinese People's Liberation Army is ready to crush the "Taiwan independence" armed forces at any time! Cross-strait reunification is just around the corner, and as long as necessary, it can be realized at any time!

The End of "Taiwan Independence": Bluffing to "Defend Taipei"? The People's Liberation Army (PLA) strikes a thunderous blow, see where he is still fleeing!

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