
Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

author:Talk about the ball
Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

The Thunder recently announced that they signed center Harden from the Knicks on a contract worth $87 million, a move that not only changed the team's interior configuration, but also injected new variables into the competitive landscape of the new season.

Harden has been a solid player for the Knicks, averaging 8.5 points and 7.8 rebounds per game, and his 64.2 percent true shooting percentage has earned him praise. This statistic not only reflects his efficiency on the offensive end, but also highlights his solid performance on the defensive end. The Knicks originally hoped to re-sign Harden, but the Thunder's high-priced contract ultimately led him to choose to leave the Knicks. The Thunder have offered Harden a three-year contract, although the final year is not guaranteed, showing their confidence in Harden's future potential.

Unlike Harden, Zhou Qi, a Chinese player in '16, has had a more bumpy NBA career. Although they also came from the Rockets' second-round draft, the two have very different career developments. Harden's consistent performance in the NBA has become an important part of the team, while Zhou Qi faces many challenges, including waiting for more opportunities to play and perform in the Development League.

Hatten's success is not just the result of his technique and on-court performance, but also a reflection of the hard work and hard work behind him. In professional sports, every player faces fierce competition and pressure from the outside world, and Harden's ability to establish himself in the NBA and achieve such high recognition is not only the result of talent and luck, but also the result of his training and hard work day in and day out.

Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

Zhou's experience was more challenging. As a Chinese player, he had to deal with the intense competition of the NBA professional league, as well as overcome cultural and linguistic barriers. Although Zhou Qi has shown some potential since entering the league, he still has to face a variety of challenges during the ups and downs of his career, including adapting to the fusion of American basketball culture and team play.

The Thunder's other important moves in the offseason should not be overlooked, not only did they sign Hatten, but they also acquired Bald Mamba Caruso on the defensive end through trades, as well as other key players who added depth to the team.

In the future, the Thunder's interior strength will be significantly improved. The addition of Harden and Caruso not only solved the problem of last season's lack of interior line, but also laid a more solid foundation for the team to challenge for the championship. As the young players continue to grow, the Thunder's potential in the new season should not be underestimated, and they will try to stay fit in order to stand out from the competition.

Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

As soon as this news was officially announced, it immediately sparked heated discussions among fans. On social media, some netizens said: "Finally, I don't have to worry about the inside line of the thunder anymore!" The addition of Hatten and Caruso is a send-off! Another fan joked: "The inside line of the Thunder is stronger than my water pipe!" ”

For Hatten's joining, many netizens are full of expectations for his performance and future. One fan posted on the forum: "Hatten has been consistent with the Knicks, his true shooting percentage is too strong, and the Thunder have really picked up a treasure!" One fan replied: "I hope he can continue to play well in the Thunder, we need this kind of interior support." ”

Caruso's arrival has also received a lot of attention. One fan tweeted: "Caruso's arrival has made the Thunder's defense even stronger! His rebounding and defensive experience will be our biggest plus for the new season. Another fan commented: "It looks like the Thunder are going to be big on the inside and hopefully they can make a difference in the playoffs." ”

Aside from a few voices of concern, most fans are optimistic about the future of the Thunder. One loyal supporter wrote on the social platform: "The growth of the youth players, coupled with these seasoned new members, the Thunder are expected to rise in the coming years!" Another fan also said: "Hopefully they can have a bright time, we have been waiting for a long time!" ”

Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

The perception of Caruso's performance last season has sparked a lot of discussion and exchange of opinions among fans and experts. On social media, some netizens conducted in-depth analysis and evaluation of his performance.

A netizen named Basketball Lost Luffy left a message on the team's forum: "Caruso was very consistent on the defensive end last season, especially his rebounding ability, which won many key battles for the team. His awareness and sense of position on the pitch is really impressive. The words struck an immediate chord with other fans, with many appreciating his tenacity and focus during the game.

Another fan said: "While Caruso's scoring is not the focus of the team, his contribution in defense and organisation is absolutely indispensable. Although his offensive strategy is not very impressive, he always shines when it comes to key moments of the game. The fan's words have also been liked and commented by many netizens.

On social platforms, there are also some fans who are optimistic about Caruso's joining. One fan, who claims to be an optimist, tweeted: "Caruso's defensive ability and experience will be a huge help to the Thunder." His performances at key moments last season have proven his indispensability in the team. Such an evaluation has sparked more discussions and expectations from fans about Caruso's ability.

Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

Not all netizens were optimistic about Caruso's performance. A loyal fan of the team left his opinion on the forum: "Caruso is a little lacking on the offensive end, especially in terms of scoring ability. Hopefully, he can further improve his scoring efficiency in the new season and bring more support to the team. This realistic and rational view has also been recognized and discussed by other fans.

Netizens' opinions on Caruso last season were diverse and full of deep thoughts. His consistency on the defensive end and his contribution to the game have been widely recognized and praised. Despite some shortcomings, fans are optimistic and supportive of him for further growth and improvement in the coming seasons.

The Thunder's moves this offseason have shown their determination and strength to challenge for a championship, and despite the fierce competition, they are expected to be the dark horses of the new season.

Alas! Zhou Qi! 90 million to sign a big center! The Thunder officially changed the NBA championship landscape

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