
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

author:Ningning chats and entertains
Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

The modern entertainment industry is full of celebrities constantly trying to break through the challenges of roles, but the delicate balance between age and role selection has become an insurmountable chasm. Recently, the role choices of a series of celebrities have once again sparked extensive discussion and reflection among the public.

Liu Xiaoqing, who is already a representative of the old drama bones in the film industry, recently expressed his confidence in his acting skills in a public interview.

She unabashedly claims that despite being over seventy years old, she is still capable of playing the role of a young girl. Recalling that he successfully played the role of a 15-year-old girl when he was young, Liu Xiaoqing is convinced that his acting skills will not diminish because of the passage of time. This remark quickly sparked heated discussions on the Internet, and many netizens expressed strong doubts and ridicule about it, believing that this was a major misjudgment of her age and role choice.

Looking back at the film industry in the 80s, Liu Xiaoqing is undoubtedly a high-profile actress. Not only is her on-screen performance impressive, but her words and actions off the screen are often sensational. Looking back on that era, she can be said to be the most popular among Chinese actresses. Each of her performances is full of passion and tension, allowing the audience to deeply feel the vividness and authenticity of the characters.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

On the Internet, some old audiences have deep memories and opinions about Liu Xiaoqing's performance and style. An old fan shared his views on the forum: "At that time, when I watched Liu Xiaoqing acting, I always felt that her maverick temperament was very dazzling, and she was a real 'queen fan'. Another netizen added: "Her unique style in theatrical performances really brought a lot of freshness to the film industry of that era." ”

Liu Xiaoqing himself has also expressed his confidence in his acting career on different occasions. She once claimed to be the best actress in China, and this kind of rhetoric was undoubtedly bold and fresh at the time. Some viewers reacted in a variety of ways. A young viewer commented on social media: "Her confidence is really attractive, but this self-assessment is a bit overconfident, right? Another old fan replied disapprerovingly: "Liu Xiaoqing back then was indeed strong and confident, and her performance has always been a benchmark in the film and television industry." ”

In that era, Liu Xiaoqing's every appearance was like a storm in the film industry, whether it was her superb acting skills in the play or her heroic words and deeds in life, people were full of expectations and curiosity about her. Her influence is not limited to the film industry, and her wonderful performance has also deeply touched the heartstrings of the audience.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

At the same time, Zhang Ziyi, who was once a bright star in the international film industry, also fell into the whirlpool of public opinion because of the latest role choice. Zhang Ziyi's attempt to challenge the role of a 15-year-old girl after middle age has sparked widespread doubts and criticism among the public. Her previous career success and countless accolades seem to be unable to withstand this career setback, and people are beginning to question the wisdom of her professional judgment and role choice.

Although Liu Xiaoqing and Zhang Ziyi's choices are different, they both reflect the serious challenges faced by modern stars in character building. For Liu Xiaoqing, her self-confidence may come from a firm belief in her acting ability, but whether this belief is in line with reality is a question worth pondering. Zhang Ziyi's situation is more like a professional adventure, although her past success and strength are understandable, when choosing a role, it is still difficult to avoid the public's doubts and criticism of the choices she makes.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

The experiences of the two actresses reflect the high standards of age and role matching in the modern entertainment industry. With the development of social media and the increasing sensitivity of public opinion, every decision made by celebrities in the choice of roles may become the focus of public attention. The audience's requirements for actors are not only limited to their acting skills, but also pay more attention to whether the actors can properly interpret the role. For veteran actors like Liu Xiaoqing and Zhang Ziyi, the choice of roles is not only a challenge for acting, but also a kind of thoughtful consideration for their careers.

Zhou Xun, widely praised for his excellent acting skills, has become a star in the film industry. Recently, playing the role of a girl in "The Legend of Ruyi" has caused a lot of controversy. Audiences began to question her performance, believing that the attempt seemed unnatural and inconsistent with her mature temperament and image.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

On social media, netizens had a heated discussion about Zhou Xun's performance. Some people think: "As an experienced actor, Zhou Xun has undoubtedly reached a certain height in acting skills, but the role she chose in "The Legend of Ruyi" does make people feel a little reluctant. Another netizen added: "Her temperament and image are obviously more suitable for mature and calm characters, and the role of a young girl seems a bit far-fetched." ”

Unlike Zhou Xun, Yang Mi and Yang Zi, as current traffic stars, although they are still of moderate age, frequently try to perform roles far below their actual age, which has also aroused widespread doubts and disgust from the audience. Their adventures in character selection may have been to challenge themselves, but they were criticized by the audience for their physical mismatch.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

On the Internet, some viewers bluntly expressed their opinions: "Yang Mi and Yang Zi's acting skills are good, but every time I see them play the role of a young girl, I always feel a little awkward." Some people also left messages on social platforms: "Obviously she is already a mature actress, why do you keep trying to play young roles?" This makes you look less confident. ”

The role choices of these stars not only affect their personal career reputations, but also reveal the audience's high standards for age and role matching. In today's era of information explosion, the audience has a more sensitive and in-depth judgment of the actor's performance and image. Therefore, when choosing a role, stars should not only consider their own performance ability, but also fully consider whether the role is consistent with their own temperament and image.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

In contrast, Chen Qiaoen and Yu Feihong are known for their intelligence and dedication, and they have chosen age-appropriate roles, which have won wide recognition and appreciation from the audience. Their role choices are not only career decisions, but also respect and reflection of the audience's expectations and their own image.

The role choices of these stars are not only a performance challenge, but also a response to their own image and the expectations of the audience. In today's era of highly developed social media, the power of public opinion is becoming more and more powerful, and the delicate balance between celebrities in the choice of roles is particularly important. They need to find the most suitable path between their personal performance and the expectations of the audience in order to maintain their professional image and career development stability.

Liu Xiaoqing said in an interview that he leaked his mouth, netizens: The evening festival is not guaranteed! Zhang Ziyi and Yang Mi were miserable by her!

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