
Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

author:Enthusiastic citizen ingots
Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Traditional Chinese medicine, a treasure with a long history, is like a beacon that illuminates the path to health for countless people. However, in this radiant treasure trove, do we really know how to properly use its power? Let's walk into this magical world and explore the stories behind those Chinese patent medicines that are known as "pearls".

Qiju Dihuang Pill, Zhibai Dihuang Pill, Buzhong Yiqi Pill, Shenling Baizhu Pill, Gui Spleen Pill, Xiaoyao Pill, these names are not unfamiliar to many people. They are like pearls in the treasure trove of Chinese medicine, each exuding a unique light. Behind each pearl is the crystallization of the wisdom of the ancients and modern technology.

Take Qi Ju Dihuang Pill as an example, this recipe combines the essence of eight medicinal herbs. Goji berries and chrysanthemums, like two ophthalmologists, are responsible for nourishing the liver and eyes; Rehmannia and Cornus officinalis are good at nourishing the kidneys; Yam and Poria cocos work together to regulate the spleen and stomach; Peony peel and Ze Epsom are responsible for clearing heat and detoxifying. These eight herbs are like a team with tacit understanding, each performing its own duties, and together they play the role of nourishing the kidneys, nourishing the liver, and brightening the purpose.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Zhibai Dihuang Pill is based on the Liuwei Dihuang Pill, adding Zhimu and Huang Bai, two "fire reduction experts". They are like two firefighters, specially responsible for extinguishing the virtual fire in the body, making people feel cool and comfortable.

The astragalus and codonopsis in the tonifying qi pill are like two energy replenishment stations, injecting a steady stream of vitality into the body. Cimicifuga and Bupleurum are like two weightlifters, responsible for lifting the qi and blood of the sagging.

Shenling Atractylodes Pill is a chef's masterpiece, which skillfully combines a variety of ingredients that nourish the spleen and stomach, making people appetite and refresh.

Gui Spleen Pill is like a good prescription to calm the nerves and replenish blood, making people feel calm and sleep sweetly.

Xiaoyao Pill is an expert in emotional management, which can relieve liver depression, make people feel happy, and eliminate worries.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Each of these Chinese patent medicines embodies the essence of Chinese medicine and shines with the light of wisdom. However, just as the sun is good but excessive exposure to the sun can damage the skin, these medications are good, but they can also cause unexpected problems when used inappropriately over the long term.

Many people may ask: since these Chinese patent medicines are so good, why can't they be taken for a long time? It's like asking: Why can't you eat a big meal every day? The answer is actually quite simple: because our bodies need balance, not excess.

Take Qi Ju Dihuang Pill as an example, although it has a significant effect of nourishing yin and nourishing the kidney, it may cause spleen and stomach dysfunction when taken for a long time. It's like watering a pot every day and forgetting to let the soil breathe, which will eventually lead to root rot.

Although Zhibai Dihuang Pill can clear away heat and reduce fire, long-term use may hurt the spleen and stomach, resulting in loss of appetite. It's like if you eat ice cream every day to cool off, you may end up with stomach problems.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Although Buzhong Yiqi Pill can improve vitality, if taken indiscriminately for a long time, it may cause too much yang energy, dizziness and headache and other symptoms. It's like if you drink coffee every day to refresh yourself, you end up more tired.

The same is true for Shenling Baizhu Pills, Gui Spleen Pills, and Xiaoyao Pills, and excessive use may upset the balance of the body and cause various discomforts.

Therefore, although Chinese medicine is good, it should not be greedy. As the ancients said: "It is a medicine that is poisonous", and any medicine should be used rationally under the guidance of a doctor, following the principle of "stopping when you are sick". It's like when we eat, and it's healthiest to do it in moderation.

Netizens also have their own views on the question of whether Chinese patent medicine can be taken for a long time. Let's hear from them:

@养生达人007: "My grandmother eats Liuwei Dihuang pills every day, and her body is better!" Traditional Chinese medicine is only effective if it is adhered to for a long time. "

This netizen's point of view represents the thoughts of many people. It is true that some elderly people have improved their physical condition after taking certain proprietary Chinese medicines for a long time. But we have to understand that everyone's physique is different and cannot be generalized. Moreover, even if the effect is good, you should go to the hospital regularly for check-ups and adjust the medication regimen in time.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

@科学派小明: "The composition of traditional Chinese medicine is complex, and long-term use is risky. Or Western medicine is more reliable, at least the ingredients are clear. "

This netizen's concern is not unreasonable. It is true that TCM is complex, but this is precisely the characteristic of TCM – holistic conditioning, not a single treatment. What we need is more scientific research, not simple denial.

@中医迷妹花: "I think the key is to get the right medicine. It is definitely not okay to take it blindly for a long time, but it is okay to take it for a long time under the guidance of a doctor. "

This netizen's point of view is very pertinent. Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to "syndrome differentiation and treatment", and the medication is naturally different for different constitutions and different symptoms. Long-term conditioning under the guidance of a professional doctor is indeed a good choice.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

@理性思考者: "The crux of the matter is that many people take proprietary Chinese medicine as a health product, which is very dangerous. "

This netizen hit the nail on the head and pointed out the crux of the problem. Indeed, many people equate proprietary Chinese medicine with health products, believing that there is no harm in eating it. But in fact, Chinese patent medicine is also medicine, not a snack that you can eat when you want to.

@老中医传人: "Traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to 'curing diseases before they occur', but it does not mean that you can take medicine even if you are not sick. Health preservation focuses on daily life and diet, and medicine is only an auxiliary. "

This netizen's point of view is quite insightful. The essence of Chinese medicine is to focus on prevention and balance yin and yang. Daily health care is fundamental, and medication is only an adjunct when necessary.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Through this in-depth discussion, we can't help but ask: in this modern society, how should we correctly view and use traditional Chinese medicine?

First of all, we need to realize that Chinese medicine is a broad and profound system, and it cannot be simply summarized as "whether it can be taken for a long time". Each proprietary Chinese medicine has its specific indications and methods of use, and we need to respect this complexity.

Second, we must abandon the prejudice that "medicine is not as good as food". Traditional Chinese medicine, like daily diet, is a way to regulate the body, and the key is how to use it rationally. We should not think of proprietary Chinese medicines as a miracle cure, nor should we equate them with ordinary food.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

In addition, we should pay attention to the guidance of professional doctors. When using proprietary Chinese medicines, it is best to have regular physical examinations and adjust the medication regimen in time. Just as we maintain our cars on a regular basis, our bodies need to be "maintained" on a regular basis.

Finally, we need to cultivate a healthy lifestyle. Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes that "good qi is stored in the body, and evil cannot be done", and the best way to maintain health is actually to maintain a good work and rest, diet and mentality. Drugs are only an aid when we are "out of balance" and should not become a dependency in our daily lives.

Can these common Chinese patent medicines be taken for a long time? There is a lot of knowledge in traditional Chinese medicine, so you need to be cautious!

Let's work together to find a way to live in harmony with Chinese medicine in this modern society. Let this long-standing light of wisdom continue to illuminate our health path and add more beautiful colors to our lives.

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