
After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

author:Sunlight ☀️,

Whenever they mention their relatives, they always give a thumbs up first. This relative is a graduate of 985 University with a master's degree in pharmacy, and this educational background has made him highly regarded among relatives and friends. However, brilliant academic achievements did not lead to a desirable career. After graduating, he chose to work in a pharmacy in a hospital, where he was responsible for dispensing medicines for patients. It's a stable job, but in his opinion, it's a career that he can't see.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

He often falls into self-doubt: "After graduating with a master's degree, do you really want to take medicine for a lifetime in the pharmacy?" For him, being faced with the same medicines and repetitive tasks every day makes him feel that his career is not challenging and meaningful. Such psychological contradictions made him think countless times about whether he should change jobs, but practical considerations and family pressure made him finally choose to stay where he was.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

Working in a hospital pharmacy, his duties were mainly to dispense medicines to patients according to doctors' prescriptions. This seemingly simple job actually involves a lot of professional knowledge and responsibility. But for him, the job was too bland and far from his passion and expectations for pharmaceutical research during his master's degree. Many relatives and friends also felt sorry for him, believing that a highly educated person like him should not be limited to this.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

However, changing jobs is not an easy task. The job market in pharmacy is highly competitive, and the relatively stable job and income in hospital pharmacy make it difficult for him to give up easily. At the same time, he is also worried about whether he will be able to adapt smoothly in the new field and whether he will have better development prospects. These realities have left him torn between changing jobs and staying behind.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

Faced with this situation, there are different voices in society. Some netizens believe that there is nothing wrong with his choice: "In the current employment situation, it is already very good to have a stable job, so why bother?" Some netizens also expressed their understanding of his confusion: "A 985 master, if it is just to do some mechanical repetitive work, it is indeed a pity, after all, they have higher professionalism and academic potential." ”

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

Experts also commented on this. Li Ming, a workplace consultant, said: "For highly educated talents, the bottleneck of career development often comes from the misalignment of their own abilities and job needs. It is suggested that he can seek new breakthroughs in his existing work, such as participating in more challenging tasks such as drug management or drug development. Wang Fang, an education expert, said: "Society's perception of academic qualifications and occupations needs to be more diversified, and a person's success should not be measured simply by the level of the position." ”

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

Still, the relative was in a state of confusion. It remains to be seen whether he will find a career path that suits him better in the future. But in any case, his story reflects the confusion and struggle of many highly educated people in today's society with their career choices. This is not only an individual problem, but also a problem that society needs to face and solve together.

In the end, he hopes to be able to find his true career niche through trial and exploration, rather than being stuck in his current job. Everyone has the right to pursue their dreams, and only by continuous efforts and persistence can they find their own piece of the sky in their careers.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

Dear readers, what do you think of the career confusion of this 985 master? Do you think a high degree of education means that you have to work in a high-level job? Welcome to share your views and suggestions in the comment area, and let us discuss the career development path of highly educated talents.

After graduating from the 985 Master of Pharmacy, the high-achieving students were actually responsible for taking medicines for patients in the hospital pharmacy

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