
On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

author:Heavy rain drama can be said
On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

The rise and fall of the entertainment industry, who is in charge of the ups and downs?

Have you ever been fooled by the aura of those stars? thought everything was smooth sailing, but I don't know how many ups and downs and struggles they went through behind them. Today, let's uncover the truth behind the stars in the entertainment industry and see what kind of life mysteries are hidden in this big dye vat.

Let's talk about Wang Baoqiang first, this "grassroots star" who was once labeled as "rustic" and "stupid". With the image of the stupid root in "No Thieves in the World", he officially entered the public eye, and then shined in works such as "Soldier Assault" and "People in Embarrassment" and established his star status.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

At that time, people's impression of him was nothing more than the labels of "dirt" and "stupid". However, Wang Baoqiang was not limited by these labels, but chose to use his own strength to prove himself. Through continuous efforts, he finally got rid of those negative labels and transformed into the business elite he is today.

In a recent star golf tournament, we saw Wang Baoqiang's transformation. He wore a neat and neat uniform, his swing was smart and neat, and his expression was calm and confident, completely showing an elite temperament. Many netizens lamented that Baoqiang also "mixed" in the business elite circle, which is undoubtedly a huge achievement for the former "rustic" students.

In contrast, the former "pride of the sky" article was not so lucky.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

The article once "called for wind and rain" in the entertainment industry, and with the popularity of the TV series "Struggle" and "The Age of Naked Marriage", he became one of the most watched stars at that time. At that time, he was arrogant on any occasion, as if he showed his status as a big name in every gesture.

However, just when his career was at a high level, the article fell into the whirlpool of "derailment scandal". This incident completely subverted his image and once became a "negative teaching material" in the entertainment industry. Even with the help of his wife Ma Yili to regain a foothold, a few years later, the two still came to the point of "the end of the song and the end of the song".

Since then, the article's situation has taken a turn for the worse. This former "pride of the sky" has become a "defeated rooster", and he no longer has the arrogance of the past.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

In this golf tournament, when the article stood side by side with bigwigs in the circle such as Wang Zhiwen and Zhang Jiayi, his every move revealed a sense of inferiority. Whether on the pitch or after entering the infield, his caution and restraint are like his former self.

Looking at the intimate interaction of other celebrities around him, the article could only stand by cautiously and look like "listening carefully". His former pride and self-confidence have now been swept away, replaced by a full of helplessness and loneliness.

All this is the result of the "self-inflicted consequences" of the article. The big dye vat of the entertainment industry has always been "30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi". When he is stuck in the quagmire and desperately tries to regain his footing, he finds that he has become "inferior".

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

A "proud son of the sky" who was once sought after by tens of thousands of people has now been reduced to a "shrunken state", which is really embarrassing.

So, what kind of life philosophy is hidden in what happened to Wang Baoqiang and the article?

I understood a truth a long time ago: in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, if you want to succeed, it is not enough to rely on professional skills alone, but more importantly, you must have correct values and outlook on life, and be a person with both ability and political integrity.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

We often say that "learning art first learns morality", which is the life creed that I have always adhered to. Only by combining "morality" and "talent" can we truly gain a foothold in this rapidly changing industry and achieve sustainable development.

Just look at Wang Baoqiang's experience. He was labeled as "dirty" and "stupid" at the beginning, but he was not bound by these negative factors. On the contrary, he chose to continuously improve his professional skills and character cultivation through his own efforts, and eventually grew into a big star with the temperament of a business elite.

This indomitable and courageous spirit is exactly what each of us practitioners should learn from him. Even in the face of setbacks, as long as we stick to the right path, we will eventually achieve success and complete our merits.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

On the other hand, he had a bright future, who would have thought that he would fall to the point where he is now. This is really embarrassing. The reason why he fell into such a predicament is that he did not really "learn art and morality first".

When the article's career took off, he made a moral behavior in his life. This "wrong move" eventually led to his "losing all the games". From "arrogant" to today's "submissive", his vicissitudes of life are undoubtedly a great warning to us.

We are in the entertainment industry, and while it is important to pursue professional skills, it is more important to establish the right outlook on life and values. Only by achieving "both ability and political integrity" can we get real success and respect in this big dye vat.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

Otherwise, one wrong step like the article, and finally become a "defeated rooster", that is the most tragic end.

Therefore, the encounter between Wang Baoqiang and the article just illustrates this truth. One keeps forging ahead with his own strength and responsibility, while the other is self-defeating because of a momentary selfish desire. This is the contest between "morality" and "talent" in the big dye vat of the entertainment industry.

Each of us should take this as a warning and always keep in mind the truth of "learning art before learning morality". Only in this way can we make steady progress in this rapidly changing industry and gradually realize the sublimation of self-worth.

On the golf course, the gap between Wang Baoqiang's elite temperament and the submissiveness of the article is clear at a glance

I believe that through today's golf tournament, we can finally understand that true success lies not only in professional skills, but also in our own character cultivation. Only by achieving "both ability and political integrity" can we become more and more courageous in this big dye vat, and eventually become a leader in the industry.

Isn't this the ideal that every practitioner should pursue? Let's work together to create our own brilliance!

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