
High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

author:Fat Tao's own place

The summer is scorching, and the high temperature "bakes" every middle-aged and elderly friend. In such weather, diet is especially important.

Do you know? There are some foods that are not the best choice for middle-aged and elderly friends in the summer, such as watermelon and beef.

So, how do we choose food to cool off the summer and let middle-aged and elderly friends spend the summer refreshingly? Today, I will reveal 5 magic weapons for you to beat the heat!

Why do middle-aged and elderly people eat less watermelon and beef?

Although watermelon is sweet and juicy, middle-aged and elderly friends should eat it in moderation in summer. Because watermelon is a cold fruit, excessive consumption is easy to hurt the spleen and stomach, resulting in diarrhea, abdominal pain and other uncomfortable symptoms.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Beef is a high-protein food, in the hot summer, the body's metabolism is accelerated, the digestive function is relatively weak, too much intake of high-protein food will increase the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, is not conducive to health.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

5 magic weapons to help you cool off the summer!

Magic weapon 1: Drink mung bean soup

Mung bean has the effect of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, and is a good product to cool off in summer. Middle-aged and elderly friends can drink mung bean soup in moderation, which can not only replenish water, but also quench thirst.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Magic weapon 2: winter melon pork rib soup

Winter melon is cool in nature, and has the effect of diuresis and swelling, clearing heat and relieving heat. Paired with pork ribs to make soup, it can not only replenish calcium, but also relieve fatigue. Middle-aged and elderly friends can drink more winter melon pork rib soup in summer, which is both delicious and healthy.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Magic weapon three: scrambled eggs with bitter gourd

Although bitter gourd has a bitter taste, it has the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, lowering blood sugar and lowering blood lipids. Scrambled with eggs can not only neutralize the bitter taste of bitter gourd, but also increase nutrition. Middle-aged and elderly friends can eat bitter gourd scrambled eggs in moderation in summer, which is both healthy and delicious.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Magic weapon four: cold bitter chrysanthemum

Bitter chrysanthemum is a cold dish, the main raw materials are bitter chrysanthemum, peanuts, salt, this dish is simple, has antibacterial, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, bright eyes and other effects.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Magic weapon five: cucumber mixed with fungus

Cucumber and fungus are common ingredients in summer, which have the effects of clearing heat and detoxifying, diuresis and swelling, moistening the lungs and relieving cough. The combination of cucumber and fungus is refreshing, delicious and nutritious. Middle-aged and elderly friends can eat more cucumbers mixed with fungus in summer, which is delicious and healthy.

High temperature "baking" test! Health tips for middle-aged and elderly people: Avoid watermelon and beef, and cool the summer with 5 dishes

Dietary precautions for middle-aged and elderly people in summer

In addition to the above 5 magic weapons to cool off, middle-aged and elderly friends should also pay attention to the following points in summer:

1. Eat a light diet and avoid greasy, spicy and irritating foods;

2. Eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and supplement vitamins and minerals;

3. Supplement high-quality protein in moderation, such as fish, shrimp, lean meat, etc.;

4. Pay attention to food hygiene to avoid food poisoning;

5. Maintain adequate water intake to prevent dehydration.

Friends in front of the screen, do you have a home-cooked summer summer meal, you can also send it out for everyone to learn and learn!

#头条创作挑战赛##记录我的2024##在头条看见彼此##凉拌苦瓜, clear the heat and remove the fire, the most suitable for eating in summer#

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