
Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

author:It's been a long time, it's been a long time

In the midst of a heated discussion, the captain and the first mate on the rostrum stood together and whispered, as for what was said, although I could not hear the conversation between the two men clearly, I must be able to understand the first mate's desire to pursue the right of the shipowner's representative at this moment. Soon, the first mate returned to his seat, and when he walked next to me, he looked at me sitting in the same place in a daze, and the first mate seemed to laugh at me and said directly, "Second officer, I suggest that you don't stay on the rostrum, since you have been dismissed from the position of the owner's representative by the company, it is not suitable for you to stay here as an ordinary second officer, after all, the second engineer of the engine room department is sitting under the stage, and now the two of you are of the same level, you better hurry down, so as not to be ugly for a while"! Listening to the first mate's contemptuous voice, before I could speak, the captain said directly, "Okay, let's be quiet!" I was going to give you a little more time, just the first mate found me to chat, the first mate is still more responsible, and has investigated this matter in private, as the so-called opportunities are reserved for those who are prepared, since the first mate has investigated clearly in advance, the position of the shipowner's representative is estimated to be left to the first mate, and we will now listen to the results of the first officer's investigation"! After hearing the captain say this, the atmosphere of the scene suddenly quieted down, looking at the chef sitting in the corner of the stage seemed to have a posture of closing his eyes and recuperating his mind, especially calm, giving people a confident appearance, it seemed that everything was within the scope of his expectations, that is, the chef's performance instantly made me impressed.

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

Soon the captain spoke, only to see the captain first look at me and then said, "When it was just announced that the second officer was dismissed, I saw that the emotions of the brothers did not seem to be right, in fact, to be honest, I don't believe that the matter of beating me has anything to do with the second officer, after all, the second officer is also a person with a pattern, but the company believes it and there is no way!" Since the first mate is very clear about this matter, let's listen to the opinion of the first mate, the first mate is not a party, and the results of his investigation must be credible"! After finishing speaking, the captain looked directly at the first mate and said, "First mate, tell me if the second officer is the mastermind about beating me!" After hearing the captain's inquiry, the first mate at this moment seemed to be confident that he would be the representative of the shipowner, and after standing up, he first tidied up his clothes and then cleared his throat and said very calmly, "Okay, since the captain asked me to announce the results of the investigation of this matter, then I am not welcome, yes, I was really shocked that night after I learned that the captain was beaten, after all, the captain had just been on the ship for a long time, and he didn't know much about the captain's situation, As the first mate, I naturally have the responsibility to investigate this matter clearly and give the captain an explanation, so I began to investigate secretly without the permission of the captain, I am completely responsible for what I said next, in fact, the two sailors who beat the captain are two sailors, and the second officer has nothing to do with it, and the second officer is not the so-called mastermind, just now I also saw everyone's reaction, especially when the captain announced that the second officer was removed from the position of the owner's representative, many people think it is incredible, but think about it on the other hand, even if this matter has nothing to do with the second officer, However, the second officer also has a certain degree of management negligence, and during the period of concurrently serving as the owner's representative, there was a beating of the captain on the ship, which is a serious breach of responsibility, so I understand the company's decision"!

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

After hearing the first mate say this, after all, the first mate is the boss of the deck department, and the work arrangement and supervision of the sailors are usually carried out by the first mate, maybe the first mate usually has a bad impression in the hearts of the brothers, and instantly the audience made a "huh" sound, feeling this embarrassing scene, the first mate not only was not embarrassed, but sat down after waving his hand to everyone, seeing this scene, the captain continued, "First mate, your investigation results are inevitably too simple!" If you are asked to take on the position of the owner's representative, it will be difficult to convince the public! Since the fact that I was beaten had nothing to do with the second mate, why did the two sailors beat me? You also said that I had only been on the ship for a few days, and I had not interacted with the sailors much, let alone had direct conflicts, so why did the two of them beat me? Just now, the local sailor Xiao Liu himself said that he wanted to take a vacation and didn't want to work on the ship, so he beat me up and asked to be fired from the company, this reason is obviously nonsense, you can tell me, why did the two sailors beat me"? Hearing the captain ask again, the first mate did not panic at all, but a particularly confident attitude, and stood up from his seat again, at this moment the old track on my right seems to have found an abnormality, after all, it was originally a serious meeting of the whole ship, and at this moment it seems to have become a double cross talk between the captain and the first mate, I saw the old track cover his face and secretly looked at me and gave me a meaningful expression, and I also subconsciously communicated with him with his eyes, and the old track at this moment seemed to understand everything, The smile on his face was so palpable. What happens next? I go on.

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

At this moment, the first mate only has the position of the shipowner's representative in his eyes, after all, after taking this position, not only has his power become bigger, his salary has increased, and he has more contact with the company's leaders, so the first mate didn't realize that this was a conspiracy at all, and still stood up and said generously, "Actually, this matter has nothing to do with the second officer, and it's not right!" We are often on the ship, and we must know the relationship between the sailor Xiao Liu and the second officer, I am sure that the two of them must have known each other before getting on the ship, and everyone should have an impression of the daughter-in-law of the second officer on the ship some time ago! The second mate's daughter-in-law directly called out the name of sailor Xiao Liu, it is obvious that the two of them are not a simple colleague relationship at all, I often deal with sailors on the deck, and I usually have more contact with boatswain Xiao Liu, and I often hear boatswain Xiao Liu say that he has a relationship with the second mate, so the relationship between the two of them is very iron is an indisputable fact"! When he said this, the first mate hesitated for a moment, and then glanced at the captain, who immediately understood what he meant and responded immediately, "It's okay, you just say it, you know everything, you say everything!" After getting the captain's instructions, the first mate continued, "There are still some things that may not be known to the brothers here, this time our new captain came on board, the second officer performed extremely unqualified, as the owner's representative, he should have cooperated with the captain's work, but he fought against the captain everywhere, and even fought openly with the captain, that is, because of this situation, sailor Xiao Liu chose such an irrational method in order to please the second officer, in order to be angry with his so-called good brother, that is, to beat the captain"! After finishing speaking, the first mate looked at me very hypocritically and said, "I'm sorry, second, the captain asked me to say it, I just told the truth, don't be weird"! Looking at the appearance of the first mate, I secretly thought to myself, "Let you get lucky for a while, and after a while, you will find yourself falling into the captain's trap"! Looking at the posture of the first mate, after all, at this moment, my position as the owner's representative has been dismissed, and he is an ordinary second officer, so he naturally does not dare to be tough, so he sighed deeply and said, "Say whatever you want!" My body is not afraid of the shadow, as for the purpose of the sailor Xiao Liu's beating, I don't know at all, whether it is to give me anger or not, I don't know at all"!

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

Looking at me with a helpless attitude, the first mate smiled and said, "Second brother, don't be angry, to tell you the truth, in fact, it is really an honor for you to have such a good brother on the ship"! Feeling the majestic posture of the first mate, Xiao Liu, the boatswain standing in the audience, seemed to be unable to listen to it, and directly said angrily, "Don't be nonsense, how do you want to punish you, just come, let me emphasize to you, I beat the people, I did the things, and it has nothing to do with anyone"! Looking at the angry posture of the sailor Xiao Liu, the captain on the rostrum also stood up at this moment, looked at the first mate in front of the big guy and said, "Listening to your analysis, it does make sense, it is worthy of being the first mate, the ability to investigate things is strong, I believe that you are fully capable of serving as the representative of this shipowner, as you said, I did have a little unpleasant trouble with the second mate before, but this matter has already been said, and the relationship between the second mate and the sailor is also very good, which everyone knows, the sailor beat me up in order to give the second mate anger, But one thing is still not true, I had an unpleasant incident with the second mate, and few people on the whole ship knew about it, how did sailor Xiao Liu know? You can't figure out these situations! That's not the result of the survey! This can only be the result of reasoning, if it is really your reasoning, then it seems a bit reluctant to let you be the representative of this shipowner"! After finishing speaking, the first mate was silent all of a sudden, the tangled expression on his face was so obvious, seeing this situation, the captain immediately shifted his gaze to me in order to break the first mate's concerns, and deliberately asked, "Second brother, did you tell sailor Xiao Liu about the matter between the two of us?" After hearing the captain's inquiry, I said directly, "I didn't, after all, this is not a good thing, I know that the sailor Xiao Liu's mouth is fast, for the stability and unity of the ship, I can't tell Xiao Liu this kind of bad thing, you better ask him yourself!" He himself must have known how he knew this"! After hearing me say this, the captain immediately looked at the sailor Xiao Liu, and instantly changed his attitude and said, "Give you another chance, if you grasp it, I can apply to the company to reduce the punishment for your behavior, as for whether you tell the truth or not, you can do it yourself!" The main purpose of saying this is to let the sailor Xiao Liu say in front of the big guy that it was the first mate who told him about it, and the first mate was sowing discord behind his back. What I never expected was that the simple sailor Xiao Liu didn't seem to see that this was a trap, in order not to let the first mate serve as the representative of the shipowner, the sailor Xiao Liu directly chose to lie, only to see him look at the captain and said, "Captain, what the first mate just said is made up by himself, and no one told me about the conflict between you and the second brother, but I heard it myself, some time ago in the port of India, the female leader of the company got on the ship, and I heard this situation by chance when I got off the ship, so the first mate is not qualified to serve as the representative of the shipowner." , he doesn't have a brain at all, he can't do it, he will only fool you"!

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

After hearing sailor Xiao Liu say this, the captain also seemed very surprised, after all, everything is completely different from our previous plan, looking at the sailor Xiao Liu standing in the audience really made me very angry, it is really not enough to succeed and more than to lose, I have to lie when I should tell the truth, which is for my good! Isn't that hurting me? If sailor Xiao Liu didn't tell the ugly behavior of the first mate in front of everyone, wouldn't our scene today be in vain? Even if it was difficult for us to end the situation, we could only follow the captain's wishes and remove ourselves from the position of the owner's representative, which is really infuriating to think of this. Looking at the captain's equally surprised expression, but the captain is the captain after all, he is very calm at the moment, after hearing the sailor Xiao Liu say this, the captain sneered and said, "Okay, everyone, about the incident of my beating, I have also investigated it in front of everyone today, although there are still some things that have not been clarified, but at least the beater has been found, and the results of the treatment have come down, so this matter will end here!" Thank you for your concern, after today, no one should talk about this matter, so as not to bring a bad atmosphere to our ship, and once I find out, I will definitely not spare it"! After hearing the captain's summary, several brothers from the engine room department at the scene looked at the captain and suddenly shouted, "Captain, the matter of your beating has been dealt with, and the position of the shipowner's representative has not yet been determined!" Who will be the representative of this shipowner on board in the future! Is there no such position for the time being"! In fact, I understand the captain's heart at the moment, after all, the sailor Xiao Liu did not cooperate, there was a mistake in the middle, the captain deliberately did not mention this matter is to let everyone ignore this matter and continue to keep my position as the owner's representative, I never thought that someone in the conference room suddenly mentioned it publicly, that is, this situation made the captain instantly become ignorant of measures, and soon the captain said very calmly, "As for the position of the shipowner's representative, or that sentence, the first mate did not fully investigate this matter, but his reasoning, So it's not too rational to let him serve, after the meeting, I called the company to discuss, since today's conference room can't determine the right person, I want to listen to the company's opinion, let the company appoint! In addition, if you are interested in thinking that you have outstanding ability, you can stand up and run, the position of the shipowner's representative is not particular about the level of the position, and it is not a senior crew member to run, even if you are an intern on board as long as you are capable, you can also hold it"! After hearing the captain say this, after all, who is not moved by such a good thing! The scene instantly erupted in heated discussions.

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

At this moment, the first mate, who had been silent, suddenly stood up and said loudly, "Captain, sailor Xiao Liu didn't tell the truth just now, this matter is not his hearsay at all, and I am responsible for my own remarks, I am not reasoning at all but the result of the investigation"! Suddenly, I heard the first mate speak, and the scene was quiet again, and at this moment, the captain instantly changed his attitude, and shouted directly with a little anger, "First mate, what do you mean?" I just said that the incident of my beating is completely over, and no one should mention it again, so what does it mean for you to suddenly stand up and say this? Do you have proof"? Looking at the captain's tantrum posture, the first mate asked directly, "Captain, does what you just said still count?" Whoever investigates this matter clearly, the position of the shipowner's representative will be given to whomever it is"! Looking at the appearance of the first mate who is eager to get the position of the shipowner's representative at the moment, after all, he also knows that once he can't get it today, he basically has nothing to do with himself when he is appointed by the company, looking at the appearance of the first mate, the captain quietly glanced at me and seemed to feel hope, and directly patted the table and said, "Manly, the man's words count!" If you really come up with evidence, if you really investigate this matter completely clearly, I will make a decision on the position of the shipowner's representative today, and I will announce on the spot that you will take office"! After listening to the captain say this, it was obvious that he was agitating the first mate, and the first mate seemed to be irrational at the moment, and the desire for power in his eyes was so obvious, what would happen next? I go on.

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

After hearing the captain say this, the first mate immediately looked at the sailor Xiao Liu and confronted, "Shuitou, how can you talk nonsense, who did you listen to about the contradiction between the captain and the second officer?" Why don't you tell the truth! The last time I docked at the port in India, the female leader of the company was on the ship for a day, how could I have contact with you, even at the gangway, you may encounter the female leader of the company, one is the captain and the other is the owner of the ship, and the two of them have a conflict, which has a great impact on the company, and the female leader is so shrewd that she can discuss this matter in public! You are clearly talking nonsense, this matter is not your hearsay at all, don't you yourself admit that it is hearsay? Now in front of everyone? Let's talk about who you listened to, and if you say your name specifically, let's ask him on the spot!" That is, these words of the first mate suddenly made the sailor Xiao Liu Yi speechless, and soon the captain answered, "It seems that you have really investigated this matter!" Since you said that sailor Xiao Liu is talking nonsense, then you tell the truth and show the evidence directly"! After hearing the captain say this, the first mate hesitated for a moment, then looked at the captain and said, "Sailor Xiao Liu is nonsense, he doesn't want to see the second officer dismissed as the owner's representative, he doesn't want me to take this position, so nonsense"! After hearing the first mate say this, sailor Xiao Liu immediately quibbled, "Who is, what I said is the truth, anyway, you are the first to be unconvinced as the representative of this shipowner"! Hearing the speech of sailor Xiao Liu, the first mate directly replied, "It doesn't matter if you are convinced or not, you must know that you beat the captain with your hands, and you are a person who is about to be fired"!

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

Sensing the quarrel between the two people, the captain seemed to have lost patience and yelled directly, "Shut up for me!" First mate, if you have something, just talk about it, let's break up if you have nothing to do, if you want to fight for the position of the shipowner's representative, take out the evidence, the matter is investigated clearly, and now no one is so idle and willing to listen to the two of you talking here"! Feeling the captain's criticism of the first mate, sailor Xiao Liu seemed to be very lucky and directly followed the captain's words and said, "That is, I don't have the ability to still want to be the representative of this shipowner, it's really a fantasy"! Hearing sailor Xiao Liu laughing at him again, the first mate directly changed his attitude and said, "Don't you want to stop me from serving as the shipowner's representative?" I have to fight for it today, that night, who told you these things, and you also asked the captain if he had any background in the company, worried that if the captain had a background, the consequences would be very serious once you did it"! After hearing the first mate say this, I suddenly saw hope, and went around and around, I originally wanted sailor Xiao Liu to tell the truth, but I didn't expect that in the end it was the first mate himself who admitted it, and the effect was even better than I imagined. As the saying goes, "people are doing the sky and watching", at this moment it is vividly reflected in the body of the first mate, and soon the captain looked at me and then looked at the first mate and said, "What do you mean"? Before the captain finished speaking, the first mate said directly, "Captain, in fact, it was the sailor Xiao Liu I told about the contradiction between you and the second mate, and I didn't take the initiative to say it, it was the sailor Xiao Liu who asked about it himself, so I am relatively clear about the whole thing, what I just said is by no means my own reasoning, but the actual situation"! When the first mate said this, the scene was not quiet all of a sudden, especially the chef sitting in the corner had even begun to smoke to celebrate, and the rostrum at the moment was also very exciting, Lao Liang kept secretly giving me a thumbs up while smiling, and the captain looked at me with a look of admiration. After the captain hesitated for a moment, he quickly calmed down, looked at the first mate and said, "As a senior sailor, you are also the first mate on the ship, and the contradiction between me and the representative of the shipowner, why do you want to tell the sailor Xiao Liu?" Don't you know the rules and regulations on board? Don't you know the company's confidentiality policy? What kind of heart are you?"

Issue 540 ~ deep-sea voyage, the design seeks to let the first mate take the initiative to explain his problems, and the process is happy

After hearing the captain's inquiry, looking at the first mate's stunned posture for an instant, the eyes of the whole room were looking at the first mate at this moment, but the chef sitting in the corner of the conference room seemed to be unable to sit still, only to see him sneaking around the side of the sailor Xiao Liu from behind, and the two of them whispered. Seeing this scene, I naturally understood the reason for the chef's behavior, and soon the sailor Xiao Liu suddenly understood, and directly opened his mouth and said loudly, "Captain, I really lied just now, in fact, all this is the conspiracy of the first mate, it was he who told me the contradiction between you and the representative of the shipowner, and also magnified your contradiction, it is because he said that you are particularly bad, and the second mate is particularly pitiful, I just lost my mind for a while and blackened you, I am fully responsible for what I say now, and this sailor Xiao Wang can also testify, Because when I consulted with him, I once relayed to him what the first mate said to me"! After hearing sailor Xiao Liu say this, the scene instantly boiled, and the first mate at this moment immediately became uneasy, as if he had realized that there was a problem. Soon the captain waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and then concluded, "I seem to have understood now, the first mate deliberately told Xiao Liu about the contradiction between me and the representative of the shipowner, and also magnified the matter between us, sowing discord in the middle, causing the sailor Xiao Liu to lose his mind and beat me"! After summing up, he deliberately looked at the first mate and asked, "First mate, is the truth like this?" Looking at the captain's different posture, the first mate at this moment instantly became spitting, although he still wanted to quibble, but his unconfident posture had completely betrayed him. Soon, the captain smiled and looked at me and said, "Brother Xiao Chen, you are the representative of the shipowner, what are you still sitting for!" The matter has been investigated, shouldn't you stand up and make a summary"! After hearing the captain say this, the scene was instantly stunned, not only the brothers at the scene were in disbelief, but also the expression on the face of the first mate next to him was so ugly. (To be continued)

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