
Microfiction|Bringing the wolf into the room

author:Half a cup of tea is a tribute to the passing year


Microfiction|Bringing the wolf into the room

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In the early spring of this year, Zhao Dahai went to his parents' house early in the morning after busy spring planting, ready to ask his parents to help him take care of the two children, and he took his wife Li Xiaolan to work in the city to earn some pocket money.

The mother said, "Poor families are rich, you must work hard outside, cause less trouble, and go home safely." ”

Zhao Dahai said: "Hey, mother, don't worry. Xiaolan and I are not people looking for trouble, earn more, and this year's New Year is better than a rich year. ”

My father said, "Whether you earn money or not, you have to come back early, and there is no shortage of food for you at home." ”

Zhao Dahai and Li Xiaolan hurriedly said, "Hey, Dad, we have all written it down." ”

The next day, Zhao Dahai and his family sent a pair of children to their parents' house and then went to Wuhan with their luggage.

Zhao Dahai, an interior painter, quickly found a job and joined a team at a renovation company.

Li Xiaolan had no skills, went to a few restaurants, and the dishwasher earned too little, so she went to the construction site and carried steel bars and pushed bricks on the construction site like a man.

Both of them had jobs, so they rented an empty house in a nearby residential area and started their working life.

Although Li Xiaolan came from the countryside, after all, she only did some farm work in the fields in her hometown, and a thin woman in her thirties did not have much energy. But in order to get paid, she gritted her teeth and persisted every day.

Every time she dragged a large bundle of heavy steel and timber, mixed with the stout gentlemen, and walked on the uneven and dusty construction site, she was tired and sweaty, and staggered.

That day, she staggered forward with a bundle of steel bars, when suddenly, a brick buried in the ground with only a corner exposed, stumbled and fell to the ground.

Everyone was busy with their own work, and she tried to get up in pain, but she couldn't get up. At this time, a worker named Zhang Shucheng ran over to help her up and helped her carry the steel bar on her back.

After coming and going, the two became familiar with each other. After nagging, I found out that they were still fellow villagers, and the two families were less than ten miles apart.

They all work in a foreign land, and when they see their fellow villagers, they are not tearful, but they are also very close. The two are commensurate with brother and sister, Li Xiaolan called Zhang Shu to become Brother Shucheng, and Zhang Shucheng called Li Xiaolan Xiaolan's sister.

I was very happy to recognize a fellow brother Li Xiaolan, and I learned this from Zhao Dahai when I went home.

Zhao Dahai said: "I've always been worried that you will be bullied at the construction site, but this time I recognized a brother, and I was relieved." One day, let's buy some good food and invite Brother Shucheng to come to the house for a meal, and I have to be grateful. ”

Li Xiaolan immediately agreed, saying, "Okay, then Sunday!" You had a day off, and we had the afternoon off. ”

Zhao Dahai said: "Okay, just Zhou Tian." I'll buy another bottle of good wine and have another good drink with Brother Shucheng. ”

In a blink of an eye, on Sunday, Zhang Shucheng came to their rented house at the invitation of Li Xiaolan, and the three of them had a lively meal of confession.

During the banquet, Zhao Dahai and Zhang Shucheng pushed the cups and changed the lamps, and drank a bottle of two pots cleanly. In the end, the two of them also took advantage of the wine to worship their brothers, which was even closer than their own brothers.

Since eating the confession meal, Zhao Dahai often asked Li Xiaolan to call Zhang Shucheng to come to the house for dinner and drinking, and their relationship has become better and better.

That day, Zhang Shucheng and Li Xiaolan rested at the construction site. Li Xiaolan saw that Zhang Shucheng was sullen and sighed, so she asked him: "Brother Shucheng, what unhappy things have you encountered, why are you unhappy these days?" ”

Zhang Shucheng said: "The landlord sold the house and asked me to find a house, urging me to move every day for the past few days, and I have not yet found a new place to live." ”

Li Xiaolan said: "Don't worry, I'll go back to the sea and ask you to see if there is a house to rent nearby." ”

Zhang Shucheng said: "Okay, you can help my brother ask, it would be better to live close to you." ”

When she went home in the evening, Li Xiaolan and Zhao Dahai talked about helping Zhang Shucheng find a house.

Zhao Dahai said: "Now is not the time to rent a house, it is indeed difficult to find a house. It's better to clean up our side house and let Brother Shucheng live in, and we can take care of each other. ”

Li Xiaolan said: "How to calculate the rent? ”

Zhao Dahai said: "He pays one-third of our rent." ”

"What about eating?" Li Xiaolan asked the sea again.

The sea said, "Eating is a matter of adding a pair of chopsticks." If he wants to, he will buy some food occasionally, and if he doesn't want to, let's eat whatever he wants, so he will eat something! ”

Li Xiaolan said: "Okay, then I'll talk to Brother Shucheng tomorrow." ”

Zhao Dahai said: "Okay, after eating, let's clean up the side room." ”

After eating, Zhao Dahai and Li Xiaolan were in a hurry, moving, lifting, and throwing, and finally cleaned out the dusty side room full of things.

Early the next morning, as soon as Li Xiaolan arrived at the construction site, she told him about Zhao Dahai letting Zhang Shucheng move to her own house, Zhang Shucheng was very happy and said: "Thank you, sister, we can be together every day in the future, great!" ”

In the evening, Zhang Shucheng moved to the side house of Zhao Dahai and Li Xiaolan's house with the help of Li Xiaolan, and ate with them every day.

After Zhang Shucheng moved over, he gave them half a year's rent at one time, but he didn't buy vegetables once.

Zhao Dahai and Li Xiaolan didn't bother with him, Zhao Dahai dragged him to take care of Xiaolan. Zhang Shucheng promised to go with Xiaolan in the morning and go back together in the evening every day, and he often helped Xiaolan at ordinary times.

Li Xiaolan often said to Zhao Dahai that it was really their blessing to meet Brother Shucheng, and now that Brother Shucheng helped, she was not so tired from working, and the three of them got along like a family.

That night, Zhang Shucheng bought a roast chicken outside, bought tofu and peanuts, and bought a bottle of liquor.

Full of wine and food, Zhao Dahai and Xiaolan both drank a little too much. Zhang Shucheng asked them to go back to the house to rest, and he came to clean up.

Sleeping until midnight, Zhao Dahai, who was awakened by urine, heard his wife's cry for help outside. He stood up in a daze and found that his wife was really not there. So, he followed the voice to find his wife.

He found that his wife's call was in Zhang Shucheng's room, he slammed open the door and found that his wife was being pressed under Zhang Shucheng and bullied.

He hurriedly rushed over to beat Zhang Shucheng, but his wife's eyes were full of tears, and she shook her head and said, "Don't be husband." ”

Zhang Shucheng got up from Li Xiaolan's body, walked to Zhao Dahai, and said as if no one was around: "Brother Dahai, Xiaolan will be the two of us in the future." ”

Zhao Dahai's eyes were red, and he raised his fist and said, "You dare, Wang Ba Lizi, it is in vain that the two of us are so good to you." ”

Zhang Shucheng walked up to Zhao Dahai and said while lifting his pants: "If you dare not agree, then try." ”

At this time, Xiaolan had already dressed and walked over with a cloak, she pulled Zhao Dahai and said, "Husband, let's go." ”

Back in their house, the couple hugged and cried. Li Xiaolan said: "I'll avoid him in the future, don't mess with him, he is taller and stronger than you, and he can't beat him." ”

Then, Xiaolan pulled her husband again and said, "The sea, the two of us have to be well, I only have you in my heart, let's take care of him." ”

Zhao Dahai gradually calmed down his anger under Xiaolan's appeasement, and acquiesced in Zhang Shucheng's evil behavior towards his wife this time.

However, Zhang Shucheng, who tasted the sweetness, did not stop there, but intensified it. When he wanted Li Xiaolan, he went to bang on the door of Zhao Dahai's bedroom, if Li Xiaolan didn't come out, he would make trouble in the yard, no matter what time it was. provoked the neighbors to come to them and drive them out.

Zhao Dahai tried to drive Zhang Shucheng away, but he was beaten by others and his nose and face were swollen, not to mention, Zhang Shucheng also threatened to drive him again, and he completely took Xiaolan for himself.

Zhao Dahai, who was a nest, was afraid of losing his wife, so he could only watch Xiaolan being taken away in his house again and again.

Once, Zhang Shucheng drank too much wine and pressed Xiaolan on Zhao Dahai's bed and committed violence. The sea blocked him, and he kicked him under the bed.

Zhao Dahai really had no choice, so he went to the construction site and found Zhang Shucheng's foreman, hoping that he could deal with Zhang Shucheng.

But the foreman said that he did not have this right, and persuaded Zhao Dahai and his wife to call the police. But the couple thought that they had no evidence in their hands, so they gave up the idea of calling the police.

The cowardice of Zhao Dahai and his wife made Zhang Shucheng even more reckless, and he stopped work at noon at the construction site, and he also put Xiaolan to sleep, and he was ashamed to say to his coworkers that Xiaolan is now his woman, and he can sleep as much as he wants.

Xiaolan, who dared to be angry and didn't dare to speak, became more and more haggard, and Zhao Dahai, who was in a trance, was also in a trance because of her sadness, and the life of the two of them was miserable.

The summer vacation is coming, and the parents call their daughters to miss them and want to stay for a while. As soon as the husband and wife combined, they just took advantage of their daughter to kick Zhang Shucheng out.

This time, Zhang Shucheng was very cooperative, but just smiled weirdly.

A few days later, the couple picked up their 10-year-old daughter, who was bouncing around. Seeing the cute children like flowers, the couple who had been in a gloomy mood for a long time finally had a smile on their faces, and they lived happily for three days.

On the fourth day, when Zhao Dahai got off work, he saw Zhang Shucheng standing at the door of the house with a grass in his mouth and a wicked smile.

Zhao Dahai said: "My daughter lives here, you leave quickly." ”

Zhang Shucheng said: "I'm not at your house, I rented the house upstairs from your house, Xiaolan sleeps with me tonight, if you don't agree, I will go to your house with you during the Spring Festival, and sleep Xiaolan in front of your parents." ”

Zhao Dahai looked at Zhang Shucheng's scoundrel appearance, looked at his wife Xiaolan's numbness and resignation, his head was clenched, and his hand holding his fist was already green at this time, he really wanted to beat the disgusting man in front of him to death.

Zhang Shucheng saw that Zhao Dahai no longer squeaked, pulled up Li Xiaolan and went upstairs.

Li Xiaolan was afraid that Zhao Dahai would cause trouble impulsively, so she staggered while being pulled by Zhang Shucheng, looked back at Zhao Dahai, shook her head and said, "Don't." ”

That night, Elaine Lee did not return. Zhao Dahai stood in the courtyard and saw Zhang Shucheng upstairs ravaging Xiaolan over and over again.

He walked out of the yard and went to the supermarket to buy a bottle of liquor and a hammer.

When he returned, he shut himself up in the house and drank sullen wine.

At midnight, Zhao Dahai, who had drunk half a bottle of wine, walked into Zhang Shucheng's room with a hammer. He looked at his wife curled up in the corner of the bed, and looked at Zhang Shucheng, who was sleeping like a dead pig after eating Xiaolan, he took out a hammer and hammered it hard at his head.

The room was very quiet, and after listening to a muffled snort, a stream of blood meandered down Zhang Shucheng's head and fell to the bed and the ground......


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