
In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

author:Great power loves money


According to the Shaanxi Metropolis Channel, an 8-year-old boy who was treated in a hospital in Xi'an was blinded for life because he swallowed the desiccant in the food, which caused his eyeball to dissolve.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

In fact, in our daily life, although we can not often encounter these desiccant, but as long as we touch it, the harm that may be caused is really not small, so how harmful are these seemingly harmless desiccant, are they not good?

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

An 8-year-old boy suffered from eye lysis due to exposure to food desiccant.

The 8-year-old boy is from Xixian New District, Xi'an City, his name is "Li Bo", and the reason for the incident may make everyone feel incredible, he is because when eating snacks, the desiccant in the food is also swallowed, this seemingly harmless Hutou brand snack packaging in the desiccant, when it appeared in front of the boy, it became a great poison.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

It turns out that the main ingredient in the desiccant is lime powder, and once it comes into contact with moisture, lime powder will quickly absorb it, so that a chemical reaction will occur, and this chemical reaction will explode quickly.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

Because lime itself contains a lot of water, once it absorbs water with the desiccant, the temperature will rise rapidly, and the temperature rise will even reach more than 200 degrees Celsius, and naturally the bottle will explode.

When this kind of explosion occurs, it will lead to the splashing of alkaline liquids, such as lime water, etc., which is still very harmful to the human body.

This liquid is very corrosive, so once it gets contaminated with human skin, it will even cause human skin to be corroded, and even the eyeballs will be "melted", so lime water is also extremely long-lasting corrosive.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

The desiccant in food packaging has made many people "trick".

In fact, Li Bo is far more than one person who lost his sight because he touched the desiccant in the food packaging, and the same situation also appeared in a child in Nanjing.

So are these really the work of the desiccant, in fact, not really, it is not the blindness caused by the rupture of the desiccant.

In these examples, there are some sellers who add more desiccant to their products in order to make huge profits, so a large amount of desiccant will inevitably reduce the humidity of the product.

And this can also allow the seller to save some water weight, so that it seems that the food in the seller's product weighs more, and the selling price will be higher, for such a seller, it will not care about the health of consumers at all, nor the potential danger of desiccant.

At present, most of the desiccant on the market is lime powder, and there are regulations in the country to prohibit the use of other synthetic chemical desiccant except lime powder.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

You should know that other synthetic desiccant is not too safe at all, compared with lime powder, other synthetic desiccant will indeed be much safer, when the humidity becomes smaller, the synthetic desiccant will not cause a dangerous temperature rise, and there will be no strong corrosive liquid splashing around.

But things also have to look at two sides, the safety of this set is based on the dosage, once the number of desiccant is too large, with a very improper or wrong way, then it has no safety at all.

This also means that there is a high probability of safety and danger in the use of desiccant on the market.

In only 20 minutes, the boy's eyes were "melted", and the culprit is in every family, and parents need to be vigilant

How to avoid the harm caused by desiccant?

However, if the desiccant is not used at all, the food will become more humid during transportation, which is easy to cause food deterioration, so in the face of the existence of desiccant, how can we avoid the harm caused by desiccant?

Some experts said that desiccant has become an indispensable part of our daily life, just like knives and forks, and the problem here is not in use, but in usage.

The harm caused by desiccant to children is on the one hand the curiosity of children, and on the other hand, whether food manufacturers have attracted attention.

Generally speaking, many snacks in shopping malls have safety standards in line with the mainland's safety standard control, but some cheap snacks on the Internet or in small supermarkets do not meet the standards very well, and there is no relevant description label.

Therefore, once parents buy snacks online or in small supermarkets, they must carefully choose snacks, do not buy cheap small brands, and do not buy snacks too early.

In addition, when parents choose snacks, they should also carefully check the packaging of the product, if there is a certain depression in the package, and do not buy, if you really need to buy, you must confirm whether there is desiccant in the package, if there is a tear in the desiccant, you must remove the desiccant in the food.

And put the desiccant in the food into the place where the child is not easy to reach, and it is also necessary to do a good job of sorting the food, distinguish between perishable and non-perishable food, and do not mess with the tableware.

Therefore, food manufacturers should pay attention to this, not only to control the amount of desiccant used, but also to check the quality of the product, and parents should also be vigilant and pay attention to the desiccant in a place that children can not reach.


If we want to reduce this harm, we need to pay attention to it.

For desiccants, parents and food practitioners should strengthen their cognition, and for children, parents should strengthen communication with them, educate them to treat desiccant in food packaging correctly, and enhance safety awareness.

For food manufacturers, do not add more desiccant to products in order to seek high profits, but should start from the customer's point of view, operate with heart and care with love.

Only through joint efforts can we create a more harmonious and beautiful environment for the world, and I hope that all children can grow up healthy and embark on a happy life path.