
The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

author:Great power loves money


"The judiciary has always been on the opposite side and feels that I am a criminal.

This is to take revenge on me, and they are making things difficult for the common people. ”

In an interview with the media, Yan's father, who was close to the age and was not confused, blurted out his dissatisfaction with the court.

Who is this "criminal" in his mouth?

Why does Father Yan know this person's identity so well?

It turned out that his son was sentenced to ten years in prison for hunting birds!

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Yan Xiaotian, a 20-year-old college student, was sentenced to 10 years in prison for capturing wild animals protected by the state.

However, the father appealed continuously, but all of them were rejected and the sentence could not be changed.

What made him very incomprehensible was that when he was accused in court, he viciously pointed fingers at the people in court, and it turned out to be his parents.

He wanted to cry without tears, and wanted to appeal for what he had done.

In the eyes of Yan's father, the way the judiciary looked at him was wrong, as an ordinary person, he was very confused.

Why did the judiciary turn against him as soon as they saw him?

Isn't a full 10-year sentence too heavy?

But the court has repeatedly frustrated their appeals, and even gave their father and son a bad review of their appeals.

So what exactly is going on?

Is it the court's fault or are they at fault?

The sentence is excessively severe?

In the summer of 2014, a 20-year-old college student disappeared in Qinhuangdao, Hebei Province, and the local police searched for it with the general public.

But what is surprising is that the missing college student was found in his family's farm, and the person did not disappear.

This college student's name is Yan Xiaotian, from Wen'an, Hebei Province, although he is a college student, he has always had a soft spot for animals.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Six species of birds are raised in his own bird hut, which is also the basis for him to be born in the countryside.

He also often secretly hides his hobby in the breeding process of these birds.

Not only that, but he often rides his bicycle to the Tianchi Flying Bird Nature Reserve outside to watch birds.

In 2013, he returned from university and returned to his hometown in Wen'an, where he was idle at home

When he was doing this, he began to look for work.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

It was in the process of this search that Yan Xiaotian accidentally found a remote bird's nest in a wilderness.

Taking advantage of the fact that no one was around, he built a tent above the bird's nest and lived there.

But during this period, Yan Xiaotian did not give up looking for a job, and would still get up every morning to look for a job.

Once the tent was set up, he would wake up at 6 a.m. every morning and travel from a remote wilderness to the city in search of work.

It is not until 10 o'clock in the afternoon that the scorching sun returns to the tent and enjoys the coolness brought by the tent.

In this environment, Yan Xiaotian quickly came into contact with some wild animals and observed the biological phenomena of wild animals.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

At first, he just shot out of curiosity, until later, with the videos he shot became more and more widespread, he also became a red tiger.

And because of the before and after comparison of the content he filmed, some enthusiastic people began to take the initiative to ask him for help.

Many people around him are also taking the initiative to donate to him, wanting to help maintain the ecological balance of wildlife on the mainland.

It's a pity that Yan Xiaotian's behavior is not because of justice, but because he perceives business opportunities!

Seeing that some people around him have become big V-level Internet celebrities because of shooting videos of wild animals, he also yearns for becoming rich overnight in this way.

And this kind of wrongdoing is a shortcut to making money through legal means.

But his video is not popular, and netizens saw that his behavior was not out of family hardship at all, but just to show off for himself.

After his behavior caused a burst of dissatisfaction, he gradually realized that this illegal behavior was only after being reprimanded by netizens that he began to realize that this was a crime!

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

It's even publicized to the outside world, but it's too brainless.

Netizens couldn't believe that this was true, but they didn't expect him to capture it in this way, lawless!

When investigating and dealing with this incident, the police also found a huge loophole in it.

Although he has been in prison for 10 years, he and his family still have not given up and want to reduce his sentence through some reasonable means.

Appeals have been repeatedly lost.

In 2015, Yan's father and Yan's mother divorced, and since then they have become more or less angry, and the reason for the divorce is also because of what they committed to their son.

The premise of the divorce was also because they were worried that Yan Xiaotian would not have anyone to adopt him, so they had always lived simply as brother and sister.

Yan's mother did not ask for child support, and the reason why they divorced was actually to take care of their son.

In 2015, Yan's father appealed his son's sentence for the first time, and he also found a lawyer to represent him.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

But unexpectedly, the first appeal was a somersault.

At that time, the court thought that he was just out of curiosity and unintentionally inserted willows, but they did not expect that this person who had undergone a university education and received legal knowledge actually chose to buy online information and look for useful information and prices for comparison pictures everywhere.

But these actions prove that his actions were not unintentional at all, but belong to the animals included in the state's protection list.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

He also hoped to get rich overnight in this way, but in the end, Yan Xiaotian ended up like this, and he has not given up his appeal so far.

The second appeal, in September 2015, was again called back, and the situation of the father and son at that time was very incomprehensible, because they both had the same grounds of appeal but gave different conclusions.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

The reason that Yan's father found was because his behavior was nothing more than an unintentional move, but you must know that Yan's father did not understand the law as an ordinary farmer, and Yan Xiaotian was a college student studying law, so Yan's father's reason for appeal was also very unconvincing.

And when I appealed for the third time, I was quickly dismissed.

This kind of thing also made Yan's father very angry and felt very unfair.

I always felt that my son was not guilty of illegal acts, he was just an ordinary person who liked to take pictures and liked animals.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

In his eyes, the court is taking revenge on them, ordinary people, and it is also taking action against the ordinary people of their family, which also makes him lose a lot of rights and interests.

In the end, they also ran in many ways, not only found a lot of media to report, but also hoped that with the help of these positive reports, they could expose his inner confusion.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Why did you make such a ruthless move?

So the question is, why did such a young and promising college student make this fatal mistake?

It is also true that some people think that the sentence is too heavy, which is why there are successive appeals.

But from another point of view, let alone ten years, even if he is sentenced to half a year, it will be his disgrace after many years last year.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Since his behavior is illegal, as a college student, he should be very aware of the losses that this behavior will bring to the country and society.

Therefore, choosing to sell animals on the protected list of these countries for their own selfish interests to evade punishment is right or wrong, and whether it is illegal or not.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Besides, as a college student, he should know how to uphold the country's laws, because in this case, even if he was arrested many years later last year, it cannot be said that he is a living cannon fodder.

It can't be said that he is too young and ignorant, nor can it be said that the ticket given to him by others is too heavy, and this situation has also caused a lot of controversy.

The 10-year college student was about to be released from prison, and his father insisted that the appeal was unsuccessful: The court looked at me like a plague god

Others feel that this is a retaliation by the judiciary in order to complete the performance.

But more people think that it is to maintain the fairness and justice of the country's laws.

It is also to teach you a profound lesson.

In this way, we can firmly remember the offender, and if we dare to commit a crime, we must dare to face the serious consequences of our actions.

In today's society, everything is based on the law, and those who abide by the law are naturally protected by the law, and those who do not abide by the law will be punished by the law.

It is the responsibility of each and every one of us to protect the country's biodiversity and endangered species, and it is also a law that must be resolutely enforced.

Of course, when dealing with similar incidents, we also have to take into account that his personal actions did not have any suspicion of the mistakes he had made, but his father was unaware of his wrongdoings and did not persuade or even stop them in time.

His father, because of his own ignorance and negligence in this matter, also needed to be educated.

Nor can it be said that he is necessarily a criminal.

You can't blame others for the mistakes you have made.


Although this matter has been a long time, countless people have been paying attention.

Everyone may have their own opinions and understandings, but in order to maintain social fairness and justice and protect wild animals, it is true that those who break the law should be severely punished.

The property of another person cannot be appropriated at will because of the subjective will of the individual.

In the future, I also hope that we will spread the awareness of animal protection.

It is necessary to fully understand the biodiversity of the continent and the importance of protecting endangered animals and plants, only in this way can a strong synergy be formed to jointly protect our beautiful homeland.