
Our ambassador approached the Philippines overnight, and the Chinese side could come in person for those whom the Philippine side thought were difficult to catch

author:Li Jian 2049

Not long ago, Philippine officials shouted the slogan of welcoming Chinese companies to invest in the Philippines, and repeatedly stressed the need to achieve "political and economic separation" with China. However, in recent days, due to geopolitical tensions, cases of Chinese citizens being killed in the Philippines have occurred repeatedly.

Our ambassador approached the Philippines overnight, and the Chinese side could come in person for those whom the Philippine side thought were difficult to catch

(China-Philippines Law Enforcement Cooperation to Repatriate Criminals)

According to the latest news, two Chinese business executives recently arrived in the Philippines for the purpose of "inspecting business" after getting acquainted with a Philippine agent, but they were kidnapped as soon as they got off the plane, and the Philippine criminal suspect quickly demanded a ransom of 3 million yuan from his family before he was released, but after the family paid the ransom, the kidnapped Chinese citizen was still killed.

In fact, it is not the first time that similar cases against Chinese citizens have occurred in the Philippines recently, and they even occur very frequently.

In October last year, there was a case of armed kidnapping in the Philippines, when six Chinese and three Filipinos were abducted. However, three Filipinos were all released after calling the police, while four Chinese were found dead, and the remaining two are still missing.

At the beginning of last month, there were even cases of police abducting Chinese citizens in the Philippines. At that time, three Chinese tourists were traveling in a limousine, and two Philippine policemen on electric motorcycles stopped them, and then two other police accomplices with guns appeared, quickly handcuffed them and dragged them into the van, and after the kidnapping, the four policemen also demanded that Chinese citizens pay a ransom of 310,000 yuan, which can be described as very absurd.

In short, it is difficult for Chinese citizens in the Philippines to ensure their personal safety at present.

Our ambassador approached the Philippines overnight, and the Chinese side could come in person for those whom the Philippine side thought were difficult to catch

(Four Philippine police officers kidnap Chinese citizens)

After the incident, Huang Xilian, the mainland's ambassador to the Philippines, quickly met with Philippine officials and conducted a review and analysis of the incident with relevant Philippine personnel. It can be seen from the statement that the two sides have discussed various targeted cases that have occurred in recent times, and finally reached a consensus to allow China and the Philippines to strengthen law enforcement cooperation and increase efforts to jointly combat transnational crimes.

As far as the Chinese side is concerned, the reason for making such a choice is actually its own considerations.

On the one hand, despite the tensions between China and the Philippines over the South China Sea, similar law enforcement cooperation has not stopped. In May this year, the two sides also repatriated more than 160 Chinese nationals suspected of engaging in illegal gambling activities in the Philippines through substantive cooperation. Through this form of cooperation, the tension between China and the Philippines has also been eased to a certain extent.

On the other hand, China has chosen to cooperate with the Philippines, and what China wants to achieve is to give an account to the Chinese people killed more quickly through cooperation.

As things stand, it is difficult to conclude by the word coincidence that the frequency of killings of Chinese citizens in the Philippines is so high, but it is certain that this situation is inseparable from the tensions between China and the Philippines and the impact of the Marcos Jr. administration's policies.

Not long ago, when the Philippine government department thoroughly investigated its own illegal gaming enterprises, it ignored its own problems and shifted all the responsibility to the Chinese side, saying that Chinese citizens seized the loopholes of the Philippine side and wantonly operated enterprises illegally, resulting in the phenomenon of illegal gambling activities in the Philippines, so they will conduct a thorough investigation of Chinese citizens in the Philippines.

Our ambassador approached the Philippines overnight, and the Chinese side could come in person for those whom the Philippine side thought were difficult to catch

(Chinese and Philippine coast guard ships confront each other in the South China Sea)

In addition, the confrontation between China and the Philippines in the South China Sea has created an image of "bullying" for China in the Philippines, which has fueled the dissatisfaction and prejudice of the Philippine public against China and its citizens, and provided an unfriendly social environment for Chinese citizens in the Philippines.

In this context, it cannot be ruled out that the Philippine government and police departments will adopt a more cautious or passive attitude during law enforcement due to political concerns when dealing with cases related to Chinese citizens, and at the same time, the police will also have reservations in the investigation of the force, which will damage the fair handling of the case and be very detrimental to the pursuit of judicial justice and the protection of the rights and interests of the victims.

Add to this the complexity of transnational crime in that it transcends national borders and involves the coordination of laws, policies and law enforcement agencies in many countries. Their solution will require close cooperation between the police and relevant agencies in various countries. However, if oversight and cooperation mechanisms are not strong, independent investigations are vulnerable to internal and external influences, such as corruption, political pressure or lack of resources, that can affect the process and outcome of the investigation.

In view of this, the Chinese side cannot fully trust the Philippine side and blindly hand it over to the Philippine side for investigation. In this context, it is particularly important to establish an effective mechanism for international cooperation and monitoring. By strengthening international law enforcement cooperation, establishing transparent communication channels and sharing intelligence information, it is possible to improve the efficiency of investigations and promote the fair handling of cases.

Our ambassador approached the Philippines overnight, and the Chinese side could come in person for those whom the Philippine side thought were difficult to catch

(Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr.)

According to international law, after the two countries reach a consensus on cooperation, the Chinese side can submit a request for assistance and cooperation to the Philippine side through formal procedures, while the Philippine side, based on the consideration of the country's image and international responsibility, must give the Chinese side a faster response and more active cooperation.

In this way, while abiding by international laws and regulations, China will be able to bring to justice those whom the Philippines does not want to arrest and give an explanation to the families of the Chinese citizens who were killed as soon as possible.


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