
After the Qiankai port incident, Peru has opened its mind, and it will receive a big gift for visiting China, and it will not worry about food and clothing in the future

author:Li Jian 2049

Before his visit to China, the Peruvian president returned the right to operate the port of Chankai to the Chinese side. Since then, the Peruvian government has also opened its mind, taking this opportunity to ask the Chinese side for a "big gift" and sign a new "enhanced" free trade agreement with the Chinese side.

After the Qiankai port incident, Peru has opened its mind, and it will receive a big gift for visiting China, and it will not worry about food and clothing in the future

(President Boluarte of Peru)

According to CCTV News, China and Peru have reached a substantive negotiation outcome on the upgrade of the free trade agreement between the two countries.

China and Peru have coordinated and plan to strengthen cooperation between the two countries in the fields of minerals, energy, manufacturing and agriculture.

In addition, China's top leaders and Peruvian President Boluarte signed a series of agreements aimed at strengthening relations between the two countries. In addition to agreements such as the possibility of exporting Peruvian grapes to China, China and Peru have also committed to establishing a council to promote business cooperation between Peru and China.

In fact, the free trade agreement between China and Peru was signed as early as 2009, but the substantive cooperation between the two countries has only been completed in recent years.

And due to the previous Chankai port incident, China and Peru have also experienced a short period of "freezing point".

At that time, the Chinese side acquired a majority stake in the Chan Kai Terminal, thus obtaining the exclusive right to operate the Chan Kai Port. In exchange, China spent nearly $1.3 billion to help the Peruvian government build the Chankai port, but when the Chankai port was about to be built, the Peruvian government suddenly wanted to withdraw the operating rights.

This performance of the Peruvian side has greatly reduced China's trust in the Peruvian government. At the same time, Peru has also smashed its own "reputation" through this incident, which not only damaged Peru's reputation as a reliable investment destination, but also cast a shadow on the economic and trade relations between the two countries.

Most importantly, the port itself is of great significance to Peru in terms of trade and export volume and logistics efficiency, and the dispute with China has also led to the stagnation of the port project, which is not conducive to Peru's future economic development.

Therefore, on this basis, the Peruvian government later gave up the competition with China for the right to operate the port of Chancay, and instead chose to further develop relations with China.

After the Qiankai port incident, Peru has opened its mind, and it will receive a big gift for visiting China, and it will not worry about food and clothing in the future

(The United States has maliciously hyped up the port of Chankai.) )

Before the Peruvian president's visit to China, the Peruvian side also took the initiative to reveal: "The United States has maliciously hyped up the port of Chancay. ”

However, the Peruvian side has rejected all of the US proposals to persuade the Peruvian government to stop building the port.

Peruvian Foreign Minister Olechea also made a special statement to this effect: "If the United States is really worried about the so-called "China threat", it should increase investment in Peru, instead of trying to prevent Peru from cooperating with China." ”

He believes that the United States is like a "very important friend who has never cared about himself" for Peru, so the Peruvian government has "firmly" chosen to continue cooperation with China.

He deliberately stated the "hype plan" of the United States in Peru, which also meant to prove his "innocence" to the Chinese side.

At this point, the Peruvian side has completely opened its mind, understanding that the benefits that can be obtained by grasping the port of Qiankai are only for the moment, and reaching more cooperation with China can make Peru truly "not worry about food and clothing" in the future.

First of all, Peru is a typical resource-based country in Latin America, with rich copper, silver and gold resources.

As the world's largest consumer of raw materials, China has a huge demand for these resources, and after the upgrade of the free trade agreement between the two countries, China will bring Peru a more stable export market and increase Peru's foreign exchange earnings.

After the Qiankai port incident, Peru has opened its mind, and it will receive a big gift for visiting China, and it will not worry about food and clothing in the future

(Peruvian Andes)

Secondly, in the energy sector, Peru mainly produces natural gas and oil, of which the natural gas project is the largest energy project in Peru.

By strengthening cooperation with China, it will not only attract more Chinese investment into energy infrastructure construction, but also contribute to the diversification of Peru's energy resources and the expansion of energy export business.

In addition, Peru's mountains and rivers create good conditions for hydroelectric power generation.

Especially in the Andes region, these hydropower resources help meet their domestic energy needs and drive sustainable development. But in the remote and mountainous Andean region, the construction and maintenance of hydropower plants requires highly complex technology and expensive infrastructure, and Peru itself does not have the technical conditions to support the construction of hydropower plants.

In contrast, China is a world-class leader in new and renewable energy technologies, especially in solar, wind and hydropower. Therefore, cooperation with China will also help Peru develop in the field of new and renewable energy, reduce its dependence on fossil energy, and promote the transformation of the economy to a green and low-carbon economy.

In the area of agriculture, agriculture is another important pillar of the Peruvian economy, with fruit and vegetable in particular, coffee and sugar being exported.

However, Peruvian agricultural products are relatively low in the international market and difficult to sell in Asian markets, which limits the export potential of Peruvian agricultural products. As one of the world's largest consumers of agricultural products, Peru and China have strengthened their free trade agreement, so that its agricultural products can more easily enter China's huge market and increase its own exports.

After the Qiankai port incident, Peru has opened its mind, and it will receive a big gift for visiting China, and it will not worry about food and clothing in the future

(Potatoes from Peru)

On the other hand, for China, strengthening cooperation with Peru and other Latin American countries is also in line with China's "One Belt, One Road" initiative. By deepening economic cooperation, China can further strengthen its economic ties with Latin America, promote the process of regional economic integration, and further consolidate China's international standing in the region.

In short, "it is better to teach a man to fish than to teach him to fish", Peru only understands this truth, and learning "mutual benefit and win-win" is the long-term solution, and will achieve more long-term benefits for both China and Peru.


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