
Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

author:Polaroid says sports

The Argentine team is amazing! In the final round of the group stage of the Copa America, Argentina defeated Peru 2-0, and the match was simply exciting and couldn't help but cheer.

Speaking of the hero of this game, Lautaro is naturally indispensable, that is Argentina's No. 22, the highest-rated player, and he is simply the focus of the whole game!

The game was tense from the start.

In the first half, Argentina really attacked desperately, with many dangerous shots on goal, but all of them were blocked by the Peruvian goalkeeper.

The Peruvian goalkeeper really has two brushes, and he can save the ball in the blink of an eye, and the players of the Argentine team are probably muttering in their hearts: "How many hands does this guy have?" It also stirred up a bigger fighting spirit in the Argentine team.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

It was in the second half that the real drama began to play out.

No, Di Maria's veteran waved his hand, and a beautiful assist came, Lautaro scored a single goal, instantly rewriting the score, and the Argentine team finally succeeded in breaking the egg.

At this time, the cheers on the field were simply deafening, and the fans were about to burst their throats.

"No. 22, No. 22!" The whole stadium was chanting Lautaro's name, as if he were the star of Argentina, shining all over the stadium.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

And that's not all! As the game entered the final stages, Lautaro once again made it 2-0.

The players of the Argentine team were so happy that everyone hugged each other and celebrated the great victory.

At this time, the Peruvian team could only sigh helplessly, after all, they had tried their best, but in the end they still failed to stop the onslaught of the Argentine team.

As soon as the post-match ratings were released, Lautaro scored a game-high 8 points, higher than Di Maria's 7.9 points, and directly became the best of the game.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Now everyone knows that Argentina's No. 22 Lautaro is a well-deserved thigh in the team! His performance is simply godly, which makes people feel incredible how to look at it.

In this game, the Argentine team really performed very well.

Goalkeeper Martinez scored 6.9 points and performed in a decent manner.

On the defensive line, Montiel scored 7.1 points, Pezzella 7 points, Otamendi 7.1 points, and Tagliafico was particularly impressive, with 7.3 points.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

In the midfield, Lo Celso, Paredes, and Palacios all performed solidly, scoring 7.1, 6.9 and 7.2 respectively.

And more surprises came from the forward line, especially the two killers of Di Maria and Lautaro, who simply turned the Peruvian defense upside down.

Speaking of the Peruvian team, this match was not completely without highlights.

López was the highlight of the Peruvian team, scoring a team-high 7.4 points, but it was a pity that no matter how good his performance was, he could not change the fate of the team.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Peruvian goalkeeper Galese had an eye-catching performance with 7.2 points, but he couldn't stop Lautaro's goal.

The other players also did their best, but the Argentine team's attack was too fierce, and in the end they could only regret defeat.

I have to say that to be able to participate in an event of this level in the America's Cup, the performance of these players is really more exciting than the other.

And the Argentine team, especially Lautaro, is simply a god-like existence, not only winning key victories for the team, but also advancing to the knockout stage as the group leader, which is really impressive.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

After this game, major media and fans have been hotly discussed, and everyone is speculating about what the Argentine team will do next, whether it can go all the way and finally win the glory of the Copa America.

After all, with a big player like Lautaro and veterans such as Di Maria, the future of the Argentine team is bright.

As a big spectator of the game, I felt that Argentina really deserved this victory.

Lautaro's two goals were a send-off, laying a solid foundation for Argentina.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

And Di Maria's assist shows the extraordinary strength of the veteran.

This game not only brought tears to the eyes of the fans, but also injected strong confidence into the Argentine team, and they will be more exciting in the future.

This match between Argentina and Peru is really exciting and exciting.

Lautaro's brilliant performance, Di Maria's exquisite assist, and the tacit cooperation of the whole team, every moment is worth remembering.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

So, with great anticipation, we are looking forward to the Argentine team continuing to shine in the next games and strive for more victories.

It's really admirable and exciting to think of Argentina's game, and the fairy combination of Lautaro and Di Maria is really enjoyable.

Everyone can't help but start looking forward to whether Argentina can reach new heights in the next game, and whether Lautaro will continue his heroic performance and lead the team all the way to the final?

If you think about it, this game is not only Lautaro's individual brilliance, but also the whole Argentine team working together, everyone on the field to do their best and fight for victory.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Goalkeeper Martinez's several key saves were really a small climax in a big play, and every time the danger was saved, the fans in the audience couldn't calm down at all, and they were all shouting; And defender Tagliafico's defense is also leaky, like a wall, firmly in front of the opponent's path.

It also reminds me that football is such a team game, it is not enough to rely on the strength of one person, only everyone can unite to achieve the final victory.

Not only the players on the field, but also the coaches and staff on the sidelines.

You must know that in the preparation before the game, the careful layout and tactical arrangement of the coaching staff can be said to be the think tank of the whole team.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Every time I see the coach waving his hands on the sidelines and pointing at the country, the excitement is really admirable.

Every timeout, every substitution in the middle of the game, is the result of careful consideration by the coaching staff.

"Well-planned, general-minded" is a fitting description of the Argentine team.

The Argentine team's group qualification this time was not simply lucky, but after countless training and tactical drills.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Every pass, every run, embodies the hard work and sweat of the coaches and players.

We, the spectators in the stands, only saw the warm scene of the game and felt the passion of football, but how much unknown hard work is behind it, I am afraid only they know best.

Let's go back to Lautaro, he was really on fire in this game, and he was in the limelight for a while.

What striker doesn't aspire to turn the tide and bring victory to the whole team at crucial moments like him? His two goals, along with every clever run, showed us the quality of a top striker.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Looking at the coach on the sidelines, the satisfied smile from time to time seemed to say: "This is the good seedling I cultivated!" ”

So, will Argentina be able to continue their impressive run in the upcoming games? This is also a question in the minds of countless fans.

The tacit cooperation of the team and the precise arrangement of the coach are a solid guarantee for them to continue to move forward.

Lautaro's piercing eyes seemed to indicate that he would continue his legendary journey and win more glory for the Argentine team.

Argentina 2-0 Peru, post-match rating: not Di Maria first, Argentina No. 22 first

Of course, this performance also attracted the attention and defense of other teams.

Argentina will certainly face a tougher challenge in the next matches.

The enemy's defenses will be tighter, and they will be studied more deeply.

But I believe that with the careful planning of the coaching staff and the tenacious struggle of the players, the Argentine team can still stand out in the fierce competition.

The game is brutal, but because of this, it seems that every victory is not easy to come by.

All we can do as fans is to continue to support our beloved team and cheer them on.

Regardless of the result, it's a great pleasure to see them fight the pitch.

I would say that the game of football is not just a sport, it is a spirit.

It teaches us how to face difficulties, how to stick together, and how to find hope in the face of adversity.

Every game of the Argentine team is a vivid teaching material, from which we learn a lot, and feel the passion and emotion from the green field.

Therefore, we look forward to the Argentine team being able to continue to show their quality and style in the next games.

Whatever the outcome, they are heroes in our hearts.

May Lautaro continue his magical performances, may Di Maria continue his wonderful assists, and may every member of the Argentine team be able to shine in the future matches and bring us more laughter.

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