
The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair



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The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair


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Who said that old drama bones should enjoy their old age? 91-year-old Grandpa Lin Chong told us with actions: There is no age limit for actors' stages! , an evergreen tree in Taiwan's film industry, recently attracted the attention of the whole network due to an accident.

But what is amazing is that even though his physical condition is worrying, this old naughty boy still insists on performing on stage. What kind of beliefs support this 91-year-old actor?

Is it the love of acting, or the dedication to life? Let's walk into the world of Grandpa Lin Chong and see how this old artist interprets "Lao Ji Fu Fang, Aiming for a Thousand Miles" in his own way.

The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair

Old drama bone Lin Chong: At the age of 91, he still insists on performing

Grandpa Lin Chong, this name may be a little unfamiliar to many people. But in the Taiwanese entertainment industry, he is a well-known old actor.

Recently, the 91-year-old actor has once again become the focus of everyone's attention. But this time, it's not because of the release of any new work.

It turned out that Grandpa Lin Chong attended an event called "Love Inheritance Care Concert" a few days ago. But what is distressing is that he appeared in a wheelchair.

Isn't it normal for seniors to be in wheelchairs, you may ask? Don't worry, the story isn't over yet.

It turned out that a month ago, Grandpa Lin Chong experienced an accidental fall. This fall was not a trivial matter, his forehead and nose were injured, and the scene was bleeding profusely, which frightened everyone present.

Imagine an elderly man in his 90s who suddenly falls and his head is still bleeding, how scary the scene is! However, our Grandpa Lin Chong behaved unusually calmly.

"The leg suddenly lost strength, I screamed, and I fell, my right hand supported the right, the left side was broken, the nose was broken, I was startled, the nose bone was not broken, only the skin was broken, I thought it was miserable, I was disfigured!"

Listen, what is this talking about? At this age, you are still worried about disfigurement, Grandpa Lin Chong, you are really a living treasure!

But seriously, being able to maintain a sense of humor in this situation, Grandpa Lin Chong's mentality is really fantastic. That's probably the charm of old artists, right?

The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair

His physical condition is worrying, but his spirit is still tenacious

Speaking of which, some people may ask: What is the physical condition of Grandpa Lin Chong? Why did you fall suddenly?

To be honest, Grandpa Lin Chong's health is indeed not optimistic. He has experienced too many health problems over the years.

Prostate cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are all serious illnesses for ordinary people, but in Grandpa Lin Chong's place, it seems to be just commonplace.

What's even more frightening is that just two years ago, Grandpa Lin Chong underwent a major operation. At that time, he had to undergo emergency surgery because of a blocked artery in his left leg.

The operation lasted a full 8 hours! Can you imagine? An old man in his 90s lay on the operating table for 8 hours. What's even more terrifying is that there was also heavy bleeding during the operation, and Lin Chong's grandfather was in shock for a while, and his life hung by a thread.

"It took 12 bags of blood to get me back."

Grandpa Lin Chong calmly recounted the experience, as if telling someone else's story. However, we all know how difficult it is to be pulled back from the death line.

After this serious illness, Lin Chong's grandfather's physical condition deteriorated. His weight plummeted from 74 kg to 54 kg, a full 20 kg weight loss! Know that for older people, sudden weight loss often means a deterioration in health.

Now, Grandpa Lin Chong's weight has barely risen to 57 kilograms. However, the problem of weakness in the legs remains. I usually need crutches to walk, but I had to use a wheelchair to participate in this event.

However, it is such an old man who is in a worrying physical condition that still insists on performing on stage. This kind of spirit is really admirable.

The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair

The professionalism is commendable, and at the age of 91, he is still shining on the stage

Speaking of which, I have to admire Grandpa Lin Chong's professionalism.

Come to think of it, if it were us, we would have been lying in bed for a long time and didn't want to move. But what about Grandpa Lin Chong? He chose to persevere.

Although he needed the support of the staff, and although his body was so weak that he could collapse at any time, he still insisted on performing on stage. This kind of love and dedication to the acting career is really moving.

At the age of 91, he is still shining on the stage. Isn't this exactly what we often say, "Lao Ji is in the bush, aiming for a thousand miles"?

Grandpa Lin Chong told us with his own actions: age is not a boundary, as long as you have a dream in your heart, you will never grow old.

Isn't this kind of spirit exactly what our society needs? In this fast-paced era, should we also learn from Grandpa Lin Chong's persistence and love?

The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair

Netizens are hotly discussed: admiration and worry coexist

This incident quickly aroused heated discussions among netizens on the Internet, and everyone had their own opinions on what happened to Grandpa Lin Chong and his spirit.

Some netizens expressed their admiration for Grandpa Lin Chong's spirit:

"At the age of 91, I still continue to perform, and this kind of professionalism is really touching. Grandpa Lin Chong is a role model for our young people to learn! "
"When I saw the news of Grandpa Lin Chong, I was about to fall into tears. This is what a true artist is, dedicating his life to art. "

Some netizens also expressed concern about Lin Chong's grandfather's health:

Although I admire Grandpa Lin Chong's spirit, I still hope that he can rest more. Health is the most important thing! "
"It's really distressing to still fight so hard at the age of 91. I hope Grandpa Lin Chong can take good care of his body. "

Some netizens thought about this issue from a deeper level:

"Lin Chong's grandfather's story reminds me a lot. We always say that we have to struggle, we have to fight, but should we also learn to let go at the right time? "
"Seeing the news of Grandpa Lin Chong, I wondered, is our society not friendly enough to the elderly? Why do 91-year-olds still keep working? "

These comments reflect everyone's mixed feelings of admiration and distress for Grandpa Lin Chong. At the same time, it also provokes us to think about the current state of society.

The 91-year-old Taiwanese actor fell and his head was bleeding! Suffering from prostate cancer, he lost 40 pounds and appeared in a wheelchair

Written at the end: admiration and reflection coexist

The story of Lin Chong's grandfather has brought us too much moving and thinking.

His professionalism is undoubtedly worth learning from each of us. In this impetuous era, it is really rare to be able to maintain his love and dedication to his career like Grandpa Lin Chong.

But at the same time, we can't help but ask: does a 91-year-old man still need to work so hard? Does our society give enough protection and care to the elderly?

Perhaps, Grandpa Lin Chong's insistence on working is out of love for acting, but we can't ignore possible social problems. We should create a friendlier and more secure environment for the elderly, so that they can truly enjoy their old age.

Finally, I want to ask everyone: If it were you, would you still insist on working like Grandpa Lin Chong at the age of 91? How do you think our society should be better concerned with the elderly? Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.

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