
Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

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Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now
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Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

In the summer of 2008, the Beijing Olympics were approaching. In the magnificent Bird's Nest Stadium, a tense and orderly dress rehearsal is underway. On the stage, a young woman is dancing with grace, she is Liu Yan, the A corner of the solo dance of "Silk Road".

Suddenly, an accident struck - Liu Yan fell from a stage more than three meters high and lost consciousness in an instant.

The accident not only robbed her of the opportunity to showcase her talents on the Olympic stage, but also left her with a wheelchair for the rest of her life. How can a dancer full of dreams rediscover the meaning of life under the relentless blow of fate? Liu Yan's story is about to unfold from this dramatic turn.

Liu Yan's dance career began in her childhood. Growing up in a family full of cultural heritage, she showed an extraordinary talent for dancing from an early age. At the age of nine, Liu Yan joined the Inner Mongolia Song and Dance Troupe with her outstanding performance, laying a solid foundation for her future dance career.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Liu Yan's diligence and talent paid off. She was sent to the Beijing Dance Academy with excellent grades and started a journey of dance learning at a higher level. During his time at the school, Liu Yan studied hard and constantly challenged himself.

She chose Li Bihua's work "Rouge Buckle" as the repertoire, and won the silver medal for the first time with her exquisite skills and unique interpretation.

This achievement did not satisfy Liu Yan. She continued to work hard and refine her craft. Two years later, Liu Yan participated again with "Rouge Buckle".

This time, her performance was more mature and moving, and she successfully won the Gold Award, which made the audience and judges fall in love with it.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

With the continuous improvement of his strength, Liu Yan gradually emerged in the dance world. She began to appear frequently on major stages, and even had the opportunity to perform on the Spring Festival Gala with famous dancers such as Yang Liping and Tan Yuanyuan.

These experiences have not only enriched her stage experience, but also allowed her to rise to the top of the dance world.

However, with the growth of fame, Liu Yan also faced the test of public opinion for the first time. Her relationship with Lang Kun, the director of the Spring Festival Gala, was exposed by the media, causing widespread controversy.

For a time, the label of "third party" was attached to Liu Yan, and she became the focus of public opinion. This turmoil was undoubtedly a severe test for Liu Yan, but she chose to deal with it in a low-key manner and put more energy into her dance career.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Despite the controversy, Liu Yan's talent has been recognized by more people. Her efforts eventually led to a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity – she was selected as the A corner of the solo dance "Silk Road" at the opening ceremony of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.

This is not only an affirmation of her dancing ability, but also an excellent opportunity to show the charm of Chinese dance on the world stage.

Liu Yan's dance journey, from a talented girl to the focus of controversy, and then to standing on the edge of the Olympic stage, is full of ups and downs. However, fate seems to have prepared her for an even greater test.

In 2008, the Beijing Olympics are getting closer and closer, and the eyes of the world are focused on it. As the chief director of the opening ceremony, Zhang Yimou bears great pressure and responsibility.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

In the process of preparation, he had a discerning eye and chose Liu Yan as the only solo dance "Silk Road" at the opening ceremony. For Liu Yan, this was a great opportunity to showcase the charm of Chinese dance, and she threw herself into the intense rehearsals with great anticipation.

However, fate played a cruel joke at this time. Just a few days before the opening ceremony, an accident completely changed the trajectory of Liu Yan's life.

On that day, the rehearsal in the Bird's Nest was in full swing, and Liu Yan stood on the oriental scroll more than three meters high as usual, ready to complete her beautiful dance moves.

Disaster struck when Liu Yan jumped from a huge picture scroll to another platform lifted by a vehicle according to the established choreography. The vehicle, which was supposed to catch her steadily, started a second earlier than scheduled.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

This short second was disastrous for Liu Yan. She fell heavily from a great height and lost consciousness in an instant.

The scene was immediately in chaos. Everyone stopped what they were doing and watched in horror. People rushed to call Liu Yan's name and hurriedly called the emergency number.

The sound of the ambulance's horn quickly pierced the bird's nest, and Liu Yan was rushed to the hospital.

Zhang Yimou, who witnessed all this in the studio, was like a knife. He couldn't believe that the rehearsal for the opening ceremony that he had carefully planned had caused such a serious accident.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

When he learned that Liu Yan had been diagnosed with a vertebral fracture and nerve damage, which would likely lead to high paraplegia, Zhang Yimou's guilt reached its peak.

This accident not only changed Liu Yan's life, but also left Zhang Yimou with a lifetime of guilt. In the days that followed, Zhang Yimou visited Liu Yan in the hospital many times.

Every time he saw her pale face lying on the hospital bed, it made his heart cut like a knife. He praised Liu Yan for her hard work for the Olympics and regarded her as a hero in his heart.

However, no amount of praise and apology can change the fact that Liu Yan may not be able to stand again for the rest of his life.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

The accident sparked a huge repercussion on the Internet. Some people sympathize with Liu Yan, but others associate it with the previous "scandal", believing that it is a kind of "retribution".

In the face of complicated public opinion, Liu Yan could only bear it silently on the hospital bed.

And Lang Kun, the director of the Spring Festival Gala who had a "scandal" with Liu Yan, disappeared after the accident and was never heard from again. This undoubtedly brought a double blow to Liu Yan - physical pain and mental trauma.

In this way, a dancer full of hope, when his career is about to reach its peak, encounters the biggest setback in his life. However, this is not the end of Liu Yan's story, but the starting point of her redefining life.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

For a dancer, losing the stage is like losing a life. When Liu Yan wakes up from her coma and faces the reality that she may never be able to dance again, her world seems to collapse.

However, the resilience of life often manifests itself in the most difficult moments.

The process of recovery was extremely difficult. Every training session is like a confrontation with the body, and the legs that used to dance lightly are now unconscious. Liu Yan gritted her teeth and persevered, even if the progress was slow, she never gave up.

During this difficult process, the support of family and friends became her greatest spiritual support.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

As time passed, Liu Yan gradually accepted reality, but she was not willing to give up her dream. She began to wonder if there was any other way to continue her artistic pursuits, even if she couldn't dance with her legs. This idea became the motivation for her to start anew.

With the encouragement of his family, Liu Yan made a surprising decision to return to school. With amazing perseverance, she was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Arts as a doctoral student and started a new learning journey.

The transition from dancer to scholar was not an easy task, but Liu Yan successfully completed her studies with her tenacity and intelligence.

After receiving his Ph.D., Liu Yan chose to return to his alma mater to teach. She hopes that through her experience and knowledge, she can help more students move forward on the road of dance. In the process of teaching, Liu Yan discovered that her understanding of dance had a new depth, which gave her the idea of exploring new dance forms.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Liu Yan began to study hand dance, trying to express the beauty of dance with his hands. The process was challenging, but it also allowed her to rediscover the joy of artistic expression. She devoted herself to research and innovation, and finally condensed her research results into a monograph "Dance of Hands".

The publication of this book not only marks the success of Liu Yan's academic research, but also opens up new possibilities for the art of dance.

In the process of exploring hand dance, Liu Yan discovered that this dance form was not only suitable for herself, but also provided a way for others with physical limitations to express themselves artistically.

She began teaching hand dance in the classroom and promoting this new form of dance on various occasions.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Liu Yan's efforts quickly paid off. Her hand-dancing innovations have garnered a lot of attention in the dance world, with many people touched by her story and tenacity. She began to be invited to participate in various cultural exchange events, sharing her experiences and new understanding of the art of dance.

From a stage star to an artist in a wheelchair to a dance scholar, Liu Yan's transformation has shocked many. She proves that even if her body is limited, the pursuit of art can continue to move forward.

Liu Yan's story has become a spiritual pillar for many people facing difficulties, inspiring them to find new possibilities in the face of adversity.

Through this series of changes, Liu Yan not only rediscovered the value of his life, but also contributed new ideas to the development of dance art. Her experience teaches us that the value of life is not in what happens to us, but in how we respond.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

As long as the flame in your heart is not extinguished, you will always find a way to shine.

After experiencing the ups and downs of life, Liu Yan's mentality has undergone profound changes. She began to think about how she could use her experience to help others, especially those with physical disabilities who were eager to get in touch with art.

This kind of thinking led her to embark on a new path that combines philanthropy and art.

Liu Yan is determined to design a special art curriculum for children with disabilities. She hopes to stimulate the potential of these children through art and let them feel the beauty of life. These classes not only include hand dance, which she is good at, but also cover a variety of art forms such as painting and music, aiming to develop children's artistic talents in all aspects.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

In order to make this cause sustainable development, Liu Yan has set up a special fund. This fund is not only used to support art education for children with disabilities, but also to provide a platform for talented artists with disabilities to showcase.

Through these efforts, Liu Yan hopes to eliminate the prejudice against people with disabilities in society and showcase their talents and values.

During the pandemic in 2020, Liu Yan once again demonstrated her creativity and sense of social responsibility. She choreographed a set of gesture dances for the volunteers who were fighting on the front line.

This easy-to-learn and infectious dance is designed to relieve the stress of the volunteers and spread positive energy. The idea went viral on social media and became a way for people to encourage each other during special times.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Through these public welfare activities, Liu Yan has found a new value in life. She found that instead of being a burden, her experience became a source of strength to motivate others.

Her story has inspired many people facing hardship, and her actions have made a real difference for those in need.

Liu Yan's new stage is no longer limited to traditional performance venues, but has expanded to the whole society. In her own way, she continues to dance the dance of life and bring more beauty and hope to the world.

Liu Yan's story is a moving movement about rebirth in adversity. From a stage star to an artist in a wheelchair, to an influential scholar and philanthropist, she has demonstrated what it means to be truly strong through her actions.

Wheelchair dancer Liu Yan: Injured in a fall during the Olympic rehearsal, Zhang Yimou felt guilty all his life, what is happening now

Faced with the relentless blow of fate, Liu Yan chose to accept reality and continue to pursue his dreams in new fields. Her experience teaches us that the value of life is not in what happens to us, but in how we respond.

Liu Yan proved with practical actions that as long as there are dreams in his heart, he will always have the motivation to move forward. Her story is not only a personal struggle, but also a beacon that inspires everyone to find hope in the face of adversity.

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