
See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

author:Chong Yu Xi

With the gradual recovery of the consumer market, major merchants have also begun to do their best to attract customers, win eyeballs, and gain attention.

The means taken include, but are not limited to, the launch of new products, the creation of co-branding, image upgrades, etc., in short, the fight is who is more creative, more designed, and more resonant with consumers.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Among them, there are many excellent ones, and there are naturally bad ones, but the most popular ones are those that are full of controversy, and the major tea brands stand out in this track and are crazy about "scoring points".

In the first half of the year alone, there were two big storms in Lele Tea's "Lu Xun Collaboration" and Heytea's new product named "Little Milk Gardenia".

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Unexpectedly, this wave has not been settled, wave after wave, Heytea has just finished changing its name, and the new logo of Gu Ming on the other side has caused extensive discussions among netizens.

Some people praise and sarcastically say: "bold and avant-garde", some people are blunt, questioning "hooligan design", "rubbing edges, playing soft pornography", but some consumers say that there is no need to make a big fuss, saying that "people with hearts see everything dirty", what is the reality?

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

According to the pictures taken and posted by netizens, on the latest packaging and cups of Gu Ming, there is a very "eye-catching" black ink ball.

The "high-spirited" posture seems to be teasing all the customers, and there are trembling wavy lines next to it, I have to say, it is indeed a presence that makes you blush when you look at it.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Someone said bluntly: "This is still the perspective of looking up, is it to express the meaning of being big and respectable?" Isn't this kind of worship not only found in island nations? ”

For a while, the consumers who held the drink in their hands, as well as the netizens in the comment area, couldn't help but fall into the situation of "I don't say what others don't say" and "everyone who understands understands".

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

While everyone is criticizing and giving full play to their homophonic talents, they are also beginning to be curious: what is the design concept of this logo? After the design is completed, has it really been inspected and discussed by internal personnel?

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Let's take a look at the previous logo of Gu Ming.

Founded in 2010 in Taizhou, Zhejiang, Gu Ming has been tepid for a long time, but its market share has been steadily moving forward, expanding in scale, and now it has grown into a well-known tea brand in the national chain, with more than 8,000 offline stores.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

The original image of Gu Ming chose to abstract the word "ancient" into a vivid and vivid, open face shape, and the strokes used the brush strokes, which are not only clear and clear, with Chinese style, but also contain interest, which is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

It's just that the overall look is still a little scattered, and with the unobtrusive black and white color scheme, compared with the light human head of Hey Tea and the vibrant green of Nai Xue, Gu Ming's will give people a sense of cheapness.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

So back to the new logo this time, the shape that caused the controversy was actually first used on Harper's Bazaar and Hulu Brothers IP co-branded products, and it was not the whole picture.

The overall new logo is actually composed of two parts, and the overall presentation is a gourd posture, and the original intention is also intended to show a simple and elegant temperament.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

The upper belly of the gourd is the irregular shape, and the lower belly is a complete circle, and both halves are designed with light and shadow, which makes the logo a little more three-dimensional, low-key and luxurious, and has some "meta-universe" artwork style.

At the beginning of the year, when the new product "Bailan Green Tea" was released, there was this logo on the "gourd cup" jointly launched with Harper's Bazaar, which not only poked out from the side alone, but also had a deformed version of it everywhere on the cup.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

If you only take out the original version of the new logo, it seems that it is still said in the past, and there is no feeling of "black smoke miasma", but when the form is written with a brush, the taste changes in an instant.

This may also have something to do with the strong contrast in the design, because the top half of the new logo is basically depicted with large color blocks, whether it is on the packaging or on the cup.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

can occupy the lower half of the area, but it is scribbled a few strokes, which makes the second monk scratch his head, and it is difficult to realize at a glance: "Ah, this turned out to be a gourd!" ”

On the contrary, people are often attracted to that "weird" shape at the first moment, and there is no room for anything else in their eyes, and it is precisely because of this that netizens are curious again: "Isn't this intentional?" ”

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

There are also people who are very utilitarian and say: "Gu Ming has directly earned enough attention with a standard, which is more real than advertising everywhere", "black and red are also red", "Earn hemp" and other comments are also endless.

Of course, more of it is still ridicule, saying that this is "a design that I came up with my ass", and there are still people below who reply: "It's really a bit like pulling it out", and there are also those who take Gu Ming and Hey Tea together: "There is a small milk gardenia in the front, and a big ×× in the back", which makes people laugh.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Looking at the heated discussions on the whole network, how can the fans of Gu Ming still sit still? Hurry up and try to change everyone's minds, saying that he looks at it obviously "than the heart", "comma", "very artistic", "the heart of the person looks dirty at everything".

At the same time, I couldn't help but persuade Gu Ming, do you want to adjust it depending on the situation? In other words, just use the light co-branded products, don't replace the old logo.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

But soon someone found out from the Trademark Office that Gu Ming Company had already applied for the registration of the trademark, covering a very wide range, and the image wall at the door of some stores had also become a gourd. So far, Gu Ming has not explained the controversy.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Trademarks, packaging and names are often the initial impression that a store or a product can provide to customers, a logo and slogan that can make people have a clear memory point, and it is also the basis for harvesting brand effect.

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

For example, Xiaomi once threw 2 million to find the design master Hara Yanya to update the logo, and the "minimalist" change also made netizens laugh at it for a long time, but at least it is not spicy and will not cause unnecessary associations.

Bold design can be supported, but when a design sparks a huge controversy, does it also mean that it may not be a good design?

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

Information sources:

[1] Manager Magazine: Heytea's new product named "Little Milk Gardenia" was accused of rubbing the edges, and Gu Ming's new logo was also accused of being indecent?

See rogue design again? Gu Ming's new logo caused controversy, resembling a man's private parts, netizens: This can also be erased

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