
Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

author:Chong Yu Xi

"This garbage topic, you still want to delay my part-time job!"

On the day of the 2018 college entrance examination, a candidate from Ningxia appeared in front of the public's field of vision.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

In front of the camera, he "spoke wildly", and instantly became popular on the entire Internet.

He is the one who "received an admission letter from Tsinghua University at the construction site" - Shan Xiaolong.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

When everyone was immersed in the tension of the college entrance examination, it was inevitable to express "contempt" for what he said, but this matter did not end.

This seemingly frivolous guy really came to the construction site to work after the exam, doing a grizzled little job.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

And when it was time for the admission results to be issued, Tsinghua's admission letters were delivered, and he was still carrying bricks on the construction site.

I saw that he was wearing a safety hat on the construction site and a camouflage uniform on his head, and even when he was interviewed by reporters, he should have taken advantage of the rest.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

For a while, labels such as "the most arrogant candidate" and "poor student" were all attached to him.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Everyone no longer said that he was arrogant and arrogant, but they were all sighing that this was a self-reliant and self-reliant "noble son".

It wasn't until he arrived at Tsinghua University that he had a new label of "Tsinghua Button Mobile Phone Boy".

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Even when he was in school, the identity of the "poor student" was known to everyone, and the rumors on the Internet once made him very inferior.

And when he appeared in front of the public again, he told everyone that he had made those "arrogant" remarks on the Internet, but in fact, he didn't say it at all.

Now 6 years have passed, and everyone is curious, how is Shan Xiaolong doing now?

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now
Due to the headline revision, it only takes 5 seconds to unlock halfway, and it is not easy to create, thank you

A college career that was labeled as "labeled".

Back in 2000, Shan Xiaolong was born in a rural family in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and his parents were also farmers, and his family was still a poor household in the village.

My mother is still bedridden all the year round, and my father is unable to do heavy work due to a waist injury, and he can only earn one or two thousand yuan a month.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

It is already difficult to afford my mother's medical expenses, let alone so many people in the family to support.

So Xiaolong has been a sensible child since he was a child, and after the college entrance examination, not only to subsidize his family, but also to earn some tuition for his college.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

It is understood that he had to carry 600 steel pipes a day and 12,000 pounds of steel bars at the construction site.

At the age of 18, he can only do this for life and study, and many students of the same age choose to travel after graduation.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

But he has to worry about his future life, and it is common for him to be scratched by wire and steel bars on the way to work.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

For him when he was still a child, not only did he not complain about the hard work on the construction site, but he was not reached by the current fatigue.

On the contrary, he cherished this hard-won job opportunity very much, and when he returned home after working on the construction site, he had to help dig cow dung.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Until he held Tsinghua's admission letter in his hand, he could see that there was still no smile on his face.

Under normal circumstances, whoever gets the admission letter from Tsinghua University must be "green smoke from the ancestral grave".

Presumably, he would wake up with a smile when he was lying down and sleeping, but there was no smile on Shan Xiaolong's face.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

It turned out that his university tuition and living expenses had not yet been paid, so he worked so the construction site to earn more tuition for himself.

After arriving at the university, the students found that when technology is so advanced today, Shan Xiaolong is still holding a dilapidated elderly mobile phone.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Not to mention adding VX, it can only be used for normal contact, so after going to college, Shan Xiaolong has a second label-

"Tsinghua Button Mobile Phone Boy".

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

According to Tsinghua regulations, the information of poor students will not be published, which is also to protect the self-esteem of the parties.

It is not that poor students should have low self-esteem, but they are afraid that there will be some bad voices from the outside world that will affect the parties.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

But in Shan Xiaolong's class, everyone knows that he is a poor student, and those kind classmates will always help him.

Like those tuition and miscellaneous fees, the classmates didn't let Shan Xiaolong pay.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

But labels such as "poor student" and "button mobile phone boy" made Shan Xiaolong feel very embarrassed.

So in his junior year, before he finished college, he went through layers of selection, and then Shan Xiaolong became a glorious member of the North Sea Fleet.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

The two-year enlistment life not only allowed him to get rid of the inferiority complex in his heart, but also allowed him to regain his self-confidence.

Shan Xiaolong in the photo, after the training of army life, has a very military temperament, and when facing the camera, he is no longer inferior, but confident!

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Especially when Shan Xiaolong appeared in front of the public eye again, many people almost didn't recognize that this was Shan Xiaolong back then.

"After becoming a soldier, I am more than a little handsome, with a resolute eye and a steady image."

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

A life of "rebirth".

On June 29, Tsinghua University held the 2024 undergraduate graduation ceremony, and Shan Xiaolong was one of these many students.

After attending the graduation ceremony, Shan Xiaolong hurried back to the school's laboratory, and he didn't even take a single photo.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

Six years have passed, and the dark-skinned boy with rimmed glasses has faded from his youthfulness.

also took off his glasses, and wearing a bachelor's hat, he was not the same temperament at all as he was back then, which can be said to be a earth-shaking change.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

He told reporters that he never felt that there was anything special about going to the construction site to work after the college entrance examination, after all, many college entrance examination graduates would go to work.

Now he has obtained the qualification of "Master's Degree in the Department of Electronic Engineering of Tsinghua University" without examination, in other words, he has obtained the qualification of Baoyan.

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

For the future, he hopes to return to the grassroots after completing his studies and create more value for the society.

Seeing Shan Xiaolong's video, netizens couldn't help but praise:

"If all the young men are like this, why worry about not being strong, the pillars of the country."

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

And after 6 years, he responded again:

Regarding the sentence "The college entrance examination questions are too simple, don't delay him to work", he never said it from beginning to end.

"I've never said that, it's completely out of nowhere."

Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

And Shan Xiaolong just wants everyone to forget about these now, because for him, doing an ordinary life is the greatest happiness!

After reading Shan Xiaolong's story, I was deeply inspired that no matter how difficult life is, you can break out of the world with your own efforts!

Reference: Red Star News released the video "Being Admitted to Tsinghua University While Working on a Construction Site" on June 30, 2024;
Shan Xiaolong, who received Tsinghua University's notice at the construction site for 18 years, joined the Navy before finishing his studies, what is happening now

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