
CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

author:Smart Grunt


Kim so-hyun Kim Ji-won's "silent romance"

Rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance have caused an uproar on social media. According to Korean media reports, when the reporter tried to contact the brokerage companies of both sides for verification, he received a silent response. This noncommittal attitude has only aroused greater curiosity among fans.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Netizens expressed their speculations and expectations on social platforms, and some even joked: "If you don't respond, you will acquiesce, I announce that they have made an official announcement!" This humorous interpretation not only adds interest to the topic, but also makes the whole incident more confusing.

From "Queen of Tears" to "True Couple"


The wonderful interaction between Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won in the TV series "Queen of Tears" made many viewers feel the chemistry between them. As rumors of the relationship between the two came out, fans began to review the details of the play, trying to find "evidence" from it.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Some netizens ridiculed: "It turns out that their interaction in the play is not acting, but the expression of true feelings!" This relaxed tone not only expresses the recognition of the acting skills of the two, but also increases the expectation of the authenticity of the relationship.

The double consideration of appearance and romance


Although the rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship have excited many fans, some people have expressed concern about the change in Kim so-hyun's appearance.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Some netizens commented: "It would be nice if Kim so-hyun at the peak of his appearance and the current Kim Ji-won talked, I feel that Kim so-hyun's appearance has declined a little now." ”

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

This straightforward expression reflects fans' concern for the image of idols, and also triggers a heated discussion about appearance and romantic relationships.

The carnival and anticipation of CP fans


Regarding the rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship, the most exciting thing is their CP fans. On social media, CP fans expressed their joy and expectation.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Some even directly announced: "My CP must be together!" This enthusiastic expression not only shows the support of CP fans for idols, but also increases the interactivity of the whole event.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Netizens teased each other in the comment area and shared their "knocking cp" experience, which made the whole topic more vivid and interesting


The rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship undoubtedly brought a huge surprise to fans. However, this noncommittal attitude has also sparked a lot of discussion.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

Some people believe that the private life of an artist should be respected and should not be overly speculated and discussed; There are also those who believe that fans have the right to know the truth and that the agency should give a clear response.

CP Powder! Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's romance rumors made fans shout 'together!' ’

This kind of controversial discussion not only adds depth to the topic, but also makes the whole incident more complicated. In any case, rumors of Kim so-hyun and Kim Ji-won's relationship have become a hot topic on social media, triggering widespread discussion and attention.

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