
sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

author:Lol Lol Literature

In 1972, Yan Weiwen, who was only 15 years old, entered the military camp with expectations for the future. In this vibrant place, he met Liu Weixing, who was a year younger than him. In that era when men and women could get married once they held hands, two teenagers who were new to the world quietly ignited a spark of love in their hearts.

Although the harsh environment of military camp life made them feel pressured, the relationship between Yan Weiwen and Liu Weixing became more determined in this hardship. They carefully cultivated this "underground love", and they talked about it for ten years.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

In the past ten years, Yan Weiwen's eyes always showed deep affection for Liu Weixing, and Liu Weixing's smile was also full of dependence on Yan Weiwen.

Their love is like a wildflower quietly blooming in the barracks, although it is not publicized, it is tenacious and tenacious. Every sneaky glance at each other, every smile that avoids the gaze of others, makes their feelings deeper.

This relationship has become Yan Weiwen's warmest comfort in his military career.

In 1982, after ten years of waiting, Yan Weiwen finally entered the marriage hall with his beloved girl Liu Weixing. When he took her hand and looked at her slightly shy but firm eyes, Yan Weiwen knew that this girl was the most important person in his life.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

This year, Yan Weiwen also joined the song and dance troupe and began his military singing career. Whenever he stands on the stage, he always sings with a hint of missing his wife. Yan Weiwen sang the military song with his soulful voice, praising his love for the army, his loyalty to the motherland, and his expectations for his bright future.

This experience is not only a testimony of Yan Weiwen's youth, but also the starting point of his life. This experience planted the seeds of happiness for Yan Weiwen in the future, and also laid a solid emotional foundation for his military career.

Yan Weiwen became a father in the spring. When he picked up his baby daughter for the first time, the feeling of happiness almost overflowed. He looked nervously and carefully at the little life in his arms, his eyes full of love and tenderness.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

The arrival of this little life has made Yan Weiwen and Liu Weixing's family more complete, and at the same time, it has also brought new hope and motivation to their lives.

Around the same time, Yan Weiwen's career underwent an important turning point. He was conscientious and musically talented, and the song and dance troupe decided to promote him to be a solo singer.

When he was informed of the news, Yan Weiwen's face was full of joy, and he couldn't hide that he knew that this promotion was not only an affirmation of his ability, but also an opportunity for him to show his talent on a bigger stage.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

From that moment on, Yan Weiwen's life was bathed in the sunshine of happiness. At home, he was the gentle and loving husband and loving father whose eyes were full of love for his wife and daughter.

On the stage, he is a talented singer, every performance is full of enthusiasm, Yan Weiwen's singing voice has more maturity and warmth, he can sing the beauty of life and the vision of the future.

In 1988, Yan Weiwen's career once again ushered in an important opportunity, and he was elected to participate in the third Youth Song Competition. Hearing the news, Yan Weiwen felt very encouraged. The Youth Song Contest is an important stage on the same level as the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, and it is an honor to be able to participate in the competition.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Yan Weiwen began to prepare for the competition with great excitement, and he had infinite expectations for the glory ahead. However, he did not expect that fate would give him a difficult test to choose between career and family.

In 1988, when Yan Weiwen was preparing for the Youth Song Competition, a heart-rending news came that his beloved wife Liu Weixing was diagnosed with breast cancer. This news was like a heavy punch, instantly shattering Yan Weiwen's beautiful vision for the future.

Faced with his wife's illness, Yan Weiwen felt extremely remorseful and sad. He looked at his wife's increasingly thin face, and his heart was like a knife. At that time, when medical technology was not developed, cancer was almost equivalent to the death penalty.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Yan Weiwen fell into deep self-blame, and he felt that he should give up the game and accompany his wife wholeheartedly.

However, Liu Weixing insisted that Yan Weiwen participate in the competition. She said to Yan Weiwen in a weak but firm tone: "If you don't go to the game, then I won't treat anymore." Behind this sentence, Liu Weixing's firm support for her husband's career and her reluctance to give up on life.

She knew the importance of this competition to Yan Weiwen and couldn't bear to see her husband give up his dream for herself.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Yan Weiwen stepped onto the stage with tears, and every time he sang on stage, he integrated his deep love for his wife and infinite cherishing of life into his singing. This sincere emotion gave his performance an infectious effect, and he won the competition award for his outstanding performance.

This award is not only an affirmation of his musical talent, but also a tribute to his courage to overcome difficulties and move forward with his wife.

After the match, Yan Weiwen devoted himself to his wife's treatment. He witnessed Liu Weixing's hair loss and disfigurement due to chemotherapy, and saw her tears because of low self-esteem.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Whenever Liu Weixing said, "If you don't love me anymore when you see me like this, you can go", Yan Weiwen would hug her tightly and prove with his actions that his love has never changed.

In order to give his wife hope, Yan Weiwen even "teamed up" with the doctor to give Liu Weixing three months of sugar water, pretending that his condition was improving, this white lie rekindled Liu Weixing's hope.

After Yan Weiwen's perseverance and Liu Weixing's own firm will, a miracle finally happened. After arduous treatment, Liu Weixing successfully defeated the cancer. When the doctor announced that Liu Weixing had recovered, Yan Weiwen cried tears of joy, which made him feel more relieved than he had won any award.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

This experience made Yan Weiwen cherish life and family even more. In his singing, there is more insight into life and praise for love. Every time I stand on the stage and sing, my eyes flash with love for life and gratitude for my wife.

This battle with the Grim Reaper not only tests their love, but also sublimates it, and they deeply realize that the support of their families is the foundation of their career success and happiness in life.

Yan Weiwen understood that this was an important revelation in his life, which would affect the direction of his future life.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

In 2014, Yan Weiwen, who has become a well-known military singer, decided to start a training course for professionals and music lovers. He hopes that through his years of experience, he can help more musicians improve their skills.

This decision stemmed from his love for music and concern for his younger generations, however, things turned out unexpectedly.

The price of the training course is set at nearly 5,000 yuan for a three-day course. For the average person, this price is indeed a bit high. However, in the field of professional music training, this price is actually acceptable.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

After all, music has always been an "expensive" course, and even a vocal lesson for music students often costs hundreds of yuan.

However, this time the price has caused some controversy. Yan Weiwen was suddenly accused of "making money", and there were doubts on the Internet. Faced with these accusations, Yan Weiwen felt confused and helpless, and he did not understand why his good intentions to share his experience could be misinterpreted as profit.

Yan Weiwen's misunderstood situation made him deeply distressed. He has been fighting for the military music career all his life and has never considered making money through improper means. The original intention of this training course was to make more contributions to the music industry.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Fortunately, some professionals with in-depth knowledge of the music industry have stepped forward to speak up for Yan. They explain that this fee is reasonable in the industry, and that high-quality music training does come at a cost.

These professional voices helped calm some of the doubts, but the experience left a deep impression on Yan.

This turmoil made Yan Weiwen deeply realize that as a public figure, whether it is his words or actions, he will be magnified in the attention and judgment of public opinion. Even if it is an act of good faith, it can be controversial depending on the interpretation.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

This made him more cautious in his subsequent public activities and more focused on communication with the public.

Recently, 66-year-old Yan Weiwen has once again become the focus of public opinion because of a seemingly ordinary civilian clothes. When attending a rehearsal at the National Centre for the Performing Arts, he chose a casual dress worth thousands of yuan to attend, but this ordinary choice unexpectedly sparked an online discussion.

Some attentive netizens noticed Yan Weiwen's clothes and quickly found out that it turned out to be a luxury brand. As soon as the news spread, it immediately caused an uproar online. Some people question why Yan Weiwen, as a military singer, wears such expensive clothes? Others believe that this is inconsistent with the simple image he has always displayed.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

In the face of the sudden accusation, Yan Weiwen's heart was full of bitterness and helplessness. For many years, he has been showing himself as a soldier and transmitting positive energy. Whether on stage or in public, he maintained the style of a military man as much as possible.

However, this time it caused so much controversy just because he didn't wear a military uniform during a rehearsal.

Do public figures even have to be scrutinized on what they wear? Yan Weiwen couldn't help but think suspiciously. He felt confused and lost, unable to understand why his private life was under such scrutiny.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

However, the voice of reason soon prevailed. Many people said they could understand Yan Weiwen's high-income and high-consumption behavior. They believe that Yan Weiwen's private life should be respected, and that his dedication over the years cannot be negated just because of a piece of clothing.

Some supporters pointed out that Yan Weiwen has been committed to the cause of military singing for many years and has made outstanding contributions to spreading positive energy. They believe that the public should not focus too much attention on the private lives of artists, but more on their artistic achievements and social contributions.

This experience made Yan Weiwen deeply feel that as a public figure, even in his later years, he is still in the spotlight, and his every move will attract attention. This kind of attention can be stressful at times, but it is also an affirmation of one's own influence.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

However, despite a series of turmoil, Yan Weiwen still adhered to his musical pursuit and continued to contribute to the army's music career. He understands that in this process, the people who truly understand and support him will always be the pillars behind him, and their presence makes him more determined to follow his own artistic path.

Looking back on Yan Weiwen's life, his image has always reflected the artistic style of sticking to the true character of a soldier and transmitting positive energy. He entered the military camp at the age of 15 and became a well-known military singer, and was still active on the stage in his later years, interpreting the spirit of perseverance and dedication with his actions.

However, even so, he still cannot escape the public's doubts and criticism. Whether it's running a training course or wearing expensive clothes, it has sparked controversy. This may be the fate of being a public figure.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

But it also makes us wonder if we have given enough understanding and tolerance to these artists who have contributed to the country.

Yan Weiwen's experience tells us that no matter what position you are in, you should stick to your heart and be your truest self. At the same time, as the public, we should treat public figures with a tolerant attitude and give them full respect and understanding.

After all, everyone has the right to a private life, and public figures are no exception.

sang military songs all his life, but was scolded miserably when he got old? What did 66-year-old Yan Weiwen do wrong?

Yan Weiwen's story is a mirror that reflects society's expectations and judgments of public figures. At the same time, it also shows the growth history of an artist, reminding us that while appreciating the artist's work, we also need to respect their identity as ordinary people.

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