
Yan Weiwen praised Wang Hongwei's high voice: I can't sing if someone beats me! Zhu Xun: I stepped on it and went up

author:Social observer

Controversy is one of the indispensable elements in the field of self-media, and the discussion about the field of music is a hot topic. Recently, a controversy about singing skills has attracted widespread attention, including a conversation between singer Yan Weiwen and commentator Zhu Xun. Their remarks sparked a lively discussion on social media, with people from all walks of life expressing their opinions.

As a contemporary tenor singer, Yan Weiwen has always been praised for his full voice, high-pitched passion, and has always been praised. However, Yan Weiwen recently said in an interview that even he himself cannot guarantee the ideal tone if he is hit by others. This remark caused confusion and controversy among many netizens.

Yan Weiwen praised Wang Hongwei's high voice: I can't sing if someone beats me! Zhu Xun: I stepped on it and went up

Relatively speaking, Zhu Xun's comments are quite controversial. She said in the show that if someone stepped on Yan Weiwen when he was singing, he would have a high pitch and show incomparable explosiveness. Zhu Xun's remarks were a bit ridiculous, but they also aroused resonance and discussion among many netizens.

In this controversy, some people believe that Yan Weiwen's vocal strength is unquestionable, and his high notes are moving, but others question the stability of the high notes. They believe that a singer should be able to produce excellent singing skills no matter what the situation, without interference from external influences. However, some netizens sided with Yan Weiwen, believing that his statement is an honest reflection, because the interpretation of music is an overall experience, not only the sound is produced, but also the expression of physical and mental state and emotions.

Yan Weiwen praised Wang Hongwei's high voice: I can't sing if someone beats me! Zhu Xun: I stepped on it and went up

Whether there is agreement or not, this debate provides an opportunity for reflection. As an audience, what do we ask of singers? Do you simply appreciate their musical skills, or do you focus on their expressiveness in different contexts? These questions make us think about the nature of music and the interaction between singers and audiences.

It is worth mentioning that the criteria for judging singing skills are a rather subjective topic. Everyone's understanding and feeling of music is different, which brings more perspectives to the debate. Whether we support or question it, we should respect everyone's feelings and opinions about music.

Yan Weiwen praised Wang Hongwei's high voice: I can't sing if someone beats me! Zhu Xun: I stepped on it and went up

To sum up, the controversy between Yan Weiwen and Zhu Xun is not only about personal vocal performance, but also about the nature of music and the contest of singers' artistic concepts. This controversy has stimulated people's thinking about music, and it has also made us pay more attention to the state and emotional expression of singers when they perform. Needless to say, music is an art that touches people's hearts and evokes resonance, and this resonance depends not only on the sound being produced, but more importantly on the emotional communication between the singer and the audience. In any case, we should be open to different musical perspectives and base our communication with respect and understanding.

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Yan Weiwen praised Wang Hongwei's high voice: I can't sing if someone beats me! Zhu Xun: I stepped on it and went up

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