
In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

author:Old nonsense about history

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward. There are many different revolutionaries in this world, some of whom came from prominent backgrounds but still bravely joined the revolutionary ranks, and some of whom were poor at the beginning and even had problems with food and clothing. However, no matter what the background is, as long as you have a sincere and patriotic heart, you will become the spark of revolution. Yin Xianbing, who was born in Hanchuan, Hubei Province in 1915, is such an ordinary farmer's child. When he was a teenager, he endured all the hardships, facing the loess with his back to the sky, and this life made him eager to change his fate. Sure enough, the opportunity came in 1930, and 15-year-old Yin Xianbing joined the Red Army. From then on, he began his legendary revolutionary career.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

After Yin Xianbing participated in the revolution, he immediately threw himself into battle, regarded death as home, and his heroic and fearless performance made him rise rapidly. Soon he served as a battalion commander, regimental chief of staff and other positions, and even participated in the difficult Long March with the troops. After the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, Yin Xianbing was appointed chief of staff and head of the special service group of the headquarters, mainly responsible for protecting the safety of the chief. This position is enough to show the importance and trust of his superiors in him. In 1940, Yin Xianbing became the commander of the 11th Brigade of the 129th Division, and Qin Jiwei was his deputy at that time. The two are like-minded and have a deep friendship, and Yin Xianbing often passes on his combat experience to Qin Jiwei. Half a year later, Yin Xianbing was transferred to Yan'an to work, and Qin Jiwei succeeded him as the brigade commander. When saying goodbye, Yin Xianbing said boldly: "When the war is over, we will drink together." No one expected that it would be decades before they met again! That scene is frozen in the last days of his life, which is very suffocating.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

Speaking of Comrade Yin Xianbing, it can be said that he was a well-known member of the revolutionary war years. Since joining the Red Army, this peasant boy born in Hanchuan, Hubei Province, has gone into battle to kill the enemy and made great achievements. At the age of 15, the children are at the most carefree age, but Yin Xianbing chose a revolutionary road full of hardships and dangers.

Yin Xianbing's family is poor, let's not mention how hard it was when he was a teenager, he ate too much grass, and his little white hands had already become black and red in his hard work. However, adversity did not break his determination to move forward, but made him more and more enthusiastic about the flame of revolution. So when the red flag of Dabie Mountain was flying high, Yin Xianbing joined the Red Army without saying a word. Since then, Yin Xianbing has started his legendary life in the rain of bullets.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

To be honest, Yin Xianbing did not have anything outstanding at the beginning, but his dedication and courage to the revolutionary cause were among the best. Every time he fought, he was the first to charge into battle, and he was never afraid of life and death. It is precisely because of this that Yin Xianbing's position has been promoted all the way, and he has successively become the battalion commander and the regimental chief of staff. What's more worth mentioning is that Yin Xianbing also participated in the Long March of swallowing mountains and rivers. The various tribulations in the Long March are tantamount to torture for ordinary people, but it was during the long journey of 100 miles to the empty city that Yin Xianbing sharpened his extraordinary will.

Time soon came to the Anti-Japanese War period, and as a veteran of a hundred battles, it was a matter of course that Yin Xianbing was reused. For a time, he served as the chief of staff and head of the special service regiment of the Eighth Route Army Headquarters, mainly responsible for protecting the security of the chief. Being able to hold this important position shows how much trust his superiors have in him. In 1940, Yin Xianbing became the brigade commander of the 11th Brigade of the 129th Division, and he had a deputy who later became famous - Qin Jiwei.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

Qin Jiwei and Yin Xianbing are both hot-blooded young people, so they are naturally like-minded and friends. Yin Xianbing is one year older than Qin Ji, and his experience is naturally much richer than the latter. When he was living in the army, Yin Xianbing unreservedly passed on all kinds of experiences he had learned on the battlefield to Qin Jiwei. Under Yin Xianbing's deliberate guidance, Qin Jiwei mastered many advanced tactics and strategies, and these valuable experiences later helped him win many victories. Half a year later, Yin Xianbing was transferred to Yan'an to work, and Qin Jiwei naturally succeeded him as the new brigade commander. It is worth mentioning that when saying goodbye, Yin Xianbing said to Qin Jiwei boldly: "Don't be like a woman, we will see you again." When the war is over, we'll drink together again. "Who knows, goodbye is too late, and when they meet again, the two are already frosty on their temples, the last time of their lives!

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

After Yin Xianbing and Qin Jiwei separated, they both wrote wonderful strokes in the revolutionary war years. During the Liberation War, Yin Xianbing rose all the way up and eventually became a military commander. At that time, the army commander was incredible, commanding tens of thousands of troops, and his power was quite large. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Yin Xianbing and Qin Jiwei participated in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea together, and the two were both at the level of military commanders, but the gap between generations was much smaller than before.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

The battle was quite hot, and Yin Xianbing's 16th Army was the only mechanized synthetic army in the Volunteer Army that year, and its combat effectiveness was quite strong. It's a pity that Yin Xianbing went wrong on the Korean battlefield because of some emotional problems and was forced to leave the battlefield, and since then he has gradually faded out of everyone's sight. It was precisely because of this mistake that when Qin Jiwei was famous in the first battle of Shangganling, Yin Xianbing was only awarded the rank of colonel, far lower than Qin Jiwei's rank of lieutenant general. Life is so ironic and helpless, if he hadn't made such mistakes at the beginning, Yin Xianbing wouldn't have surpassed Qin Jiwei and become a lieutenant general with shining stars? It's just a pity that history has no ifs.

After Yin Xianbing retired, he has been doing some inconspicuous work, and has successively served as deputy director of the Department of Political Affairs of the People's Liberation Army Political Academy and other small positions. It wasn't until 1979 that Yin Xianbing was hospitalized due to illness, and fate gave him the opportunity to reunite with his old friend. Yin Xianbing was lying in an ordinary double ward of the PLA General Hospital, when he suddenly heard a familiar voice that made his blood boil: "Old leader, are you okay?" Yin Xianbing opened his eyes and saw that it was his old friend Qin Jiwei, whom he hadn't seen for many years.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

The moment the two met, it seemed to go back to the war years of bullets and bullets decades ago. Between pushing the cup and changing the lamp, countless years of wind and frost and vicissitudes of life are displayed one by one in front of you. Qin Jiwei looked at the old comrades-in-arms in front of him, and couldn't help but feel sad. Yin Xianbing is still full of pride, as if he is still the brave young man back then. It's just that seeing that Yin Xianbing can only lie in a double ward that is not very decent, Qin Jiwei is still quite uncalm.

You must know that Yin Xianbing single-handedly created the great cause of New China back then, and was an outstanding general in the revolutionary war years of our army. Qin Jiwei immediately found the hospital leaders, tried to explain the reason, and finally let Yin Xianbing be admitted to a single ward. Seeing this move, Yin Xianbing burst into tears and wrote a letter of thanks to Qin Jiwei. Qin Jiwei replied: "This is what I should do, and I have not forgotten your outstanding contribution to the revolutionary cause." Seeing these words, Yin Xianbing burst into tears, but he didn't expect his old friend to remember his kindness vividly.

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

Soon, Yin Xianbing's condition worsened and he was hospitalized with a cerebral hemorrhage. Soon, after the two veteran generals Yang Yong and Xu Liqing passed away one after another in 1983, Yin Xianbing died with hatred and died at the age of 363. Yin Xianbing and Qin Jiwei were good revolutionary comrades-in-arms, and both of them made great contributions to the birth and development of New China. It's a pity that fate was too cruel to Yin Xianbing, so that he encountered all kinds of injustices and tribulations in the later years of his revolutionary career. The only time left for him was the solitary ward and the comfort of old friends. No wonder when reminiscing about the past, Yin Xianbing is so reluctant and sad!

In 79, Qin Jiwei visited his hospitalized old comrades-in-arms and said dissatisfied: It is not suitable for my old leader to live in a double ward

Through this article, it is not difficult to find that Comrade Yin Xianbing is indeed a great hero. Born in poverty, he joined the revolutionary ranks from a young age with the ideal of changing his fate. In that era of bullets and bullets, Yin Xianbing quickly became a fierce general with his heroic and fearless fighting spirit, and rose all the way to the rank of army commander. It's a pity that his fate was ill-fated, and he was punished for emotional problems on the Korean battlefield, and since then he has gradually faded out of people's sight. Until he reunited with his old friend Qin Jiwei, Yin Xianbing was already in his twilight years. Fortunately, Qin Jiwei's respect for him as always, so that Yin Xianbing received the respect he deserved. #头条首发大赛#

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