
He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

author:Old nonsense about history

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled. In those eventful years, many heroic sons and daughters shed their blood and fought bravely for the future of the country and the liberation of the nation. Among them, He Changgong, an ordinary young man from Huarong, Hunan, experienced key moments such as the Autumn Harvest Uprising, the Zhu Mao Meeting, and the Long March, and finally became a generation of generals. However, even such an old qualification failed to be elected as a member of the Central Committee in the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, because "the Central Committee is not a hometown association." At that time, these words caused many doubts and made people sigh. Let's find out what kind of story it is!

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

Speaking of the old He Changgong revolution, it can be said that he has experienced a major course of the Chinese revolution. He was originally called He Kun, and was later given the name "Changgong" by Mao Zedong himself, implying that he hoped that he would work for the people all his life.

At first, He Changgong studied in the French Specialized Workshop in Changxindian, Beijing, and met Mao Zedong, who was emerging from the new army, and the two had a very happy conversation. Later, under the influence of the May Fourth Movement, he began to accept Marxism, and while studying in France, he joined the Chinese Young Communist Party in Europe, which opened his revolutionary career.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

After returning to China, He Changgong was sent to Wuhan to serve in the guard regiment of the National Revolutionary Army. When Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution, he immediately threw himself into the Autumn Harvest Uprising led by Mao Zedong. This uprising made him brilliant, because he personally designed the first flag of our army, which was bright red with a sickle and axe and five stars, which had a profound meaning.

In October 1927, He Changgong followed Mao Zedong to Jinggangshan, known as the "cradle of the revolution", and started a new journey of revolution. Shortly thereafter, the Party Central Committee decided to invite the Nanchang uprising troops to join the army. This heavy responsibility naturally fell to He Changgong.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

After all kinds of hardships and twists and turns, He Changgong finally succeeded in getting in touch with Zhu De, which contributed to the epoch-making event of "Zhu Mao's Meeting" in 1928. When Zhu De saw He Changgong, he held his hand tightly and said, "We are just going to find Comrade Mao Zedong..."

Next, during his stay in Jinggangshan, He Changgong brilliantly completed the important tasks of transforming the green forest team and serving as the president of the first military university of the Red Army. It can be said that along the way, he has been Mao Zedong's right-hand man and confidant.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

During the Long March, although He Changgong once supported Zhang Guotao and dealt a blow to Mao Zedong, Chairman Mao was still magnanimous and later entrusted with important tasks. However, at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 1945, He Changgong was unexpectedly defeated as a member of the Central Committee. Faced with the doubts of his old comrades-in-arms, He Changgong could only repeat Chairman Mao's original words: "The Central Committee is not a hometown association, Hunan people

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

In the Central Committee there are a lot. Although this sentence is very reasonable, it is really a bit regrettable for an old revolutionary whose qualifications can be traced back to the Nanchang Uprising.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

However, this regret was quickly swept away by He Changgong. For a true communist, personal fame and fortune are secondary, and national liberation and national prosperity are the most important things. Therefore, even though he failed to enter the highest authority of the central government, He Changgong still devoted himself to the revolutionary cause.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he successively served as the commander of Yanchuan and Yanchang River Defense, as well as the president of "Kang University" and other important positions, contributing his own strength to the final victory. During the Liberation War, he served as the Minister of Military Industry and the Minister of Ordnance of the Northeast Bureau.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, although he was old, He Changgong did not retire. On the contrary, he remained active in various positions, successively serving as vice minister of the Ministry of Food of the State Council and a member of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress until his death in 1976. From an ordinary young man to a veteran figure of the Communist Party of China, He Changgong's life can be described as ups and downs and vicissitudes. He personally experienced the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China and witnessed the difficult journey of the Chinese nation from humiliation to self-reliance and self-reliance.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

When he failed to be elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Seventh National Congress, although his old comrades-in-arms were sad, He Changgong himself handled it calmly. For a communist, fame and fortune are not important, what is important is the revolutionary ideal and cause, and what is important is to seek the interests of the masses of the people. It is precisely this kind of foresight and sagacity that He Changgong will forever be remembered in the history of the party and in the hearts of the people.

He Changgong was not elected as a member of the 7th Central Committee, and his old comrades-in-arms were puzzled

There is no doubt that He Changgong is a revolutionary hero of a generation, and his life embodies sincere enthusiasm for the party and the people. From the Autumn Harvest Uprising to the Nanchang Uprising to the Zhu Mao Division, from the design of the military flag to the transformation of the green forest team, from presiding over the first military academy of the Red Army to holding important positions, he has all shown his outstanding talents.

Although he was not elected as a member of the Central Committee at the Seventh National Congress of the Communist Party of China, this did not affect his immortal historical status. For a communist, personal pursuits and fame and status are secondary, and the most important is the revolutionary ideal of serving the people. Because of this, He Changgong will be calm and continue to struggle until the last moment of his life. His life is exactly a model for the Chinese Communists. #头条首发大赛#