
At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

author:Old nonsense about history

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot. When a generation of heroes was in their prime, Duan Suquan showed extraordinary courage and wisdom. At the age of 18, he served as the political commissar of the Red Army division, and he took the lead in rushing to the front line, fighting the enemy to the death. In order to cover the northward retreat of the main force, he was forced to temporarily break away from the troops, but for a time he became a victim. At a life-or-death stake, an ordinary tailor completely changed his fate. This legendary story once again proves that true heroes never lack the brilliance of humanity. So, what kind of far-reaching impact did this thrilling experience have on the future founding general Duan Suquan?

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

In the early days of the rise of the people's army, the young generals made great contributions. At the age of 18, Duan Suquan became a political commissar and fought bloodily against the enemy in the Qiandong Independent Division. In order to cover the withdrawal of the main forces of the Red Army, he was forced to temporarily leave the troops. A stray bullet pierced his left foot, and when he was in a desperate situation, an ordinary tailor came to his rescue. This ordinary man risked his life to hide the seriously wounded Red Army in a cave and secretly provide food and clothing. Duan Suquan was able to turn the tide and eventually return to the revolutionary ranks. Later, he became the founding general, but he always remembered his benefactor's life-saving grace and tried his best to reciprocate.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

What's even more curious is what impact will this extraordinary experience have on Duan Suquan's future career? Will he suffer setbacks in conferring the title? Or is it the deep affection of his benefactor that makes him feel warm in his old age?

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

In the war-torn era, Duan Suquan can be called a young hero. At the age of 18, he not only became the political commissar of the division, an important military position, but also personally participated in several fierce battles.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

In 1934, in order to cover the northward movement of the main force of the Central Red Army, Duan Suquan's Qiandong Independent Division was ordered to contain the enemy in Xiangxi. This improvised unit was immediately surrounded by the enemy and sniped by the allied forces of the "landlords and gentry". In this difficult environment of "nine deaths and one life", Duan Suquan and division commander Wang Guangguang led all the commanders and fighters to resist tenaciously and fought the enemy for nearly a month.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

In the end, the task of the independent division was completed, and the main forces of the Red Army were successfully evacuated. But by this time, the troops had suffered heavy casualties, and Duan Suquan was even pierced in his left foot by an enemy bullet in a battle. Seeing that he could not move on, he had to be carried on a stretcher and temporarily separated from the troops.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

When life and death were at stake, an ordinary tailor, Li Mufu, reached out to the rescue and hid the seriously injured Duan Suquan in the cave. Although the family was surrounded by walls, Li Mufu and his wife spared no effort to take care of this strange Red Army, struggling to provide food and clothing, and almost emptied their family's funds. On one occasion, when the reactionary militia rushed to hear the wind and forced Li Mufu to hand over Duan Suquan at gunpoint, this simple old man almost did his best to protect the endangered Red Army.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

"There is no way to go." Fortunately, with the thoughtful help of Li Mufu, Duan Suquan was transferred all the way by begging, and finally returned to the revolutionary ranks in Taiyuan in 1937. The political commissar of the Red Army division, who was considered "killed" back then, finally reappeared in front of his comrades-in-arms, and Ren Bishi cried with joy. From then on, Duan Suquan redevoted himself to the fiery revolutionary cause.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

However, this tortuous experience did have some impact on his later years. After the victory of the Liberation War, Duan Suquan has been serving in the Northeast Military Region and the Air Force, with the rank of major general. Some people say that the "problems left over from history" that lasted for two years after leaving the army did not prevent him from being awarded the rank of lieutenant general as he wished. Faced with the rank of "Major General" at the award ceremony, the angry Duan Suquan tore off the epaulettes on the spot and expressed his grievances. Many years later, the founding general was still haunted by this, and before his death, he even instructed him not to wear a military uniform to be buried.

At the age of 18, he became the political commissar of the division, won the battle but was dismissed, and when he was awarded the title, he was unwilling and tore off the epaulettes on the spot

However, what made Duan Suquan remember more was Li Mufu, the ordinary tailor who had saved his life. More than 30 years after liberation, he personally returned to Xiushan to look for his benefactor, hoping to repay the life-saving grace with practical actions. Although Li Mufu himself was missed, under his commission, Xiushan built an arch bridge for Li Mufu's hometown to facilitate travel, which fully reflects the founding general's cherishing of the gratitude of the people. #头条首发大赛#