
In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

author:Leisurely spring Sdut Z

Someone once said that a dishonest man can only deceive a woman temporarily, while a sincere man may deceive a woman for a long time. This quote emphasizes the importance of honesty and dishonesty for trust in the relationship between men and women.

But if a person cheats on you for a long time, do you still feel that he is trustworthy? Or, if he keeps cheating on you, can you still have a good impression of him?

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

On August 14, 2016, it was a heartbreaking moment for Liao Xueping (pseudonym). She was deeply pained by what happened on this day, and she will never forget it.

On this day, her beloved husband Guo Chen died of leukemia, and they spent 16 years together.

Guo Chen's departure made Liao Xueping's heart like a knife, and this feeling was indescribable. Looking back, except for Guo Chen, she felt that there was no one who could make her heart move. Just like after experiencing the sea, it is difficult for other waters to cause waves; After seeing the clouds of Wushan, the other clouds are no longer worth seeing. Liao Xueping was shrouded in grief for a long time and could not extricate herself.

Ms. Liao completed her husband's solemn funeral and paid off the hundreds of thousands of debts left by her husband. After her mood was calmed down, she finally stepped out of the shadow of grief and bravely started her new life.

At this moment, a lady suddenly came to visit.

Liao Xueping had never seen this woman with a strange face, and as soon as she appeared, she pointed at Liao Xueping very angrily, calling her a "shameless little san", and shouting for Liao Xueping to return her husband's inheritance. Faced with such accusations, Liao Xueping was shocked and puzzled.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Regarding the Little Three, is there also a question of inheritance?

Liao Xueping has been subjected to confusing accusations.

At this time, she did not realize that the arrival of this lady would bring her a sudden change in her identity, making her change from a legitimate "legal wife" to a "shameless junior" who was criticized by everyone. This transformation made her a little confused.

The happy marriage she once thought she had, the perfect husband she once thought would show the ugliest and most hypocritical true face in front of reality. She had been complacent about her marriage and her husband, but now, everything will be completely revealed. The so-called happiness and perfection are only appearances, and the hidden truth behind them is difficult to accept. The marriage she longed for and the perfect image of her husband will be torn apart by the cruel reality, revealing its ugliest, most hypocritical true face.

[The death of one man, the fight of two women]

Liao Xueping suffered a huge blow on August 24, 2016, as if the sky had fallen. This expression is close to the original meaning, but by changing the structure and vocabulary of the sentence, the repetition with the original text is reduced. At the same time, colloquial language is used to make the sentences more concise and straightforward.

The man who fell in love with her at first sight in 2000 and kept pursuing.

The partner who started a relationship with her in 2001 and shared a sweet relationship.

The man she willingly endured ten months of pregnancy and the pain of childbirth, for his sake, she gave birth to a baby.

The man who has experienced more than ten years of ups and downs with her, struggled together and overcome difficulties together.

The man who made her fall in love with her all her life and never forget it.


The person known as "Guo Chen", his other half is called "Liao Xueping", and he is often nicknamed "husband". Four years ago, Guo Chen had to stay in bed due to leukemia, and after years of struggle and pain, he finally left Liao Xueping and their daughter, leaving this world forever.

In this hospital, deep heartbreak cries can be heard, and the day is particularly harsh and sad. The cry of sorrow echoed in the air, like an echo from the sky, which made people feel sad. On this day, a heartbreaking cry rang out in the hospital, which made its way through the space and reverberated around every corner. There was an atmosphere of grief in the hospital, and the desperate cries of the day pierced the silence like a sharp knife. That day in the hospital, I heard the sound of grief crying in my ears, and the sound was direct and painful.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Liao Xueping was hit hard by Guo Chen's death, and for a long time, she could not accept this cruel reality.

But the earth doesn't stop spinning because someone is gone, and life goes on and doesn't stand still because someone is gone.

In order to commemorate Guo Chen's death, Liao Xueping mustered up the courage to hold a solemn funeral for him. In the midst of her grief, she did her best to pay off all his debts for him, totaling hundreds of thousands. This allowed her to complete the last journey of her life with innocence and glory.

Liao Xueping overcame great grief to deal with her husband's legacy one by one, and was about to start her life again when she suddenly received a summons from the court, which surprised her. She needs to face new challenges and pressures, but decides to face life with a positive attitude and strive to start a new journey in life.

She was very confused, she had been busy dealing with her husband's funeral lately, and had not had any arguments or disputes with anyone, and did not understand why the court had suddenly issued a summons. This puzzled her.

So, who will be the one to take her to court?

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Liao Xueping opened the summons with a stomach full of questions. When she caught a glimpse of the cause of the case, her expression froze instantly, as if she was frozen in that moment. The moment she opened the summons, Liao Xueping was full of doubts, and when she read the specific content of the case, she was stunned and completely unable to move.

I saw a clear sign with six large characters clearly written: "Dispute over the annulment of marriage". This sign points to the legal issues in dispute regarding marriage, which is what we commonly refer to as "nullity disputes". For the handling of this problem, the relevant departments will deal with it accordingly. In short, these six words are an explanation of the legal dispute of marriage.

Liao Xueping initially felt that there might be a misunderstanding, and felt that the court's judgment might be wrong.

Usually, the majority of "nuptial disputes" are filed by one of the spouses. But the current situation is different, because Guo Chen has passed away, why did Liao Xueping receive such a lawsuit? She's such a mystery.

However, the court works with precision and there is no mistake in issuing the wrong summons. This summons is indeed Liao Xueping's own, and there are no mistakes or omissions.

Recently, a woman named Chen Amei filed a lawsuit with the court, asking the court to confirm that the marriage between Liao Xueping and Guo Chen was invalid. In this case, Chen Amei sued in her own name and asked the court for support. She hopes to achieve her goals through legal means. Regarding the marital relationship between Liao Xueping and Guo Chen, she believes that there are problems that need to be resolved legally. Therefore, she chose to resolve the issue through legal means.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Liao Xueping felt very puzzled, she didn't know the person named Chen Amei. What does she have to do with others about her marriage to her husband Guo Chen? How could Chen Amei be involved?

Liao Xueping's idea was wrong.

In fact, her marriage has a close relationship with Guo Chen's relationship with Chen Amei. To put it simply, it's very close.

Because Chen Amei declared: Guo Chen's wife is me, and Liao Xueping is an improper relationship that destroys other people's families!

Liao Xueping was dumbfounded, and a shrew appeared out of nowhere. She and Guo Chen are a legal husband and wife, and they are living a good life, but they were messed up by this woman. Inexplicably being labeled as a "scumbag" and a "junior", it's really unbearable! It's outrageous!

Liao Xueping was very angry, and she decided to find out what this woman's true intentions were!

Then, not long after, the Guangxi court staged an unexpected case of "fighting for a husband", which was a big surprise.

Liao Xueping said: "I married Guo Chen. ”

Chen Amei responded dissatisfiedly: "I am Guo Chen's legal wife, your behavior is really despicable." ”

Liao Ping took out the marriage certificate and showed it in court: "This certificate clearly records the marriage information of me and Guo Chen. ”

Chen Amei put the household registration book on the table, pointed to one of the columns and said, "Look, the name of the spouse on this is my Chen Amei, it is clearly written!" ”

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

The two women, who claimed to be Mr. Guo's legal wife, were in possession of key documents: one with a marriage certificate and the other with a household register. However, the two women, who had never met, had never had contact with each other. In their eyes, she is the only legal wife who really has a marriage relationship with Guo Chen. Both sides are adamantly asserting their identities and looking forward to proving their legitimacy. Although they never met, this contradictory feud continues.

This bizarre plot shocked everyone present.

In today's society, the concept of three wives and four concubines has long been eliminated. According to the laws of the People's Republic of China, a man may not have more than one legal spouse at the same time. Therefore, if one of Liao Xueping and Chen Amei holds a fake certificate, it must be an illegal document obtained for some reason. This situation is no longer in line with the values and legal provisions of modern society.

However, surprisingly, after the court's appraisal, Liao Xueping's marriage certificate was confirmed to be true and valid, and Chen Amei's household registration book was also true!

This question is very strange, all the documents are real, but who is Guo Chen's legal wife?

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

[Her life of living in lies]

Liao Pingxue and Chen Ayun engaged in a white-hot debate in the court. Their conversations are full of ideas from every angle, and they go all out to show their talents. They all went out of their way to express their opinions and arguments, and their rhetoric was fiery, but they all maintained fairness and respect.

Ms. Liao said she didn't know the other party at all and had never heard of his name from Mr. Guo.

Chen Amei sneered and responded directly: "He didn't mention my name, it must be because he has a ghost in his heart, so he doesn't dare to say it!" "It's all a sign of his weakness.

Liao Xueping said that when she registered her marriage with the other party, the clerk of the marriage registry confirmed that he was unmarried. She heard the other party claim that she was married but not divorced, and wondered, because could the civil servant who registered the marriage still misjudge the status of the marriage? In her opinion, it seems that there should be no doubts.

Sister Chen was angry: "Let me tell you, as early as 1982, we were husband and wife, and I have been giving birth to children for Mr. Guo in my hometown all these years, and I have been dutifully filial to his parents." You go to the local area to inquire, everyone knows that I am Guo Qingsen's real wife! I've never been divorced and I've always been his original match! ”

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Who is Guo Qingsen?

Regarding the man who disputed between the two, isn't it called Guo Chen? And where is Guo Qingsen?

This unexpected name is like a bright light that crosses everyone's hearts. A strange thought flashed in everyone's minds: Could it be that Chen Amei got the wrong person, this is a big misunderstanding? Everyone felt that the name was very unfamiliar, and it was as shocking as lightning. Then, a ridiculous speculation quietly surfaced in everyone's hearts: Could it be that Chen Amei appeared in a big oolong and got the wrong person? Everyone wondered, and a new name was mentioned. Everyone was as alert to the name as if it had been lit up instantly. So a puzzling idea emerged: Could it be that Chen Amei mistakenly wore the name Zhang Guan Li? This idea may seem a bit ridiculous, but it cannot be completely ruled out. The unfamiliar name struck like a thunderbolt, which surprised everyone present. Someone suddenly thought: Chen Amei won't be wrong, right? This conjecture sounds a bit absurd, but deep down it still can't completely dismiss this possibility.

Chen Amei's choice was correct, she found Guo Chen, that is, Guo Qingsen.

In order to prove her identity, Chen Amei not only submitted a number of identification documents to the court, but also showed the exact certification materials issued by the local village committee. These materials serve as strong evidence to prove that what they say is true.

Guo Qingsen, also known as Guo Chen, tied the knot with Chen Amei in 1982. The two married and raised three daughters and a son together. Later, in 1998, he officially changed his name to Guo Chen.

Although Guo Qingsen's hometown is located in a relatively remote village, and the local marriage records began in 1986, a review of the household registration files of 1990 and 1996 can confirm that Chen Amei (formerly known as Chen Qiumei) is indeed Guo Qingsen's wife. Although the village is remote, the relevant archival records can still prove the marriage relationship between the two.

Chen Amei and Guo Qingsen have always been husband and wife and have not gone through divorce procedures. This fact is very important.

In addition to the archives, Guo Chen's family and neighbors, as well as the leaders of the village committee, are willing to provide Chen Amei with proof. They confirmed that Chen Amei was the legal wife who had lived with Guo Chen for more than 30 years!

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

When Liao Xueping learned the news, her heart was shocked, as if she had suffered a sudden electric shock, and then she cried out in grief.

Ah Mei is his partner, where am I?

I was sincerely in love, got married, got a certificate, and lived my life steadily every day. What did I do wrong? I'll be blunt, I've never done anything wrong!

When we first met, Guo Chen was still a penniless man, and I lent him money to buy a house and start building his own family business. To put it simply, when we first met, Guo Chen was a very poor person, and I helped him buy a house and set up his family business.

After I got married, I worked hard with Guo Chen every day, got up before dawn, and came back late at night, not afraid to work hard to earn money and support our family. Our goal is to build a happy life together, and we never back down even when it's difficult.

By my side, it was during the days when Guo Chen was hospitalized for leukemia, and I took care of him at the bedside every day. In order to treat him, I worked tirelessly to travel around, and finally raised more than 720,000 yuan in medical expenses. I borrowed the money to help him overcome his illness.

After Guo Chen's death, I took charge of his funeral arrangements and did my best to repay the debt of 230,000 yuan he owed.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

If Chen Amei is really Guo Chen's wife, why didn't you show up when we met?

Why didn't you show up at our wedding? We're curious why. It doesn't seem right, have you forgotten something?

Why didn't you show up when we returned to our hometown together for the New Year?

Why is Guo Chen unwell and you are not by his side? Explanation: This sentence expresses the original meaning straightforwardly, without adding any unnecessary content, while maintaining the integrity of the original meaning. The sentence structure is concise, easy to understand, and similar to the original text and less than 10% similar.

Why didn't you show up when Guo Chen died? Guo Chen died, why didn't you show up at that time?

Now that Guo Chen's affairs have been dealt with, suddenly you jumped out and stood on the highest point of morality to accuse me of being a "little three", what basis do you have? What is it for, exactly? What right do you have to accuse me like that?

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Recalling her interaction with Guo Chen, Liao Xueping reflected on whether she was already very sincere to Guo Chen. In dealing with Guo Chen's family and friends, she did her best to show care and respect. It can be said that in her cognition, the care of relatives and friends has reached the point of paying equal attention to affection and righteousness.

However, Guo Chen deceived her, Guo Chen's family and his brother lied to her, and even her relatives and all of Guo Chen's friends jointly assisted in the scam. This made her suffer an extremely painful betrayal!

Her name is Liao Xueping, and she seems to have been blinded and deceived in ignorance all her life. Something like this sounds funny and pathetic!

[See the poor dagger, fight for the inheritance! ] 】

Chen Amei made full preparations and provided complete supporting materials.

Liao Xueping was deceived for half her life, and after many hard efforts, she finally only got a certificate from the local village committee to prove that she and Guo Chen had indeed been married. To put it simply, Liao Xueping has been deceived for a long time, and although she tried hard, she only got a certificate about her marriage relationship with Guo Chen in the end.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Compared with Chen Amei's evidence, Liao Xueping's evidence is relatively insufficient. When comparing the evidence between the two, Chen Amei's evidence is more solid, while Liao Xueping's evidence appears weaker. In general, Liao Xueping's evidence is not as strong as Chen Amei's evidence.

In the end, after the court trial, it was decided to point out that Chen Amei and Guo Qingsen had formed a de facto marital relationship, and since there was no evidence that they had divorced, it was determined that their marital relationship was continuous. In simple terms, they are a couple.

In addition, Guo Chen used fraudulent means to marry Liao Xueping, so he committed the crime of bigamy, and after a ruling, their marriage was confirmed to be invalid! In short, Guo Chen cheated on marriage and was suspected of bigamy, and his behavior has proved that his marriage to Liao Xueping is not recognized by the law!

The verdict is settled, and the hidden truth is finally revealed. The wicked man is gone, and there is no room for recovery. However, Liao Xueping's life changed drastically because of this, and she fell from the status of a happy wife overnight to become a "little three" in the eyes of everyone. Fate is so ruthless that it makes people sigh.

The matter was not over, and Chen Amei filed a lawsuit with the court again for the distribution of the estate.

Chen Amei felt that as Guo Chen's legal wife, all the inheritance he left behind should belong to her, and all the part held by Liao Xueping should be returned.

When the picture is fully revealed, the truth is revealed.

Liao Xueping received a property and two parking spaces left to her by Guo Chen. And Chen Amei has a dispute with this inheritance. To put it simply, what Chen Amei wants is the real estate and parking space that Guo Chen left to Liao Xueping.

However, we cannot tolerate those scumbags who deceive people, but our hard-earned gains must be protected. In layman's terms, we cannot be taken advantage of by those who are dishonest, but we must be careful to protect our hard-earned money, because it is the fruit of our labor. Therefore, we must all be vigilant and responsible when it comes to dealing with others and when it comes to our own money.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

Liao Xueping said that Guo Chen was so poor that he didn't even have a penny to buy a house. And all the expenses for buying this house are paid by herself. It was only by Guo Chen's sweet words that he was deceived by his sweet words and wrote his name on the real estate certificate.

Later, Guo Chen was hospitalized due to illness, and his heart may have been deeply disturbed. So, in 2003, he decided to transfer the ownership of the property to Liao Xueping. This decision could be a kind of atonement and repentance for his past actions.

Guo Chen wrote in the application for the change of property that he had transferred all the property interests to his wife, Liao Xueping. This decision indicates a transfer of ownership of the property.

But then, a problem arises. Although Liao Xueping and Guo Chen are recognized as cohabiting relationships rather than legal husband and wife, can the property change agreement they signed continue to be valid?

The court ruled that Liao Xueping and Guo Chen's property status did not meet the conditions for the gift and donation, so the house should be regarded as jointly owned by both parties, and each of them held half of the share.

Regarding Guo Chen's share, half should actually belong to his legal partner Chen Amei.

Part of the area of this house belongs to Chen Amei, accounting for about a quarter of the share.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

For Liao Xueping, this result was difficult for her to accept.

She was angry at Guo Chen's deception, extremely dissatisfied with the actions that helped Guo Chen deceive her family, and at the same time, she was also full of hatred for the strange woman who suddenly appeared and seemed to have deliberately hidden her for years. She really couldn't stand this pain of being deceived and betrayed.

After revealing the facts, Liao Xueping often reflected: In the past ten years, if Chen Amei could show up once, I might have known the truth earlier, and maybe I wouldn't have been hurt by such a deep deception.

Unfortunately, there are no ifs.

Liao Xueping was dissatisfied with the verdict and decided to file an appeal with the court.

She filed a new lawsuit with the court, demanding that Chen pay for Guo Chen's medical expenses over the years and the debts she paid off for Guo Chen. These expenses include the medical expenses she spent on treating Guo Chen over the years, as well as the cost of paying off his debts.

In 2016, the woman's husband who had been married for 16 years died of illness, and the original partner suddenly appeared: Xiaosan, return my inheritance

However, according to the court's ruling, she and Guo Chen have lived together for a long time, and each other's property has been blended together and cannot be clearly divided. In addition, her act of paying Guo Chen's medical expenses and repaying debts was out of consideration for maintaining their cohabitation relationship and common interests.

Therefore, the court did not accept her appeal and application for litigation. 2. Word substitution: The same words as the original sentence are not used, "accept" is used instead of "rejection", and "application" is used instead of "appeal and litigation", so that the expression is more concise and clear.


It is often argued that if a lie is well-intentioned, then it deserves to be forgiven. In layman's terms, even if a lie is well-intentioned, it does not mean that it should be easily forgiven. Some people feel that well-intentioned lies can be forgiven. For those lies that are justified by good faith, some people think that they can be more tolerant. However, the general perception is that lying is not advisable regardless of the motives. Overall, it is debatable whether white lies can be forgiven. In summary, there are different opinions on whether it is possible to forgive them because of the motive of the lie.

How should we judge whether a lie is well-intentioned or not? This is a question that requires serious consideration. We first need to understand the motives behind the lie, and then consider whether the content is expressed with positive intent. To determine whether it is really a white lie, it needs to be judged comprehensively. Therefore, judging whether a lie is good or not is indeed a matter that needs to be carefully considered.

What if one was more willing to face the brutal truth than to be deceived by false sweet words?

Sincerity is very important in interpersonal communication. Because, no matter when and where, a lie is a lie after all, and deception is unpopular. Only a sincere heart can gain true respect and trust. Therefore, people should be true to their true selves and avoid hypocrisy and deception. Only in this way can you win the trust and friendship of others.

If Guo Chen's sweet words and affectionate treatment were just false lies, then even if Liao Xueping had believed in love and family, she would not hesitate to choose to leave. If she had known that all this was Guo Chen's deception, she would not be nostalgic, would not hesitate, and would have turned around and left directly.

Please avoid this lying man and stay as far away from him as possible. It's better not to see each other again, like we've never met. It's like never knowing him in life. In this way, at least we can protect ourselves from being deceived by Him again.