
Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

author:Liu Ruixiu popularized science

In the bustling supermarket, 58-year-old Uncle Li pushes a shopping cart and shuttles between the shelves with a determined gaze.

He is a patient with a history of diabetes for 10 years, and half a year ago, because of general pain and limited movement in the lower back,

He was diagnosed with osteoporosis caused by diabetes.

The doctor's prescription changes gave him a new perspective on blood sugar control, but at the same time, he began to worry about his bone health.

So, Uncle Li decided to take action.

He picked up a carton of pure milk labeled as "high calcium" and "skimmed", and thought in his heart that a glass a day could not only replenish calcium but not add too much fat burden.

He imagined his strong bones being rejuvenated by milk, as if he had felt that power.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

However, when he brought the milk home with great anticipation, ready to start his calcium supplementation journey,

A piece of news about how drinking milk in diabetics may affect blood sugar left him confused.

Could milk, once considered a representative of health drinks, really become a stumbling block to his blood sugar control?

In order to answer the doubts in his heart, Uncle Li stepped into the hospital again.

Under the doctor's patient explanation, he learned that although milk is rich in calcium, it helps osteoporosis to a certain extent.

But it also contains lactose, a carbohydrate that can be converted into glucose by the body.

For people with diabetes, too much lactose may cause blood sugar levels to rise.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

The doctor advised Uncle Li that milk can be drunk in moderation, but it is more important to control the total amount and closely monitor blood sugar changes.

At the same time, the doctor also reminded him that in addition to milk, there are four kinds of "water" that he needs to pay special attention to:

Sugar-sweetened beverages:

Whether it's bottled carbonated beverages or ready-to-pour juice powders, they all hide a lot of added sugar.

These sugars are like latent hunters, once they enter the body, they will quickly release energy.

As a result, blood sugar levels rise rapidly, like wildfires in spring, spreading rapidly and are difficult to contain.

Alcoholic beverages:

Alcohol not only interferes with the normal metabolism of the liver, but also affects the regulation of blood sugar.

Moreover, drinking on an empty stomach is even worse, making blood sugar fluctuate like a roller coaster, which increases the difficulty of management.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

Soup Concentrate:

These seemingly convenient condiments tend to be high in sodium and hidden sugars.

Like silent assassins, they silently infiltrate the daily diet,

Not only is it a threat to blood pressure control, but it can also unknowingly raise blood sugar levels, making it difficult to prevent it.

High-sugar fruit juices:

Although the fruit itself is rich in vitamins and minerals, after a baptism of the juicer,

The fiber is stripped away, but the fructose left behind can be quickly absorbed, resulting in blood sugar like a wild horse, which is difficult to control.

After listening to the doctor's explanation, Uncle Li suddenly realized.

He realized that a healthy lifestyle is more than just a simple choice of food.

Instead, you need to make a reasonable choice based on comprehensive nutrition knowledge and self-monitoring.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

Since then, Uncle Li no longer blindly pursues a single nutritional supplement, but has begun to pay attention to the diversity and balance of the diet.

He learned how to flexibly adjust his diet plan based on his blood glucose monitoring results to ensure nutrient intake and effectively control blood sugar.

What other foods should diabetics avoid?

In addition to sugar-sweetened beverages, alcoholic beverages, concentrated soups and high-sugar fruit juices mentioned above,

There are also some foods that diabetics should try to avoid or severely restrict:

Refined grains:

Such as white rice, white bread and pastries, these foods are low in fiber and have a high glycemic index (GI).

This means that they raise blood sugar levels quickly.

In contrast, whole grains such as brown rice, oats, and whole-wheat bread are better options.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

High-sugar desserts:

Desserts such as cakes, cookies, candies, and ice cream contain a lot of added sugar and saturated fat.

Not only can it cause blood sugar spikes, but it may also increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Processed meats:

Such as sausages, bacon, hot dogs, and certain canned meat products, which usually contain high amounts of salt, fat,

And may contain preservatives and other chemical additives that are not good for the overall health of people with diabetes.

Fried foods:

French fries, fried chicken, and other fried foods contain a lot of unhealthy fats,

It can increase the risk of weight and cardiovascular disease, and may also lead to poor blood sugar control.

High-salt foods:

A diet high in salt increases the risk of high blood pressure, which is one of the common complications of diabetes.

Therefore, the intake of processed foods, fast food, and salty snacks should be limited.

Can't drink milk for diabetes? Reminder: If you don't want your blood sugar to spike, you should touch these foods less

Diabetic patients should pay attention to the quality and portion of food when making a diet plan, and choose low GI foods.

Increase dietary fiber intake, maintain a varied diet, and monitor blood sugar levels regularly so that you can adjust your dietary strategy in a timely manner.

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