
Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

author:Liu Ruixiu popularized science

In the long river, there is an elder named Uncle Zhao, whose figure often appears in the chess and card room of the community.

Sit around a table with a few old friends and play mahjong leisurely.

However, as he grew older, Uncle Zhao's body began to have various minor problems.

During a routine physical examination, the doctor told him solemnly that although playing mahjong can move his brain,

Socialize, but there are some things that older people should avoid.

The doctor listed eight things that the elderly should not do lightly, each of which is related to health and quality of life.

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

After hearing this, Uncle Zhao couldn't help but be shocked in his heart, it turned out that some of his daily habits could become hidden dangers to his health.

As you get older, there are eight things you need to be cautious about

Excessive physical exertion:

Muscle strength and endurance are reduced in the elderly, and overwork can not only lead to musculoskeletal damage,

It may also induce or exacerbate cardiovascular disease, so prolonged heavy physical activity should be avoided.

Unreasonable eating habits:

With the decrease in digestion and absorption, the elderly should avoid foods that are high in fat, sugar, salt and difficult to digest.

To prevent chronic diseases such as indigestion, obesity, and high blood pressure.

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

Violent mood swings:

Extreme changes in mood can cause sympathetic nerve excitation, causing a sudden increase in blood pressure.

To increase the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, the elderly should learn to manage their emotions and maintain a stable state of mind.

Lack of moderate exercise:

Moderate physical activity can enhance cardiopulmonary function and improve immunity.

However, the elderly should choose low-intensity, continuous exercise to avoid physical injuries caused by strenuous exercise.

Staying up late and not getting enough sleep:

Sleep is essential for the health of the elderly, and staying up late for a long time or not getting enough sleep can disrupt biological rhythms.

Affects endocrine balance and increases the risk of disease.

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

Ignoring Initial Health Signals:

Older people tend to pay little attention to minor discomfort, but it can be an early sign of an underlying condition and should be seen promptly to avoid delaying the condition.

Substance Abuse and Misuse:

Older people should be cautious when taking drugs, follow their doctor's instructions, and avoid increasing or decreasing the dose or type of drugs on their own to prevent drug interactions or side effects from causing damage to health.

Social Isolation and Psychological Autism:

The reduction of social activities and psychological self-isolation will affect the mental health of the elderly, increase the risk of depression and cognitive decline, and the elderly should be encouraged to actively participate in social interaction and maintain good social networks.

Under the advice of the doctor, Uncle Zhao began to adjust his lifestyle.

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

He reduced the time spent playing mahjong and instead walked for half an hour every day to breathe fresh air and move his muscles.

I also pay more attention to my diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, and eat less greasy food.

He also joined the community's senior college to learn calligraphy and gardening, enriching his life and making new friends.

The doctor also gave some specific suggestions to help Uncle Zhao take better care of his health:

Eat a sensible diet: Eat a varied diet with moderate intake of protein, vitamins and minerals, and a reduction in salt and sugar.

Moderate exercise: Choose the right exercise according to your physical condition, such as tai chi, jogging, swimming, etc., and insist on exercising every day.

Get enough sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep every day, rest early at night, and avoid staying up late.

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

Regular physical examinations: Conduct regular physical examinations to detect and deal with health problems in a timely manner.

Psychological adjustment: Maintain an optimistic attitude, participate in social activities, and maintain good communication with family and friends.

Safe medication: follow the doctor's instructions, do not increase or decrease the dose at will, and do not abuse health care products.

Fall prevention: Pay attention to home safety, avoid slippery floors, and wear well-fitting shoes to reduce the risk of falls.

Actively participate: Participate in community activities, give full play to your spare energy, and maintain a positive attitude towards life.

After a period of adjustment, Uncle Zhao's physical condition has improved significantly.

His spirit was refreshed and his smile was even brighter.

He said with emotion: "It turns out that it is not difficult to live a healthy lifestyle, as long as we are willing to change, we can enjoy the happiness brought by health." ”

Doctor's advice: When you are old, you would rather play mahjong every day than do these eight things lightly

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In this fast-paced era, we often overlook the most basic way to be healthy – eating right.

Uncle Zhao's experience tells us that even simple dietary adjustments can bring unexpected health effects.

Let's start today, pay attention to our eating habits, take care of our kidneys, and make health the most beautiful scenery in life.

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Welcome to leave a message in the comment area. Let's discuss and grow together.

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