
Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

author:Don't eat sprouts


Zhang Lan's trip to Japan with her grandchildren

The news that Wang Xiaofei and Zhang Lan took their children to Japan for a vacation was like a spring breeze blowing through the grassland of social media, causing ripples.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Zhang Lan showed Xiao Yue'er's long hair and waist-length in the video, her appearance and walking posture seem to be a copy of Big S, which makes people sigh at the magic of genes.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

And Xiao Jiujiu is a lively little guy, always trying his best to appear on the camera and interact with his grandmother, and the warmth seems to be transmitted to everyone watching through the screen.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Netizens left messages one after another, and some said: "Xiao Yue'er's hair volume is simply inherited from her mother's 'hair volume king' gene!" Some ridiculed: "Xiao Jiujiu is going to steal the scene, grandma's shots are almost full of him!" ”


The delicate balance between live streaming and family reunions

Zhang Lan and Wang Xiaofei always seem to find opportunities to open live broadcasts to bring goods, and the children have also become frequent guests in the live broadcasts. This combination of family reunion and business activities makes people wonder whether Zhang Lan wants to have a child, or wants to use the child's traffic to attract more attention.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Some netizens humorously commented: "Zhang Lan is exchanging the cuteness of her grandchildren for our wallet!" ”

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Some people also expressed their understanding: "After all, live streaming is also a kind of life, so why not work with your family?" "This interweaving of live streaming and family life makes people feel the delicate balance between family and career in modern society.


Big S's choice and the children's future

Why didn't Big S let the children go back to Beijing, this question is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, which has aroused countless speculations and discussions.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Every time we get together, we are abroad, which makes people wonder what Big S's considerations are. Some netizens speculated: "Big S may want children to have a more international vision." ”

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Some people also think: "Maybe because of work, Big S needs children to be by his side." And Wang Xiaofei's new wife gets along well with the children, which makes people sigh that Wang Xiaofei seems to have found new happiness after remarriage, and the choice of Big S has also become a hot topic of discussion.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!


Zhang Lan's trip to Japan with her grandchildren is more than a simple family vacation, it is more like a mirror that reflects the complexity and diversity of modern family life.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

Zhang Lan's live broadcast, Big S's choice, and the future of the children, these elements are intertwined and constitute a topic full of discussion.

Big S doesn't let the baby return to Beijing, Zhang Lan shows her grandson's warmth live broadcast!

The enthusiastic participation of netizens made this topic more lively and interesting. In this uncertain family story, everyone has their own opinions and positions, and these different voices are the charm of social media.

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