
Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

author:Don't eat sprouts


Zhang Songwen's shirt legend

Zhang Songwen, an actor known for his low-key and frugal behavior in the entertainment industry, recently became the center of conversation because of a shirt. This shirt, according to himself, has been with him for almost 30 years.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

In the eyes of the public, such an act is not only a cherishing of objects, but also a preservation of past memories.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

Netizens expressed their admiration for this, and some joked: "This shirt has witnessed Zhang Songwen's youth and my childhood." Someone else joked: "The quality of this shirt is more stable than my feelings." ”


Taurus' frugal philosophy

As a representative of Taurus, Zhang Songwen's lifestyle and values find resonance in the horoscope interpretation. Taurus is known for being steady and practical, and Zhang Songwen's behavior just reflects this.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

His frugality is not only a material economy, but also a demonstration of life attitude. On social media, some netizens commented: "Teacher Songwen's lifestyle is simply a living teaching material for Taurus." ”

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

Another person said: "Seeing him like this, I want to go back and rummage through my old clothes at the bottom of the box." ”


The deep insights of the elderly

You Lao, a senior film critic, has also attracted widespread attention for his evaluation of Zhang Songwen. He believes that Zhang Songwen's success is not accidental, but the result of years of accumulation and hard work.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

You Lao especially mentioned Zhang Songwen's modesty, sincerity and simplicity, these qualities are particularly precious in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

Netizens agreed with You Lao's evaluation, and some people left a message: "You Lao's words are always so to the point, Zhang Songwen is indeed an example worth learning." Another person sighed: "In the big dye vat of the entertainment industry, it is really not easy to maintain the original intention." ”

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!


Mr. Zhang's story sparked heated discussions on social media, with some praising his frugality and affection, while others wondered whether it was too conservative to maintain such a lifestyle in the entertainment industry.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

This controversy not only increased the discussion of the topic, but also made more people start to think about their own lifestyle and values. In the comment area, netizens expressed their opinions, and some supported Zhang Songwen's approach, believing that it was a kind of respect for resources and nostalgia for the past; There are also those who disagree, arguing that times are changing, and that lifestyles should also evolve with the times.

Zhang Songwen's shirt sparked heated discussions, netizens: I also want to turn over old clothes!

Such controversy has undoubtedly added more color to Zhang Songwen's story, and it has also made this topic continue to ferment on social media.

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