
Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

author:The sound of iron horses

Chang'e-6 brought back lunar soil samples, which caused the United States and South Korea to complain - why didn't they give us some? The success of Chang'e-6 not only demonstrates the strength of China's aerospace science and technology, but also arouses international attention and controversy.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

The goal of Chang'e-6 is to retrieve 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil samples, which is similar to the two-kilogram target of Chang'e-5, but every gram is hard-won.

You know, there is no atmosphere on the moon, the temperature difference is huge, and the environment is harsh, so it is really no joke to complete such a mission.

To make the spacecraft run stably and control accurately, it is not just talk. Chang'e-6 was able to land firmly on the moon because of the superb technology and rich experience of the engineers.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

The temperature of the moon can soar from minus 173 degrees to 127 degrees in a day, and this temperature difference will not work if we wear down jackets and air conditioning. But Chang'e-6 is like wearing a high-tech "coat" and completing the mission steadily.

In addition, the process of collecting samples is also a big test. The moon has no atmosphere protection, and spacecraft have to face extremely harsh environmental conditions when sampling to ensure that samples are not contaminated and brought back safely and without damage.

It's a technical job. Think about it, it's like finding a glass of water in the desert and having to make sure it doesn't spill out.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

Prior to the Chang'e-6 mission, China had signed cooperation agreements with a number of countries to jointly carry out lunar exploration missions. After the mission was successful, we shared some of the samples with 18 partner countries according to the agreement.

The limited sample size did not allow it to be shared with all partner countries, including the United States and South Korea. The two countries expressed their disappointment when they learned that no lunar soil samples had been identified. Although it is a bit like a child who does not get sugar, it does involve complex international relations behind it.

The lunar soil samples brought back are simply priceless to scientists. Through these samples, scientists were able to gain a deeper understanding of the Moon's geological structure, chemical composition, and evolutionary processes.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

The mineral components and trace elements in these samples may hide the secrets of the formation of the moon. Preliminary analysis by scientists found that these lunar soils are rich in titanium, aluminum and other minerals, which may be important evidence of the evolution of the lunar crust.

For example, lunar soil samples brought back by the Apollo missions of the United States are still being studied today, providing valuable data for mankind to understand the relationship between the Moon and the Earth.

Similarly, the samples of Chang'e-6 will greatly promote the development of scientific research on the moon. Chinese scientists will not only do their own research, but also plan to share the results with the international community. In this way, it will not only demonstrate China's scientific research strength, but also promote global scientific cooperation.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

While the U.S. and South Korea were somewhat disappointed that they didn't get a sample, cooperation in the space sector should be global.

Lunar exploration is not just a matter of one country, but a common dream and cause of mankind. We should encourage more countries to participate in lunar exploration, so that everyone can share the results and make progress together.

It reminds me of the construction process of the ISS. Many countries worked together, co-financed and contributed to the construction of this science laboratory in space. Now, scientists from different countries are conducting various kinds of research on the ISS, which not only promotes scientific progress, but also promotes cooperation and understanding between countries.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

Similarly, lunar exploration should be a win-win process. China has taken an important step by bringing back valuable samples of lunar soil.

Next, we should strengthen cooperation with other countries to jointly study these samples and explore the mysteries of the moon. In this way, it can not only improve the level of global aerospace science and technology, but also lay a solid foundation for future exploration of mankind.

The success of Chang'e-6 fully demonstrates China's strength in the field of aerospace science and technology. This is not only a technological breakthrough, but also a milestone in the development of China's aerospace industry. Through the Chang'e-6 mission, Chinese astronauts have demonstrated their capabilities on the international stage and won respect and praise.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

But that's just the beginning. In the future, China will continue to explore the moon and even plan a Mars exploration mission. These tasks will face more challenges, requiring a higher level of technology and more resources. We should sum up the experience of the Chang'e-6 mission, further improve the technical level, and promote the development of the space industry.

The success of the Chang'e-6 mission has also set an example for the younger generation. More and more young people have a strong interest in aerospace science and technology and are willing to devote themselves to this field.

The future aerospace industry needs these passionate and innovative young people, and only with their continuous efforts can aerospace science and technology continue to progress and lead us to explore the unknown universe.

Chang'e-6 brought back 1,935.3 grams of lunar soil and distributed them to 18 countries, and the United States and South Korea couldn't hold their faces

The lunar soil samples brought back by Chang'e-6 are a major achievement in China's space science and technology. We should cherish these precious samples, conduct in-depth research, and promote scientific and technological progress.

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