
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

author:Comfortable orange DCy

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Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

Dear friends, have you ever wondered why some people believe in fate? This is actually a very interesting question, and today, I will talk to you about it

After reading the sharing of netizens, it was an eye-opener for me

Wang Defeng didn't say that he didn't believe in fate when he reached 40, or his understanding was too poor, but I want to add that it may be too ordinary, he has never made any money in his life, and he has not encountered any hurdles

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

‬一个高原上大字不识几个的年轻人,被拍了个微笑视频从此改变命运。 And his younger brother missed out on the opportunity to go to school

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

‬有经历的人,才能参透其中。 I used to think of myself as a master

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

‬后悔也是你后来经历过后才后悔。 When you don't know the outcome, if you are asked to choose again, you will still choose. So I feel like that's what it was meant to be

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

‬其实最后迁坟也是福气用完的体现。 Think about your grandfather's brother's three sons and your grandfather's son, basically life is good. But a family's fortune is limited, and it is impossible for it to prosper. are all transferred to the previous generation of men, and the previous generation of men will naturally be gone when they run out, and the feng shui takes turns, and it can only be said that the blessings of this generation of men have been used up by the previous generation. The relocation of the grave is doomed, and the blessed land cannot stay

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

Stealing the fate of heaven and earth is counterproductive. Helping others choose a place with good earth qi is to use the qi of heaven and earth to replenish luck, and at most it will cause disaster to the earth immortal itself who leaks the heavenly machine, so that the earth immortal or Mr. Feng Shui will be sick, crippled or something; However, the virtue of a good life is the first virtue of heaven, and if you do to absorb the lives of others and transport supplies, it will definitely harm your descendants

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

The more firmly people believe in fate, the more they are those who have ever believed in fate the most~

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate


Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

‬对,很难,有一点点进步改变,都会感到比任何游戏都好玩。 Entering such a state at an early age is the greatest blessing

Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate
Why would anyone believe in fate? Netizens commented that the rich and noble people believe in fate

Well, that's all for today. I believe that through this article, everyone has a new understanding of fate. In fact, whether we believe in fate or not, the most important thing is to have a positive heart, cherish every day, and strive to pursue our dreams. Because only in this way can we truly live the life we want. So, ladies and gentlemen, do you believe in fate? What do you think about fate? Welcome to like and comment, leave your opinion, let's talk together