
Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

author:Jin Su Deliberations

The love of parents for their children is always so deep, as if it is the most vast ocean in the universe, deep and vast. This kind of love, not publicity, not noisy, but it affects us all the time and becomes the most solid backing in our lives.

From the moment we fall to the ground, our parents have begun to weave the cradle of love for us. With their warm embrace and soft lullaby, they built an initial sense of security for us. When we couldn't speak or walk, it was they who patiently taught us, over and over again, tirelessly. Their love, like the rising sun, is warm and bright, illuminating every corner of our growth.

As we grow older, our parents' love becomes more delicate and deep. Instead of simply giving, they are beginning to teach us how to face life's challenges and how to be an independent, responsible person. They use their experience and wisdom to guide us to understand the world, to understand the relationship between people, and to learn to love and be loved.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

On the road to growth, we may encounter a variety of difficulties and challenges. At this time, parents are always our strongest support. They don't simply solve problems for us, but encourage us to face it, think about it, and grow for ourselves. Their love, like the brightest stars in the night sky, can guide us even in the darkest moments.

The love of parents is also reflected in the bits and pieces of daily life. Whether it's a hearty dinner or a simple greeting, it's an expression of their love for us. They always give silently, without asking for anything in return, and only hope that we can grow up healthy and happy. This kind of love, although ordinary, is incomparably precious.

Of course, parents aren't perfect either. They also make mistakes at times, and they also feel helpless and exhausted at other times. But even in these times, their love has never changed. They will reflect and work hard to give us a better life, a better education, and a better future.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

The love of parents is selfless and great. It doesn't need flowery rhetoric to embellish it, it doesn't need exaggerated actions to prove it. It is there, quietly flowing in our lives and becoming our most precious treasure. Whenever we think back to those times we spent with our parents, whether it was laughter or tears, we feel a deep warmth and gratitude.

This kind of love is worth cherishing and reciprocating. We can express our gratitude and love for our parents through our actions. Whether it's a simple "thank you" or an affectionate hug, it makes them feel our heart. Let us feel the love of our parents with our hearts, and repay their love with actions, so that this love will be passed on forever.

A parent's love for their children is undoubtedly the purest and most selfless emotion in the world. But just like the spices in cooking, love also needs to be in moderation, otherwise it can be counterproductive if you go too far. Parents play an important role in a child's development, but excessive affection can sometimes become an obstacle to a child's independent development.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

I remember when I was a child, my parents always took care of us in every detail, from eating and living to studying and making friends. At that time, we may feel that this is a bondage, a sign of lack of freedom. But as we grow older, we gradually understand that these behaviors of our parents are actually out of deep love and protection for us. However, if this affection becomes excessive, even to the point of control, then it can become a shackle to the child's development.

Excessive love may make children lose the opportunity for self-exploration. When parents are always making decisions for their children and always worrying that their children will be hurt, children may become dependent and lack the ability to think independently and solve problems. Such children, once they leave the shelter of their parents, may feel lost and helpless.

In addition, excessive love can also lead to tension in the parent-child relationship. When parents always hold their children to their own standards and always want their children to live their lives according to their own wishes, children may feel stressed and dissatisfied. Such pressure and dissatisfaction, if not effectively communicated and resolved, can turn into conflict and contradiction.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

Therefore, parents need to find a balance between love and independence. First of all, parents should learn to let go so that their children have the opportunity to try, make mistakes, and grow. Of course, this does not mean that parents should be completely laissez-faire, but rather that they should give appropriate guidance and support at critical moments. Secondly, parents should respect their children's choices and wishes, rather than blindly imposing their own ideas. Only in this way can children learn to be independent and take responsibility in the care of their parents.

At the same time, parents also need to establish good communication with their children. Communication is the bridge of understanding and the key to resolving conflicts. Through communication, parents can understand their children's thoughts and needs, and children can also understand their parents' concerns and expectations. In this way, both parties can establish a harmonious parent-child relationship on the basis of mutual understanding and respect.

In conclusion, parental love is great, but it also needs moderation. On the path of children's growth, parents should not only give love and support, but also give freedom and space. Only in this way can children find their own balance between love and independence, and grow up healthy and happy.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

We all know that parents' love for their children is deep, and they are willing to give everything for their children, even if it is their own savings. But this kind of selfless love can sometimes bring some unexpected consequences. If parents spend all their savings on their children and do not leave enough pensions for themselves, life in later life can become quite difficult. After all, we can't guarantee that every child will be able to provide adequate support for their parents in old age.

Imagine if parents spent their savings on their children's education, interest classes, and even a house and car, what would happen to their own lives after retirement? If the children are unable to give their parents the care and support they deserve in a timely manner due to various reasons, such as financial pressure, busy work, or even different attitudes, then the parents are not in trouble?

Therefore, while parents love their children, they must also plan for their future. They should learn to allocate their financial resources wisely, not only to meet the needs of their children's growth, but also to provide adequate security for their later life. By doing so, you will not only ensure your own quality of life in your later years, but you will also set a good example for your children to understand that everyone is responsible for their own future.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

And this has the added benefit of helping your child learn to be independent. When parents no longer meet all the needs of their children unconditionally, children have to learn to solve problems on their own and plan for the future on their own. This independence is invaluable to their growth and maturity.

For example, if parents do not fully bear all the expenses when their children go to college, but encourage their children to share part of the expenses through work-study, scholarship application, etc., then the children can learn to manage money, learn to plan, and learn to take responsibility in practice. This kind of experience will make them more relaxed in their future life and work, and they will know how to deal with various challenges.

Of course, this is not to say that parents should not help their children. Parents should certainly lend a helping hand when their children are in trouble and need support. But this help should be moderate, principled, and not unlimitedly spoiled.

Really wise parents will be blessed by refusing these two requests from their children

In short, while loving their children, parents should also learn to protect themselves and plan for their future. In this way, you can not only ensure that you have a worry-free life in your old age, but also cultivate the independence of your children, so that they can face life independently. It's a deeper level of love, a more long-term consideration.

We all know that home is a warm harbor, but sometimes, being too close can also cause some unexpected problems. Especially when parents and adult children live together for a long time, conflicts and frictions can easily arise due to differences in generation gaps and living habits.

First of all, we have to admit that each generation has its own way of life and values. The parents' generation may pay more attention to frugality and stability, while the younger generation may pursue individuality and freedom. This difference will be evident in daily life. For example, parents may not be accustomed to their children's late bedtime and late wake-up routines, and their children may not understand why their parents are always so frugal.

If you live together for a long time, these small differences can add up to big problems. Because of the difference in living habits, it may lead to friction between the two parties in many small things. For example, parents may feel that their children's rooms are too messy, and children may feel that their parents are always interfering in their lives. These small frictions, if not resolved in a timely manner, may evolve into major contradictions.

In addition, living together for a long time may affect the independence of the children. If parents are always around, children may become overly dependent on their parents and lack the ability to solve problems independently. This is not a good thing for the growth and maturity of children.

Therefore, parents should learn to let go at the right time and give their children enough space to live and experience on their own. In this way, not only can you reduce the conflict between the two parties, but also help your children develop independence.

Of course, this does not mean that parents should be alienated from their children. Keeping an appropriate distance doesn't mean not caring and not communicating. On the contrary, proper distance can allow both parties to have more topics and freshness, which can make communication more enjoyable and effective.

For example, parents can talk to their children on the phone on a regular basis to understand their living situation and give them the necessary care and advice. On important holidays or family members' birthdays, everyone can get together and enjoy the warmth of family. In this way, the intimacy of the parent-child relationship can be maintained, and conflicts in daily life can be avoided.

In short, parents and adult children need to find a balance in their relationship. Be intimate and give each other plenty of space. With proper distancing, we can better understand and respect each other's differences, thus maintaining a harmonious parent-child relationship. It is a mature, sensible love, a love that is more conducive to the growth and development of both parties.

Our parents have worked hard all their lives to pull us up, and it is indeed not easy. But sometimes, they seem to put all their energy and time on us, so much so that their hobbies and lives are put on hold. Although this is a great love, in the long run, it may make parents lose themselves and make us feel stressed.

It's actually very important for parents to have their own lives and hobbies. First of all, it can make a parent's life more colorful. Think about it, if after our parents retire, there is nothing else to do but take care of us, wouldn't life be too monotonous? But if they have their own hobbies, such as painting, raising flowers, traveling, and doing tai chi, then their lives will become much more interesting.

Secondly, parents have their own lives, which can also make us feel at ease. Because we know that parents are not completely dependent on us, they have their own world, they have their own happiness. This way, we don't feel so stressed and worry that we can't meet all the needs of our parents.

Moreover, parents have their own lives and can also set a good example for us. They will tell us that everyone should have their own life and should pursue their own happiness. This outlook on life is very beneficial to our growth and maturity.

For example, if parents like to travel, they can travel around the world after retirement. In this way, they will not only be able to broaden their horizons, but also experience different cultures and lifestyles. And we can also learn a lot of knowledge and experience from their experiences.

Of course, this is not to say that parents should ignore us completely. Parents should certainly lend a helping hand when we need help and support. But this help should be moderate, principled, and not unlimitedly spoiled.

In short, parents should have their own hobbies and lives, which can not only make their lives more exciting, but also establish a correct outlook on life. It is a healthier and more harmonious parent-child relationship, and it is a relationship that is more conducive to the growth and development of both parties. Let's all learn to respect and understand each other's lives and create a better future together.

The love of parents for their children is natural and deep. But you know what? This kind of love sometimes needs a little "art", that is, learning to say "no" at the right time. This may sound a bit counter-intuitive, after all, who wouldn't want to meet their child's needs as much as possible? But in fact, timely rejection is essential to develop a child's independence and sense of responsibility.

First of all, we have to understand that children don't grow up forever. They need to learn to solve problems on their own and learn to live with the consequences. If parents always meet their child's every request unconditionally, the child may become dependent and lack the ability to solve problems on his own. It's like, if you always help your child with their homework, they will never learn how to think and learn on their own.

For example, when a child wants to buy a new toy, parents can ask them, "Why do you want this toy?" Do you already have a similar toy? Through such questions, children are guided to think about their own needs, rather than blindly satisfying them. If the child's reasons are not sufficient, parents can refuse their request and explain why. In this way, the child can learn to weigh and choose, and learn to accept rejection.

In addition, timely rejection fosters a sense of responsibility in children. When children know that they can't always get what they want, they may begin to think about their actions and decisions. For example, if a child wants to attend an expensive summer camp, parents can tell them, "This camp costs a lot of money, and we can help you pay for some of it, but you need to earn the rest by doing chores." In this way, the child can understand that what he wants needs to be obtained through hard work, which is the embodiment of responsibility.

Of course, learning to say no doesn't mean that parents stop caring about their children. Rather, it's a deeper concern. Parents need to find a balance between love and education that meets their children's basic needs while guiding them to grow into independent, responsible people.

In addition, timely rejection can help build a healthier parent-child relationship. When children know that their parents will not meet their every request unconditionally, they may begin to respect their parents' decisions and learn to communicate and negotiate with their parents. This kind of relationship, which is based on respect and understanding, is much healthier than one-sided satisfaction and dependence.

In short, while parents love their children, they must also learn to say no at the right time. Not only does this foster independence and responsibility, but it also helps build a healthier parent-child relationship. It is a more mature and rational love, a love that is more conducive to the growth and development of children. Let's all learn to find a balance between love and education to create a better future together.