
A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

author:Jin Su Deliberations

Sister Qin, a strong woman with a straightforward personality and a hot temper, her story is widely circulated in the circle of friends. Her marriage used to be a good story, but in the end, it broke down because of Sister Qin's hot temper. This can't help but make people sigh, can character really determine fate?

Sister Qin and her husband, the two met in college, and Sister Qin was already a popular figure on campus at that time. She is intelligent and independent, but at the same time has a heart that is not easily touched. Her husband, a gentle man, was attracted to Sister Qin's talent and personality, and the two quickly fell in love.

Life after marriage was sweet at first. Sister Qin's husband was always able to tolerate her little temper, they traveled together, planned the future together, and their lives were full of hope and longing. But as time passed, Sister Qin's fiery temper began to gradually reveal its destructive power. Her aggressiveness and decisiveness in her work were gradually brought home and turned into harsh criticism and dissatisfaction with her husband.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

Sister Qin's husband, a person who is accustomed to a mild atmosphere, begins to feel stress and discomfort. He tried to communicate with Sister Qin, hoping to find a solution to the problem, but every attempt ended in a quarrel. Sister Qin's fiery temper is like an insurmountable chasm, pushing the two farther and farther apart.

Friends began to notice the change between them. At the party, Sister Qin's husband always seemed a little taciturn, while Sister Qin was more sharp and direct. The interaction between them is less tacit and warm in the past, and more embarrassing and alienated.

Sister Qin's fiery temper not only affected her marriage, but also affected her social circle. Friends began to avoid in-depth communication with her, fearing that if they were not careful, they would trigger her anger. Sister Qin's bluntness has become a burden at some point, making her feel more and more isolated in interpersonal interactions.

The rifts in a marriage become more and more difficult to repair as time accumulates. Sister Qin's husband finally filed for divorce after a fierce quarrel. Although Sister Qin is strong on the surface, she has mixed feelings in her heart, she didn't expect her temper to become the fuse of the breakdown of her marriage.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

After the divorce, Sister Qin began to reflect on her behavior. She realizes that a fiery temper, while able to help her succeed at some times, is more often a disservice. She began to try to change herself, learn how to control her emotions, how to live in harmony with others.

Sister Qin's story allows us to see the impact of character on a person's life. A fiery temper can be a strength, but it can also be a burden. How to learn to adjust and control appropriately while maintaining individuality is a question worth pondering. Sister Qin's change, although difficult, has begun a new journey to find a more harmonious self.

Sister Qin's husband, let's call him Brother Zhang, is a well-known good gentleman. He always faces life with a gentle attitude, and even in the face of Sister Qin's fiery temper, he rarely gets angry. In their married life, Brother Zhang often remained silent, believing that silence was golden and could avoid unnecessary conflicts. But this silence did not exchange for Sister Qin's understanding, but made her temper more and more difficult to control.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

That day, Sister Qin once again got angry because of some trivial matters, and Brother Zhang chose to remain silent as usual. But this time, Sister Qin's behavior was excessive, she not only scolded Brother Zhang loudly, but also broke some decorations at home. This sudden outbreak made Brother Zhang feel unprecedented shock and disappointment. He looked at the debris all over the ground, and an unspeakable pain welled up in his heart. He knew that this time, he couldn't be silent anymore.

Brother Zhang decided to file for divorce. He told Sister Qin that he could no longer endure this kind of life, and his patience had reached the limit. Sister Qin was shocked when she heard the news. She didn't expect that Brother Zhang, who had been suffering silently, would suddenly make such a decision. She tried to redeem it, but Brother Zhang's determination was already firm.

When Sister Qin filed for divorce, she also expressed that her patience had reached the limit. She said she knew she had a bad temper, but she was also trying to change. She didn't expect that her change was not approved by Brother Zhang, but became the fuse for divorce. She felt very aggrieved, but she also understood that her fiery temper did bring a lot of pressure to Brother Zhang.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

The news of the divorce quickly spread in the circle of friends, and everyone felt very sorry. They used to be an enviable couple, but now they have parted ways because of personality differences. Friends began to reflect on how to deal with personality differences in marriage, and how to avoid irreversible decisions due to impulse.

The story of Sister Qin and Brother Zhang shows us the fragility and complexity in marriage. Personality differences are not insurmountable obstacles, but if they are not sufficiently understood and tolerated, these differences can become the fuse for the breakdown of marriage. Sister Qin's fiery temper and Brother Zhang's silent endurance are all part of their personalities, but when these personality traits conflict in marriage, both parties need to work together to find a solution to the problem.

After the divorce, Sister Qin began to reflect more deeply on her behavior. She realized that her fiery temper not only hurt Brother Zhang, but also hurt herself. She began to learn how to control her emotions and how to live in harmony with others. Although this process is very difficult, Sister Qin knows that this is the only way for her to grow and change.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

And Brother Zhang, after the divorce, also began to re-examine his life. He realized that silence was not the solution to the problem, communication and expression were the key. He began to learn how to be more actively involved in his marriage and how to communicate effectively with his partner.

The story of Sister Qin and Brother Zhang continues. Although they are divorced, they are both trying to find their own happiness. Their experience also gives everyone a revelation: in marriage, we need not only love, but also understanding and tolerance, communication and growth. Only in this way can we go further and more steadily on the road of marriage.

In this fast-paced, competitive society, we are often so busy chasing our goals that we neglect those around us who are quietly giving. They could be your family, friends, or even people who don't often contact you but always care about you. Their presence is like a warm ray of sunshine in life, illuminating our way forward.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

These people, their kindness to you, is often unconditional. They won't ask you for anything in return, and they won't care about whether you can give the same amount of care. They are just there to lend a helping hand when you need it; Give comfort when you are lost; When you succeed, applaud you. Their goodness is so natural, so pure.

I remember one time, I encountered some difficulties and was very depressed. At that time, I didn't tell anyone, I just suffered in silence. But just when I needed help the most, a friend of mine showed up. She didn't ask me why, she didn't blame me for not telling her earlier, she just stayed by my side quietly, listened to me, and gave me encouragement. At that moment, I deeply felt her goodness, that unconditional goodness.

Another time, I needed to complete a project in a short period of time due to my work. Time was tight, tasks were heavy, and I was on the verge of collapse. It was at this time that my family gave me the greatest support. They help me with household chores and give me more time and energy to focus on my work. When I finished the project and looked back at what they had done for me, I felt incredibly grateful and warm.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

These stories, although simple, are full of warmth. They tell us how precious it is to have those who are unconditionally good to you in your life. Their presence makes our lives better and more meaningful.

However, it is often easy to overlook the good of these people. We may forget to call them because we are so busy; You may forget to say thank you to them because of a moment of negligence. We always felt that they were there for us and could be reached out at any time, so there was no rush to express our gratitude.

However, time is unforgiving. We don't know when these people will leave us. At that time, it may be too late for us to express our gratitude and reciprocate their kindness. So, we should start from now on and cherish those who are unconditionally good to you.

Cherishing them is not only to express gratitude in words, but also to give back in action. We can help them in their time of need; Comfort them when they are lost; Applaud them when they succeed. We can make them feel that we care and appreciate them through small details.

A 35-year-old divorced woman's advice to all women: a good marriage starts with these four points

For example, send them a message telling them that you miss them; On their birthday, send a small gift to express your blessings; Reach out when they are struggling and let them feel supported by you. These small actions, although simple, can make them feel your heart.

In conclusion, we should cherish those who are unconditionally good to you. Their presence is the most precious treasure in our lives. Let us feel their goodness with our hearts and repay their goodness with our actions. In this way, our lives will be more full of love and warmth.

In this world, each of us is looking for love and care. But sometimes, we may forget that those who are good to us are not out of obligation, but out of love deep in our hearts. This love is selfless and unconditional, and it deserves to be cherished and reciprocated.

Think about it, when you are sick, who is there for you to take care of you, make soup for you, and cover you with quilts? When you are in trouble, who lends a hand, gives you encouragement, and helps you solve the problem? When you feel lonely, who calls you, chats with you, and makes you feel warm? These people, they are good to you, not because they are obligated to do so, but because they love you and care about you.

I remember one time, I was very depressed because of the pressure of work. My friend Xiao Li saw my unhappiness, he didn't ask much, just silently stayed by my side. That night, he took me to the beach, and we walked together and looked at the stars together. He didn't say many comforting words, but his company made me feel very warm. At that moment, I deeply realized that his kindness to me was out of love and concern for me.

Another time, I had an argument with my sister over some misunderstanding. We didn't speak for days. However, on my birthday, I received a package from my sister. When I opened it, it was my favorite book and a card. The card reads: "Happy birthday, dear brother. No matter what happens, you will always be my pride. "At that moment, I was moved to tears. I know that my sister is good to me because she loves me, not because she is obligated to do so.

These stories, although simple, are full of love and warmth. They tell us that we should cherish those who are good to us. Their presence makes our lives better and more meaningful.

However, time is unforgiving. We don't know when these people will leave us. At that time, it may be too late for us to express our gratitude and reciprocate their kindness. So, we should start now and cherish those who are good to us.

In conclusion, we should cherish those who are good to us. Their presence is the most precious treasure in our lives. Let us feel their goodness with our hearts and repay their goodness with our actions. In this way, our lives will be more full of love and warmth.

Marriage, a sacred temple that has been praised and longed for by countless people, is actually more like a long-distance race that requires the participation of both parties. In this long run, it is crucial to maintain balance. Two people have to go through ups and downs together, face life's challenges together, and if the balance is lost, then the relationship may become precarious.

Love is the most precious emotional bond in marriage, but many people tend to take love for granted in marriage. They believe that once they get married, love will naturally exist and they don't need to work hard to maintain it as they did when they were in love. This kind of thinking is very dangerous. Because love, it is not static, it needs to be constantly cultivated and cared for by both parties.

Think about it, when your significant other prepares breakfast for you, does your laundry, or does the housework for you, do you ever say thank you to them from the bottom of your heart? When your partner is having difficulties at work and is feeling down, have you ever given them enough care and support? When your significant other has a birthday or anniversary, have you ever prepared a little surprise for them?

These seemingly trivial things are actually the key to maintaining balance in a marriage. They can make your significant other feel loved and cared for, and let them know that you don't take their kindness to you for granted.

I have a friend who has been married to her husband for ten years. During this decade, their relationship has been very good. I once asked her curiously how they did it. She told me that it's actually very simple, it's to keep showing love and gratitude to the other person. She said that whenever her husband did something for her, she would sincerely thank him. Whenever her husband achieves something in his work, she is proud of him and gives him encouragement. Whenever they have an important day, she will prepare with her heart and surprise him.

This story teaches us that balance in marriage does not come naturally. It requires us to operate and maintain it with our hearts. We need to keep reminding ourselves not to take the other person's kindness for granted. We need to constantly show love, be grateful to each other, and give each other care and support.

Of course, maintaining balance in marriage is not an easy task. It requires us to be patient and we need to learn to be understanding and tolerant. But as long as we are willing to do it, and we are willing to work hard, then we will be able to do it.

So, let's start now and cherish our marriage and cherish our love. Don't wait until you lose it to regret it. Let us feel each other's good with our hearts and repay each other's love with our actions. In this way, our marriage can last and our love can be eternal.

Marriage is a journey, and it requires us to manage it with wisdom and patience. There are a lot of things we need to be aware of along the way to make sure this journey goes smoothly. Here are four things to keep in mind in marriage that can help us better preserve and cherish our love.

First of all, we should not treat love as the whole of life. Love is beautiful and it can bring us happiness and fulfillment, but it is not all there is to life. We also have jobs, friends, hobbies, and dreams. If we put all our energy and expectations into love, then we may lose our balance and may even put pressure on the other person. We need to have our own space and our own pursuits, so that we can remain independent and whole.

Secondly, we should not lose our temper with the person we love. In marriage, there will inevitably be friction and conflict. However, we must learn to control our emotions and not vent to the other person easily. Because every venting may leave a scar in the other person's heart. We need to learn to communicate, learn to express our feelings and needs, and not use anger to solve problems.

Third, love should be reserved. This is not to say that we should be stingy with our love, but that we should know how to give love in moderation. Excessive love may make the other person feel suffocated and may even lose themselves. We need to give each other enough space to be able to breathe and develop freely. At the same time, we must also know how to protect ourselves and not let ourselves be lost in love.

Finally, don't love to the point that there is no bottom line. In marriage, we need to have our own principles and bottom lines. We cannot be unconditionally accommodating and tolerant just because we love each other. We need to stand up for our principles and uphold our dignity. Only in this way will we be able to gain respect and love from each other.

These precautions are not immutable rules, but some guiding principles. They need to be used flexibly according to our own situation. Everyone's marriage is unique, and we need to find a way to run it that works for us.

For example, we can have in-depth communication with our partner on a regular basis to understand each other's feelings and needs. We can support the other person when they need it, but we also need to learn to let go when appropriate; We can express love in our daily lives, but also maintain our independence and individuality.

In conclusion, marriage is a journey that requires both partners to work together. We need to operate with heart and maintain with wisdom. Only in this way can we let love bloom in marriage and make marriage the best part of our lives.

Love, a heart-warming word, is always accompanied by sweetness and passion. However, just like a commodity in a supermarket, love also has its expiration date. Over time, the initial passion may slowly fade and the novelty may be replaced by the daily chores. At this time, if we can't maintain our self-worth, then love may become boring or even decay.

First of all, we need to understand that love is not the whole of life. Although it occupies an important place in our lives, we cannot let it be the whole of our lives. We need to have our own interests, hobbies, friends, and careers. Together, these elements make up our rich and colorful life and are an important way for us to maintain our self-worth.

Maintaining self-worth means constantly improving ourselves. Whether it's learning something new, developing a new skill, or achieving something new in the workplace, these are all ways we can increase our self-worth. As we continue to grow and improve, we will become more confident and attractive, so that we can remain attractive in love.

At the same time, maintaining self-worth also means that we have to think independently. In love, we can't blindly follow each other and lose our own judgment. We need to have our own perspectives and positions so that we can maintain equality and respect in our relationships. When two people can maintain their independence, love will be healthier and more stable.

In addition, maintaining self-worth requires us to know how to care for ourselves. While caring and loving each other, we cannot ignore our own needs. We need to take care of our bodies and minds so that we can have enough energy to love others. Self-care is not selfishness, but a manifestation of responsibility for oneself and the other person.

Finally, maintaining self-worth also means having our own circle of life. We can't give up socializing with friends because of love, and we can't lose our social life because of love. Having our own circle of friends not only allows us to find support and happiness outside of love, but also allows us to broaden our horizons and think more actively.

In short, love is beautiful, but it is not eternal. We need to prolong the shelf life of love by maintaining our self-worth. This will not only make our love more durable, but also make our lives more fulfilling and meaningful. Therefore, while enjoying love, let's not forget to improve ourselves, care for ourselves, expand our life circle, and be an independent, confident and attractive person. In this way, no matter how love changes, we can face it calmly and move forward bravely.

Love, it is like a beautiful dance, in which two people spin, jump, and enjoy each other's company. But in the process, it's easy to lose ourselves by being overcommitted. It's like dancing so close to each other that you forget your steps and rhythm. Staying true to yourself in love is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship.

First of all, being self-conscious means having our own interests and hobbies. These interests and hobbies are part of our personality and what makes us unique. When we immerse ourselves in the things we love, we exude confidence and charisma, which not only makes us feel happy but also keeps our partner fresh and attractive to us.

For example, if you like to draw, grab a brush on a weekend afternoon and immerse yourself in the world of color. If you love sports, put on your running shoes and get outside and feel the speed of the wind. These activities will not only allow you to be yourself, but they will also allow you to stay alive and independent in your love.

Secondly, maintaining oneself also means having our own social circle. We can't ignore friends because of love, because friends are an important part of our lives. They will help us when we are in trouble and share joy when we are happy. Socializing with friends allows us to maintain our social skills and broaden our horizons.

In addition, maintaining oneself also requires us to think independently in love. We can't blindly follow each other and lose our own judgment because of love. In relationships, we should be brave enough to express our opinions, even if it may cause some controversy. But it is precisely these controversies that can promote mutual understanding and growth.

Also, being self-conscious also means having our own space and time. In love, we don't need to be with each other all the time. Sometimes, reading a book quietly alone, or traveling alone, can help us understand ourselves better, and it can also allow us to return to love with new perspectives and experiences.

Finally, staying self-conscious also requires us to keep ourselves growing in love. We can't stop learning and improving because of love. Whether it is professional development or personal cultivation, we should continue to pursue growth. This kind of growth not only allows us to remain attractive in love, but also makes us more relaxed in the face of life's challenges.

In short, it is not an easy task to maintain oneself in love. It requires us to consciously assert our individuality, interests, socialization, and growth. Only in this way can we neither lose ourselves in love, but also grow together with our partner and enjoy a healthy, harmonious relationship. So, let's be brave and be ourselves in love and enjoy our own wonderful life.

The relationship between husband and wife, these four words sound simple, but they actually contain deep fate and emotion. From acquaintance, acquaintance to love, and finally come together, every bit along the way is a testimony of fate. We often say that a hundred years of repair can be crossed in the same boat, and a thousand years of repair can be slept together, this sentence shows the preciousness and difficulty of the relationship between husband and wife.

In the vast sea of people, it is not easy to meet the right person. This is not just a coincidence, but a fateful fate. So, when we have this relationship, we should cherish it.

Cherishing the relationship between husband and wife first means that we must know how to be grateful. Be grateful for each other's presence in our lives, and be grateful for the love and care they give. Whenever in the dead of night, think about each other's goodness, think about the days the two have walked together, and that gratitude will arise spontaneously.

Cherishing the relationship between husband and wife also means that we must know how to be tolerant. No one is perfect, and everyone has their own shortcomings and shortcomings. In married life, we must learn to accept each other's imperfections and learn to find solutions to problems in contradictions and conflicts. Tolerance is not tolerance, but a kind of understanding and respect.

In addition, cherishing the relationship between husband and wife also requires us to grow together. Marriage is not the end, but a new beginning. At this starting point, we need to learn together, progress together, and face life's challenges together. The process of growing together will make the relationship between husband and wife stronger and life more colorful.

Valuing the relationship between husband and wife is also reflected in our care for our daily lives. Whether it's preparing a delicious dinner for each other or giving each other a warm hug when they're tired, these small gestures are all about cherishing and caring for the relationship between husband and wife.

I remember one time, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, they were holding hands, and their faces were full of happy smiles. At that moment, I was deeply moved. They use their actions to explain what it means to cherish the relationship between husband and wife. They don't have flowery language, no exaggerated movements, only perseverance and companionship in the plain.

The relationship between husband and wife is like a tree that needs to be cultivated by both parties. Only if we keep watering and fertilizing it can it thrive, bloom beautiful flowers, and bear abundant fruits. Therefore, let's start from now on, cherish the partner around us, cherish this rare fate, and let love bloom more brilliantly in marriage.

There are thousands of people in this world, and the only one we can meet and finally come together is that one. This is not just an accident, but also a kind of fate. The meeting of husband and wife is like the intersection of two stars in the vast universe, although small, but incomparably precious.

We should be grateful for this encounter, and grateful for fate for allowing us to find each other in the vast sea of people. This gratitude is not only gratitude to the other party, but also gratitude to life. Because of each other, our lives become more colorful, and our souls are comforted and relied on.

Cherishing this relationship means that we have to manage it with our hearts. In our daily lives, we need to spend more time with each other, listen to each other's voices more, and care more about each other's needs. We need to give strength when the other person needs support and warmth when the other person needs comfort. We want to make the other person feel that there is a solid arm to lean on whenever and wherever they are.

Cherishing this relationship also means that we must know how to be tolerant and understanding. In married life, there will inevitably be friction and contradictions. In the face of these problems, we must learn to think calmly and learn to consider problems from the other side's standpoint. We must accept each other's shortcomings with a tolerant heart, and resolve each other's misunderstandings with an understanding heart.

Cherishing this relationship also means that we have to grow together. Marriage is a long-distance race that requires us to keep learning and improving. We have to face the challenges of life with our partners, overcome difficulties together, and pursue a better life together. In the process, we will become more mature and stronger.

Cherishing this relationship between husband and wife means that we must know how to be grateful. We want to thank each other for the happiness and joy they have brought us, and thank each other for their companionship and support in difficult times. We need to express our gratitude often and let the other person know how much we value the relationship.

I remember one time, I saw an elderly couple walking in the park, they were holding hands, and their faces were full of happy smiles. At that moment, I was deeply moved. They use their actions to explain what it means to cherish the relationship between husband and wife. They don't have flowery language, no exaggerated movements, only perseverance and companionship in the plain.

The preciousness of the relationship between husband and wife lies not in its vigor, but in its long stream. We must cherish every day with each other and cherish every time spent with each other. Because, once we lose it, we may regret it.

So, let's start from now on, cherish the partner around us, and cherish this rare fate. Let's manage this relationship with our hearts and warm each other's hearts with love. In this way, no matter how bumpy the road ahead is, we will be able to walk hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder, and together.