
The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

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The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Editor: Litchi talks about entertainment

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has entered its 76th day, but a projectile island has become a focus battlefield. The pinnacle duel here can be said to have burned out the flames of war between the two sides.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Why is Snake Island, a small island of only 0.17 square kilometers, a must-win place?

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

After the Russian army took control of Snake Island, the northwestern waters of the Black Sea were blockaded by it. The Ukrainian city of Odessa has been cut off from the sea, and food and resources have been imprisoned in the seaport. What this small island ignites is the maintenance of Ukraine's foreign trade lifeline.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Although the island is small, its strategic significance cannot be underestimated. Defense scholar Fernando Ilya analyzed: Snake Island is the key to the Russian army's control of the northwest coast of the Black Sea. As long as this place is occupied, the Russian army will control the largest port city on the Black Sea and gain a strategic advantage.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Fierce fighting was raging, with casualties on both sides. The Russian side said that since May 7, the Ukrainian army has repeatedly tried to parachute and amphibious landing, but they have been severely damaged by the Russian army. At the same time, the Ukrainian side also claimed to have destroyed Russian helicopters over the island and sunk landing craft by shelling. The two sides went back and forth, and there was a fierce exchange of fire.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

The Battle of Snake Island is no longer just a front-line battle filled with gunpowder. It's more like a "battleground" for a strong contest between the two sides. Whoever has the upper hand here will be able to dominate the situation. The ferocity of the fire continued, and the two sides were inseparable. Ukraine is frantically pressuring, and it does not hesitate to burn its last strength to retake Snake Island. Russia, on the other hand, is sworn to defend to the death and will never give up this piece of land easily.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Analysts believe that Snake Island is of vital importance to the Russian army. It is Russia's "Iron Bridge Railway" in the Black Sea region, which is a guarantee of the safety of the shipping routes. Once lost, the maneuverability of the Russian army in the Black Sea will be significantly reduced.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

At the same time, Snake Island is also the lifeblood of Ukraine. In addition to opening blocked shipping lanes, Snake Island also covers 2,300 square kilometers of continental shelf and contains large oil and gas resources. These resources, which were once considered "life-saving money" for Ukraine, are now controlled by the Russian side.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

It can be seen why the two sides want to seize this projectile land at all costs. This is not only a contest of war, but also a key battle that determines the direction of the war. Throughout the conflict, Snake Island is no longer an ordinary island. It has witnessed many stories: from the original legend of the "Thirteen Warriors" to the fierce battle for the island, this small place has become a microcosm of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Regardless of who ends up in the hands of the people, Snake Island will surely go down in the annals of war history. It will be seen as a turning point in the Russia-Ukraine war and a crucial battle that will determine the course of the conflict. And we will continue to witness this difficult journey until the fighting stops. The battle of Snake Island is still raging, and the contest between the two sides here is no longer just a simple military confrontation, but more like a decisive battle on equal footing.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

From a military point of view, Snake Island is located in the northwestern part of the Black Sea and is a strategic point of interest for Russia in the Black Sea region. As long as it controls this territory, the Russian army will be able to fully control the waters of the northwestern Black Sea, restricting or even cutting off Ukraine's sea lanes. On the contrary, if Ukraine recaptures Snake Island, it will not only reopen the blocked sea routes, but also gain a foothold to launch a counteroffensive.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

At the same time, Snake Island is also extremely important geopolitically. It is close to the Romanian border, and if Russia deploys air defense systems there, it can deter NATO's fleet in the Black Sea. Ukraine, for its part, wants to open a maritime corridor to Romania for large-scale shipments of Western aid weapons.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

It can be said that the Battle of Snake Island has risen to a crucial contest that will determine the course of the war. Whoever can gain the upper hand here will dominate the entire Black Sea region and the entire conflict. This is the deep-seated reason why both sides want to seize Snake Island at a heavy cost.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

Although there is no winner or loser in this battle for the time being, it can already be glimpsed that the two sides are determined to fight to the death here. We have reason to believe that the direction of the Battle of Snake Island will directly affect and even determine the general trend of the entire Russia-Ukraine conflict. And this small projectile island will surely go down in the annals of war history and become the key to determining the map of the conflict.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

The battle of Snake Island has become a key battlefield in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and the desperate struggle between the two sides here is setting off a raging war. From a strategic point of view, Snake Island is a precious trophy for both sides. This small island of only 0.17 square kilometers has lifted the grim veil of the entire conflict.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

For Russia, Snake Island is the key to securing control of the northwestern Black Sea. Once lost, the Russian army's ability to maneuver in the Black Sea region will be greatly reduced, and it will even be passively attacked. Moreover, Snake Island is only 35 kilometers away from Romania, a NATO country, and if Russia deploys air defense systems here, it can directly deter NATO fleets.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

On the contrary, if Ukraine can retake Snake Island, it will not only lift the blockade of the port of Odessa, which is an important city, and resume the export of food and resources, but also open a maritime corridor to Romania and receive Western military aid on a large scale.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

It can be seen that the battle of Snake Island has risen to a strategic duel with great stakes. It is not only about the dominance of both sides in the entire Black Sea region, but also about the course of the entire conflict.

The Ukrainian army's 100-person airdrop ignited the Snake Island War: Why did the land of projectiles become a battleground?

At present, the two sides are fighting fiercely, you come and go, and the smoke of gunpowder is filled. The Russian side swore to defend it to the death, while the Ukrainian army worked tirelessly to seize the island. This small island has become the battlefield of a battle between the two heroes.

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