
I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

author:Zhou Gong chatted

It's an empathetic story about a daughter who has to take on the hardships of caring for her elderly father on her own.

In our small town, there is such an ordinary housewife Liu Haiyan. She has been without a mother since she was a child, and she grew up with her father alone.

In order to support his three children, his father worked hard from morning to night. Later, the two sons started their own families, and Haiyan was the only one who chose to take her elderly father into her home to take care of her.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

At first, Haiyan's husband was a little reluctant to do this. After all, taking care of an elderly person who is old and frail is not easy and requires a lot of time and effort.

Haiyan had to serve her father wholeheartedly in her spare time, accompanying him and taking care of him. This turned her and her husband's lives upside down, and conflicts arose from time to time.

Sadly, Haiyan's two younger brothers are indifferent to this. As children, not only did they not share the responsibility of taking care of their father, but they were obsessed with Haiyan's "beauty in the past".

When his father transferred his only remaining house to Haiyan, the two younger brothers stirred up a thousand waves with one stone, believing that Haiyan should take care of his father alone.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

In the face of the indifference and criticism of her younger brothers, Haiyan suffered great damage in her heart. But she did not waver in her determination and still took care of her father diligently.

She was busy from early morning to late at night every day, preparing nutritious meals for her father, taking care of his daily life, and making his life as comfortable and comfortable as possible.

However, the good times did not last long, and my father's physical condition began to deteriorate. It turned out that in order to support the lives of his two sons, his father actually gave them all his pension, leaving only a pitiful living expenses for himself.

Knowing this cruel truth, Haiyan was heartbroken. She finally realized that taking care of her father requires not only spiritual dedication, but also a lot of material foundation as a guarantee.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

Faced with the indifference and criticism of her younger brothers, Haiyan suffered in her heart. But she did not waver in her determination and still took care of her elderly father with filial piety.

In order to give her father a better life, Haiyan had to make some difficult choices. She began to adjust her working hours to spend more time with her father.

Every day after work, she would carefully massage and relax her father, hoping to relieve his physical discomfort. On weekends, she would take her father for a walk in a nearby park so he could get some fresh air.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

In addition, Haiyan also taught herself some simple physiotherapy massage techniques, and patiently served her father every night. She hopes that through her own efforts, she can let her father live a happy and healthy old age.

Despite this, my father's health continued to be up and down. Sometimes in the dead of night, Haiyan would be awakened by her father's coughing, and her heart was tormented, but there was nothing she could do.

On those nights, she used to cry in the kitchen, her eyes red, praying for her father's health to improve.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

In order to improve her father's nutritional status, Haiyan has worked hard. She traveled thousands of miles to visit famous doctors in search of a good diet remedy.

Every Sunday, she drives to an organic farm 30 kilometres away to buy her father fresh organic vegetables and free-range eggs.

During these long and difficult days, Haiyan tried again and again to convince her two cold brothers that they would change their attitudes and share the responsibility. But no matter how sincerely she persuaded her, her younger brothers always pushed back and ignored them.

Haiyan was hurt by her brother's increasingly intimidating behavior, but she never wavered in her determination.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

She understands that no matter how difficult the road ahead is, as long as her father can be healthy and happy, she has no regrets.

Taking care of her father has become Haiyan's only goal and pursuit. In order to achieve this goal, she had to face many difficulties and challenges alone.

The first is the heavy financial burden. His father's pension was meagre and could not support his living expenses and medical expenses.

Haiyan had to use her savings to support her father. Sometimes, she even had to borrow money from friends to get by.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

The second is physical and mental exhaustion. Having to go to work during the day and take care of her father at night is almost the norm for Haiyan every day.

She has almost no personal time for herself, and it is difficult to even meet up with friends. The long-term high-intensity work has brought her both physically and mentally on the verge of collapse.

Moreover, Haiyan has to endure the criticism and cynicism of her younger brothers alone. They believe that since their father's property is owned by Haiyan, her father's pension should also be at her disposal. To this end, they have spared no effort to put pressure on the petrel in an attempt to profit from it.

Faced with so many difficulties and stress, Haiyan often cries alone in the dead of night. She felt lonely and helpless like never before, and even thought about giving up her father's house at one point.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

But whenever she thought of the scene when her father pulled the three of them with hard work, Haiyan made up her mind again that I must let my father enjoy his old age in peace, even if it is alone.

In this way, Haiyan gritted her teeth and persevered. After several years of careful care by her, her father's physical condition has improved significantly.

Seeing her father walking in the park every day and occasionally cooking a delicious home-cooked meal by himself made Haiyan's heart feel relieved.

I didn't expect that! Caring for my elderly father alone, I became the focus of controversy in my family!

Haiyan resolutely ignored her brother's unreasonable request. She understands that it is not only a matter of money, but also a matter of character and integrity.

She will never allow her kindness and dedication to be exploited by people with ulterior motives.

In just a few years, Haiyan seems to have aged by more than ten years. Her hair was yellow, her eyes were blank, and she looked exhausted.

But every time she saw her father's smile of relief, she felt that it was all worth it.