
Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

author:Zhou Gong chatted

Early one morning, I was going for a walk in the town park and came across an old man who had lost his way. As a warm-hearted person, I didn't turn a blind eye, but took the initiative to ask and help him find his way home.

The old man came from a happy family, which was in stark contrast to mine. I grew up in a single-parent family, my father died at an early age, and my mother raised me alone.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

In order to make a living, my mother worked outside every day to earn money, and I also learned to be self-reliant and self-reliant from an early age.

When I was a child, my favorite thing was to go to the library in town to read books, which was my spiritual home. As I grew up, my friends left me for life and work, and my world returned to the days when I was only accompanied by books.

Soon after, a sudden turn of events shattered my peaceful life. My mom was hospitalized with a heart attack, and I had to work overtime at the factory to earn money to pay for her medical bills.

It was a very difficult time for me, not only to deal with doubts at work and ridicule from my colleagues, but also to deal with the pressure of my family.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

But I didn't give up, and gradually won everyone's respect with my diligence and wisdom, and finally got the opportunity for a salary increase, and my family's financial situation improved a lot.

My mom began to push me to think about marriage, and my heart kept thinking about the old man I had helped in the park that day.

That's when an interesting coincidence happened. The grandson of that old man turned out to be the new manager of the factory where I worked!

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

Not only did he thank me for helping his grandfather back then, but I was even more shocked that he had secretly created all those opportunities for me in the factory.

My acquaintance with the new manager was like fate. On the night of working overtime at the factory, he came to me and expressed his gratitude to me.

It turned out that I remembered his grandfather's enthusiasm for helping others back then.

Next, we started to communicate and understand more. He told me about his family and upbringing, and I opened up to him about the hardships I had had along the way.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

We found that we share very similar values and life pursuits.

Gradually, an indescribable affection was conceived in our hearts. I was attracted by his humility and ambition, and he was also impressed by my kindness and tenacity.

On the night when the moonlight filled the window lattice, when he sent me home, he could not hide his shyness to confess his heart.

Since then, we have met to get to know each other better and have a slow but sweet relationship. Everything seems to be falling into place. Before we knew it, we had reached another important turning point in our lives – getting married.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

On the day of the wedding, the sun was shining and the flowers were blooming. I was wearing a white veil and he was wearing a black suit, and we slowly entered a new stage of life in the presence of relatives and friends. At that time, my mother had recovered from her illness, and she excitedly cheered for our newlywed happiness.

After we got married, we moved to the city and started a new life there. Although the days are dull, they are full of happiness.

Every morning, we wake up embracing; Every evening, we go back together. Life is filled with joy and sweetness day by day.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

With him by his side, my life has become more colorful. Together, we share the burdens of life and support and encourage each other. No matter what challenges lie ahead, as long as we work together, we will be able to overcome them.

Looking back, I was a lonely girl who could only find solace in the library. And now, with the love of my lover and the blessing of my family, my life has become dazzling.

Everything is inseparable from the decision and fate of helping the old man in that park.

The years have flown by, and in the blink of an eye, my husband and I have entered middle age. Looking back on the journey I have traveled, I often feel a lot of emotion. If I hadn't taken the initiative to help the lost old man in the park, what would have been the trajectory of my life?

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

That decision was a turning point in my life. It allowed me to meet my husband, get to know his warm family, and experience what it is like to love and be loved.

From working alone as a girl to being a housewife in a happy family, my life has changed dramatically.

I didn't stop there, though. With the full support and understanding of my husband and family, I began to balance my family and career to achieve my self-worth.

With them as a backer, I no longer have the same struggling life as I used to, but I can let go and pursue my ideals.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

So, I started a small studio and started working on the design work that I loved. In my spare time, I also do public welfare activities in some local organizations to give back to the society in my own way. Life is more fulfilling and meaningful than it used to be.

Whenever I see people living on the poverty line, I think of who I was back then. I know very well that poverty brings not only material deprivation, but also spiritual hardship. Therefore, I hope to bring a glimmer of hope to others through my own efforts.

Gradually, my philanthropic activities became a small impact in the local area. Some units and caring people have also joined in and worked together with me.

We provide materials for poor families, provide learning opportunities for orphans, create jobs for people with disabilities, and convey positive social energy in various forms.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

Seeing these people who had suffered misfortune regain their ideals and courage also gave me great comfort in my heart. I believe that with all our kindness and determination, we can bring more warmth to the world.

Although my life path was full of ups and downs, I finally reached the other side of happiness. And all of this, in the final analysis, stems from the decision made in that park.

It was the kindness that took the initiative to help a stranger that opened a new chapter in my life.

Rescue a lost old man, whose grandson proposed to me many years later, turned out to be my boss!

So, I have no regrets. Even in the hardest and most tiring days, I will still face them optimistically, because I know that as long as there is love in my heart, I will definitely find warmth and hope.

Let me continue to move forward, bring happiness to my family, and use my own strength to warm the hearts of more people.