
My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

author:Zhou Gong chatted

As the saying goes, brothers, settle accounts. When family affection is corrupted by financial interests, brothers and sisters who were once close will also turn against each other.

However, as long as we are honest with each other, tolerant and understanding, one day hatred will be left behind, and family affection will regain its former warmth.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

Zhao Ming is 33 years old and works for a state-owned enterprise. Since he was a child, he witnessed the contradictions and estrangement between his mother and aunt. Despite living in the same neighborhood, their relationship is like a "cold war" that has lasted for more than 30 years.

The fuse starts with the personality differences between Zhao Ming's mother and aunt. Zhao Ming's mother is gentle and sensitive, and always takes a step back when encountering problems.

My aunt, on the other hand, was outspoken and never considered the feelings of others. Over time, the contradictions between the two sisters gradually intensified.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

On the other hand, my aunt's family has a daughter, which naturally surpasses Zhao Ming's mother in the family.

During the party, my grandmother and aunt often snubbed Zhao Ming's mother, which made her sad and crying. Coupled with the poverty of the family, Zhao Ming's mother's life can be described as difficult.

If you want to change the status quo, you have to rely on yourself. In order to create a good environment for the children to grow up, Zhao Ming's mother resolutely decided to move when Zhao Ming was in the fifth grade.

Despite the fact that it meant changing schools and increasing the commuting distance, she moved to a relatively good neighborhood without hesitation.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

This move is undoubtedly a major turning point in the life of Zhao Ming's family. Not only did he stay away from poverty and discrimination, but also made Zhao Ming realize the importance of family affection, and understand how much effort and sacrifice his parents are willing to make for his family.

Since then, he has made up his mind that he will change his family's life through his own efforts in the future.

With a new environment brings new hope. Zhao Ming's mother opened up a vegetable garden downstairs, and the family's life slowly improved.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

His mother's encouragement became the biggest motivation for Zhao Ming to move forward, and he always remembered the words "knowledge changes destiny" and devoted himself to learning.

Hard work pays off, and through his own efforts, Zhao Ming has been admitted to the ideal university and job.

My younger brother's grades are also quite outstanding, and he has been admitted all the way from a key high school to a graduate student of a prestigious university. In contrast, there is terrible news from my cousin's side that she is serving a prison sentence for dating a bad teenager, which is a heavy blow to my aunt's family.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

This is undoubtedly a profound lesson, which made Zhao Ming more determined to be down-to-earth and study hard.

It is with this perseverance that their family gradually walked out of the trough of life and ushered in a turning point in life.

After my cousin was released from prison, she also made up her mind to be a new person, and now she has worked hard in the beauty industry and has a happy married life. Looking back on the tribulations of the past, everything today is the best gift.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

Time flies, and the years urge people to grow old. As Zhao Ming and his younger brother grew up, the family's living conditions got better and better.

The aunt is guilty of what she has done to her sister in the past and has always hoped to reconcile with her.

During this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, an unexpected reunion finally gave the two sisters a chance to regain their family affection.

When Zhao Ming's family reunited at the dinner table, her aunt took the initiative to apologize for her mistakes, and Zhao Ming's mother also forgave her magnanimously.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

Afterwards, everyone sat in the courtyard, admired the moon and tasted moon cakes together, sharing the joys and sorrows and hopes of life.

This Mid-Autumn Festival is of great significance to Zhao Ming, it is not only a traditional festival reunion, but also marks the resolution of long-standing grievances and the reunion of the family.

Living in the shadow of sisterhood since childhood, experiencing all kinds of hardships in the family, and now witnessing the scene of family regaining warmth, Zhao Ming sincerely feels relieved and happy.

This kind of happiness is hard-won, and it is the tolerance and understanding between relatives that has brought about today's consummation.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

There are still a long days ahead, and with this experience, Zhao Ming believes that the relationship between his family members will be more harmonious, and the life of the family will be filled with more laughter.

The power of family affection is great, it can dissolve any estrangement and misunderstanding. As long as we treat each other with tolerance and understanding, we will definitely be able to regain the warmth of family affection.

This Mid-Autumn Festival reunion not only made Zhao Ming feel the warmth of home again, but also allowed him to see the transformation of his aunt.

My aunt, who used to be extremely straightforward, is now gentle and polite, taking the initiative to help with housework and talking cordially with my sister. Seeing this scene, Zhao Ming was sincerely relieved.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

Perhaps it was the hardships and tribulations of life that made my aunt finally realize the importance of her family.

After experiencing the devastation of her daughter's imprisonment, she began to reflect on what she had done in the past and realized how she had hurt her sister severely.

So, she has been looking for an opportunity to reconcile with her sister, hoping to make up for her past mistakes.

This Mid-Autumn Festival reunion gave her the perfect opportunity. In front of the steaming meal, my aunt apologized openly and honestly to my sister, who also forgave her magnanimously. Looking at the warm scene of the two sisters regaining their family affection, Zhao Ming was deeply touched.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

It turns out that the power of family affection is so strong, as long as we face it with sincerity and tolerance, we will definitely be able to eliminate the estrangement.

Years of misunderstanding and isolation are precisely because both sides lack the heart of mutual understanding and tolerance. If the two sisters had been more understanding and tolerant, they wouldn't have been what they are today.

But let the past pass. The important thing is that from now on, the two sisters should cherish the current family affection and take care of each other with generous love.

Just like Zhao Ming's mother, in order to give her children a good growth environment, she did not hesitate to leave her hometown and bear all the hard work alone. It is this mother's love that has made Zhao Ming and his younger brother successful today.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

There is the power of family affection everywhere in life to support us. For example, in Zhao Ming's most difficult period, although his father was just an ordinary worker, he still tried his best to support the whole family.

The road of life is long, and family affection is the greatest driving force for us to move forward. With the support of family affection, we can bravely face all kinds of challenges in life.

Just like Zhao Ming's family, it is precisely by relying on each other's love and encouragement that they have stepped out of poverty and ushered in a better life.

My mother and aunt have been in a cold war for more than 30 years, and when I returned to my hometown during the Mid-Autumn Festival, I found that my aunt's whole family was a guest!

Therefore, no matter what situation we are in, we must warm ourselves and others with family affection. The happiness of a family often comes from the sincere love and care between relatives.

Let's start today, embrace our relatives and friends with broad love, resolve all barriers with patience and understanding, cherish what we have, and share the joy and hope in life together.