
He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

author:Fun Horn Sports


In the face of the frenzied attack of the Japanese invaders, the mainland also resisted at the first time. The War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression lasted for 14 years, and in the course of this 14-year War of Resistance, many outstanding heroes emerged, who used their bodies to resist the invasion of the Japanese invaders!

And today, we want to tell the story of Liu Zhuxi, the anti-Japanese leader, who led the soldiers to fight bravely on the front line to resist the Japanese invaders.

Later, after Liu Zhuxi's death, people found 28 remnants of shrapnel in his ashes, what kind of story does such an anti-Japanese hero have? Let's find out!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

Anti-Japanese leader Liu Zhuxi

Liu Zhuxi was born in Beijing, but when he was two years old, Liu Zhuxi followed his father back to his ancestral hometown of Shandong to settle down. Liu Zhuxi has been a very assertive child since he was a child, and later he joined the army when he grew up.

Later, in the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Zhuxi also played a great role. Liu Zhuxi, with his military talent, has also made a lot of contributions, and has successfully been appreciated by our party leaders.

In the middle and late stages of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the Japanese invaders at that time were rampant and domineering in Shandong, causing the innocent people in Shandong to suffer unspeakably. Everywhere the Japanese invaders went, it can be said that they were full of devastation, and these Japanese invaders did all kinds of evil in Shandong!

These Japanese invaders killed many innocent Shandong civilians and even robbed them of their belongings. At that time, Shandong was also in a miserable situation, and there was gunsmoke caused by the war everywhere!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

At that time, the Japanese army, which was very cunning and arrogant, also wanted to encircle our army in the north of Xiaoqing River. However, our army will not let the tricks of the Japanese invaders come true, so at that time, Liu Zhuxi decided that instead of sitting and waiting to die, it was better to take the initiative to attack!

After understanding the specific location of the Japanese invaders, Liu Zhuxi guided the army to start from Weijiabao and continuously launch attacks against the Japanese invaders. At that time, Japan originally wanted to encircle our army, but who knew that our soldiers were directly under the command of Liu Zhuxi, and surrounded the Japanese army front and back!

At that time, the tricks of these Japanese invaders not only failed to be realized, but also did not all our soldiers surround them, and finally our soldiers annihilated many Japanese invaders under the command of Liu Zhuxi!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

Seeing that this war had reached a fiery critical moment, at this time Liu Zhuxi felt that his clothes were already soaked, and it was not sweat that wet the uniform, but Liu Zhuxi's blood.

It turned out that Liu Zhuxi was devoted to the war of annihilating the enemy army at that time, and he didn't know that his arm had been injured, so the blood flowed more and more, and it was not until he soaked his military uniform that Liu Zhuxi reacted that he was injured.

But at this time, the battle had reached a critical moment, so Liu Zhuxi couldn't stop and deal with his wounds. Instead, he endured the pain and continued to fight!

Although the Japanese invaders had fallen into the encirclement of Liu Zhuxi at that time, although the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties, they still refused to surrender and beg for mercy. Liu Zhuxi also noticed at that time that this group of arrogant invaders wanted to fight with him to the end!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

Although the army commanded by Liu Zhuxi occupied a geographical advantage, the Japanese invaders at that time had very advanced and sufficient military weapons in their hands, and although the Japanese army suffered heavy casualties at that time, the firepower was still very fierce!

At this time, Liu Zhuxi realized that if the battle line was lengthened again, then for our army, the advantage would slowly disappear. So he made a bold command, that is, to directly attack the east and west!

At that time, Liu Zhuxi commanded a soldier and asked him to throw a burning torch into the house where the Japanese invaders were hiding. So it didn't take long for the house to be set on fire, accompanied by a thick smoke.

At this time, the Japanese invaders were also so smoked that they couldn't open their eyes, and tried every means to extinguish the fire. At that time, Liu Zhuxi also seized this opportunity, so he led the soldiers to fight forward!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

In this battle, Liu Zhuxi led the soldiers to annihilate many Japanese invaders, and not only that, but also captured a batch of military supplies. This battle also made Liu Zhuxi famous, dealt a heavy blow to the Japanese invaders, and suppressed the arrogance of the Japanese invaders!

Liu Zhuxi also became famous by relying on this battle, and at that time he could be said to have become a warrior admired by everyone in our army!

After the battle was completely over, Liu Zhuxi went to deal with his wounds, when Liu Zhuxi was shot in the arm, and there was no treatment at the first time, Liu Zhuxi's injuries were also somewhat serious!

At that time, when the doctor used tweezers to remove the bullet from Liu Zhuxi's arm, Liu Zhuxi was sweating profusely, but he never cried out in pain!

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

Stick to the front line of the Anti-Japanese War

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Zhuxi has always stuck to the front-line battlefield, always the first to rush to the front, even if he is injured, Liu Zhuxi will always hold on until the enemy retreats!

In addition to Liu Zhuxi's outstanding military ability, he is also very popular with the people in private, Liu Zhuxi will try his best to provide assistance to those who need help and want to help the people every time, so in the hearts of the people, Liu Zhuxi is a good leader!

On the battlefield, he killed the enemy bravely, always fought to the end, and in private he was a man of compassion for the people. For this reason, the local people are very grateful to Liu Zhuxi! It was Liu Zhuxi who led the soldiers to protect the peace of these people!

There were many times when Liu Zhuxi was injured and shot in battle, and some comrades-in-arms asked Liu Zhuxi to hurry up to deal with the wound, but Liu Zhuxi did not choose to do so, but persevered, and continued to kill the enemy despite the pain.

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

Only after the battle is over, Liu Zhuxi will take care of his wounds, but at this time, often the wounds are already very serious, after all, the wounds have been bleeding out, if there is a lot of blood, then Liu Zhuxi will be in danger of excessive blood loss and shock!

In the end, with the help of doctors, the shrapnel on Liu Zhuxi's body was removed, but because the treatment was not timely enough, it led to excessive blood loss, and Liu Zhuxi also fell into a coma at that time. Commander Liu Zhuxi was very lucky, and finally survived the danger under the treatment of medical personnel.

In the War of Resistance Against Japan, Liu Zhuxi also commanded large and small battles, and in these battles, Liu Zhuxi's performance was also very good.

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

But during the battle, Liu Zhuxi was also injured many times, and even when it was the most serious, he was directly in a coma for many days, and it was the medical staff who treated him for many days before snatching him back from the hands of death!

45 years of recuperation

Liu Zhuxi put all his energy into the anti-Japanese war back then, and there were many times when Liu Zhuxi didn't care about his own safety and stuck to the front line to kill the enemy, such an anti-Japanese leader made people very admirable!

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Liu Zhuxi has always adhered to his post and wants to make some contributions to the construction of New China. In 1955, Liu Zhuxi was also awarded the rank of colonel, and Liu Zhuxi could have been promoted, but his physical condition had serious problems.

Originally, Liu Zhuxi still wanted to stick to his post, but no one thought that his physical condition was getting worse and worse, and later after a doctor's examination, it was found that Liu Zhuxi was shot and injured many times in the war, but these shrapnel were not all taken out.

He did not meet the requirements for promotion due to illness, and retired at the age of 45, becoming the youngest recuperator to recuperate for 45 years

In other words, these shrapnel remained in Liu Zhuxi's body and had an impact on his health. In addition, Liu Zhuxi did not recuperate well from his injuries back then, so he also left a lot of sequelae.

At that time, the doctor suggested that Liu Zhuxi should put down his work and recuperate, but Liu Zhuxi did not choose to do so at that time. In Liu Zhuxi's view, New China had only been established long ago, and he should make some contributions to the development of New China!

It was not until 1965 that Liu Zhuxi's physical condition was really not optimistic, so he submitted an application for retirement, and Liu Zhuxi was 45 years old this year, and he was also the youngest retired cadre at that time.


Liu Zhuxi's life after retirement is also very frugal and simple, after he retired at the age of 45, he recuperated for 45 years, and when he was 90 years old, he passed away because of his aggravated illness.

After his death, everyone was also immersed in grief, and later in Liu Zhuxi's ashes, people found that there were 28 residual shrapnel.

Liu Zhuxi, the leader of the anti-Japanese resistance, devoted all the energy of the first half of his life to the anti-Japanese war, and he made a lot of contributions, even if he was injured by a bullet, he insisted on rushing to the front line to kill the enemy, and only after the battle was over, he was willing to take care of his wounds! Such an excellent anti-Japanese leader is admired by us!


Twenty-eight pieces of shrapnel in the ashes. Binzhou Media Network.