
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County

author:Watermelon 13 road trip

Driving along 317 and 219, I came all the way to Yumin County, Tacheng District, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. Yumin County, which was originally just a transit point for travel, gave me a big surprise.

Little Poplar Outpost

The Xiaobaiyang outpost is the Tasti outpost in Yumin County, Tacheng Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China, on the border between China and Kazakhstan.

On the way from Bole to Yumin County, there is nothing to do, the scenery is tired of seeing, I searched for what is worth visiting in Yumin, I am very glad that I searched it, and found that the little poplar post sung in the song "Little Poplar" sung by the uncle in the park of Bole City is more than ten kilometers ago, so I must go to visit it.

No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County

Turgario steppe

Then I will pass through the Turjialiao grassland, which is a pity, at that time, I only thought that 219 was a good look along the way, the wild flowers all over the mountains, the wheat drifting in the wind drifted directly to my heart, and the safflower that I mistook for corn seedlings.

No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County


This scenic spot is purely passing by and happened to see, I saw a house on the side of the road that does not match the environment, I searched this scenic spot on the spot, anyway, it's free, it's coming, so let's go and see it.

Bardakul petroglyph group: I couldn't see the innermost petroglyph group in this place, the wind on the top of the mountain is particularly strong, and the signs in the scenic spot have also faded because of the wind and sun, I thought the petroglyphs have also faded, plus the top of the mountain is full of mani piles, so I don't have the courage to continue to move forward, and I went down the mountain and returned to the car to find that the petroglyph group is still inside.


Akchok: Originally, I rushed to see the mountain flowers, but there was almost no signal when I entered the scenic spot, and I didn't see it after driving 20 kilometers, and I wasn't sure if it was this road, so I didn't see the blue flowers all over the mountain taken by others.


Impressions of the years

Looking for a campsite, I came to the impression of the era, and as soon as I entered the gate, I saw the classroom and let me pass through.

No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County

From the 50s to the 90s, it was common to decorate homes, and there was an exhibition hall full of mobile phones, pagers, projectors, cameras, radios, tape recorders, and televisions.

Yumin Park

When I came to Yumin Park, I came to the pool, I saw a lot of fish, and I went twice to buy steamed buns to feed, so that feeding the fish is really special and healing.

No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County
No need to be complicated, relaxed: the charm of the border of Yumin County

I don't think this city is special, I don't think this city is prosperous, but it really makes me feel free and happy, just some simple things, very rare!

2024.6.22~6.23 Bole City to Yumin County