
"As soon as you open your mouth, people like your high emotional intelligence chatting skills"

author:Nana Grandma Parenting

1. Hara: "You're awesome"

Rewrite: "It's really admirable, I didn't expect that there were hidden masters around me." ”

2. Hara: "Okay"

Rephrase: "What do you think of this treatment?" ”

3. Hara: "What's your name?"

Rephrase: "May I have the privilege of knowing your name?" ”

4. Hara: "I won't"

Rephrased: "I don't know much yet, but I'm willing to learn." ”

"As soon as you open your mouth, people like your high emotional intelligence chatting skills"

5. Hara: "I haven't seen it"

Rephrased: "Sounds very appealing, and I'm looking forward to getting to know." ”

6. Hara: "You're not right"

Rephrase: "Your point is very enlightening, and I have some thoughts that I would like to share." ”

7. Hara: "I'm so annoying"

Rewrite: "I'm feeling a little uneasy right now and need a little time to sort out my thoughts. ”

8. Original: "Buy, buy, buy"

Rewrite: "This is really good, and it deserves my careful consideration." ”

9. Hara: "You're the Sick"

Rephrase: "It looks like we're all a little excited, maybe we can change the subject." ”

10. Hara: "Hmm"

Reword: "Totally understood, thank you for the explanation." ”

"As soon as you open your mouth, people like your high emotional intelligence chatting skills"

11. Original: "Groove"

Rewording: "It's really impressive, and my heart is full of emotion. ”

12. Hara: "Got it?"

Rewrite: "Am I making it clear?" ”

13. Hara: "Early"

Rewrite: "A new day has begun, and it's so nice to welcome it with you." ”

14. Original: "Good Night"

Rewrite: "Let's continue chatting in another place and see each other in our dreams." ”

15. Hara: "You can't"

Rewording: "I believe you just need more time and effort and you can do it." ”

"As soon as you open your mouth, people like your high emotional intelligence chatting skills"

16. Hara: "I'm"

Rephrased: "I need to calm down now and come back to the discussion later." ”

17. Hara: "You're a little stupid"

Rephrase: "You're such a real person, sometimes you might find something new from a different perspective." ”

18. Hara: "You're so beautiful"

Rephrase: "Your beauty is truly eye-catching and impressive. ”

19. Hara: "No"

Rewrite: "I am very honored by your compliment, and your taste is high. ”