
Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

author:Nana Grandma Parenting

My distant relative, Aunt Li, and her daughter Xiaomei, married abroad last year. At Xiaomei's wedding, Aunt Li's tears almost never stopped. She said to me, "I was both happy and sad to see my daughter in her wedding dress. I am glad that she has found her own happiness, and sad that she will be far away from us from now on and face life in a foreign country alone.

Xiaomei's distant marriage made Aunt Li and her husband's lives suddenly empty. Whenever there is a dead of night, they always think of Xiaomei's childhood, and their hearts are full of endless worries and worries.

Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

Aunt Li cried to my mother and told me that it was difficult to give birth to a daughter, and there were many things to worry about when giving birth to a daughter than giving birth to a son.

There are children and daughters, and there are joys and sorrows. However, I have asked many mothers if they would prefer to have a son or a daughter? Most of their choices are to have sons.

Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

It's not that it's about giving birth to a daughter, and parents do face more problems.

"Daughter-bearing families" are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems, which is very realistic.

1. Security issues: eternal concern

"The daughter is the little padded jacket of the parents", this sentence expresses the voice of many parents. However, with the development of society, the safety of girls has become an eternal concern for parents. From school bullying to workplace sexual harassment to online scams, every potential threat is a pin-and-needle for parents. "My daughter is out alone, how can I rest assured?" That's what many parents are saying.

Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

2. Mental health: delicate emotional fragility

Girls are naturally emotionally delicate, and their mental health issues cannot be ignored. In a competitive society, girls not only have to deal with academic pressure, but also complex interpersonal relationships. "She's been sullen lately, is there something on her mind?" Such questions often plague parents. How to protect the mental health of the daughter has become a major problem for the family.

Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

3. The confusion of adolescence: the confusion of growing up

Adolescence is a critical period for a girl's development and the most worrying stage for parents. Puppy love, internet addiction, confusion of values...... These problems can derail girls from the right trajectory of growth. "She seems to be a little different lately, is there something on her mind?" In addition to being concerned, parents are also thinking about how to guide their daughters to face the confusion of adolescence correctly.

Families with daughters are no longer popular? In less than 20 years, families with daughters will face four major problems

Fourth, the choice of marriage: the bet of happiness

Marriage is a turning point in a girl's life, but it is also a pain point for many families. "Marrying well" has become an important criterion for measuring the happiness of girls. However, real-life marriages are not always smooth sailing. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law relationship, family responsibilities, financial pressures...... These questions leave many girls feeling lost and helpless in their marriages. "I hope she can find someone who really loves her and loves her." This is what all parents expect from their daughter's marriage.

Families with daughters face unprecedented challenges. But no matter what, the love and expectations of parents for their daughters will never change. Let's focus on these issues together and provide more support and help for our daughter's growth.

Are you a son or a daughter?


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