
No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

author:Sincere Evening Breeze I
No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Premier Zhou's sentence: "No matter how hard you are, you can't be bitter about children, and no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor in education", it feels like an irony here!

No matter how hard it is, you have to pay your salary? 66 counties staged a "nutritious meal robbery"!

On July 1, the state audit department reported that as many as 66 counties had embezzled special funds for nutritious meals for rural students for as long as 2 years! The use of funds is actually "patching" and welfare!

It's infuriating, have you ever heard of the "hero" who snatches food from a child's bowl?

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Now in this world, there are always some places that believe in the "golden and jade good words" that "no matter how poor you are, you can't be poor yourself, and no matter how hard you are, you must pay your salary".

They really regarded this "good word" as Shang Fang's sword, and directly moved the knife from the nutritious meal of the rural baby!

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

You heard it right, it was the state's subsidy fund for supplementing nutrition for rural children that was "borrowed" by 66 counties, and it was 1.95 billion oceans when it was borrowed!

This number makes people tremble when they hear it. We have to say that the leaders of these counties are really big enough.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Not only do they have to pay off their debts, protect people's livelihoods, and pay their salaries, but they also have to ensure the normal operation of the government machine.

Ready-made, nutritious meal subsidies for children! The meal was made up of "Tang monk meat", snatching food from the child's mouth, and this hand "moved the world", and it was called a slippery play!

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Those rural children, who are growing up, should eat a balanced diet.

As a result, because the money was misappropriated, he could only continue to gnaw on the "bitter rice" of decades ago.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

You said that it used to be poor, but now that the conditions are better and the state still gives subsidies, the children still can't eat a decent meal. It's arrogant!

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

What is even worse is that the misappropriation of the money is not enough, and 44 of the county joint schools have played the trick of "lowering the standard" in order to take more funds.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Originally, the standard configuration of three dishes and one soup was reduced to a bowl of somen noodles with clear soup and little water.

You say it's a nutritious meal? I think it's a "diet meal" and it's pretty much the same! Children go to class hungry, where do they get the spirit to learn? This is obviously not a pit child!

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

What's even more excessive is that there are people who collude with suppliers, jointly operate in violation of regulations, shoddy, cut corners, donate through dividends, and take away tens of millions.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Didn't this money end up in some people's pockets?

Among them, in order to win the bid, another 78 enterprises and individuals also participated in the bid by illegally falsifying information and colluding in bidding, and through this means, they won 35 counties and up to 101 nutritious meal projects.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

It really responds to the old saying: "People are doing it, the sky is watching, it's not that they don't report it, the time has not come." ”

But then again, if this matter can be exposed, it can be regarded as a wake-up call to those "heroes".

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

After all, paper can't contain fire, and no matter how hidden you are, there will always be a time to show your filling.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

There are so many means and ways to make a profit when it comes to nutritious meals for children alone!

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Someone has to take care of this, someone has to look into it, someone has to get justice for these innocent children.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

After all, they are the future of the country and the hope of the nation. We can't let them eat bran when they need nutrition the most.

The editor calls for paying attention to this matter and speaking out for rural children together.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Let them know that in this world, there are still many people who care about their growth and their health.

No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

At the same time, I also hope that those "heroes" who embezzled funds can learn their way back, return the money, and give justice to the children. After all, people live for a lifetime, and their conscience can't be lost!

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No matter how hard it is, wages must be paid, and 66 counties have pulled out 2 billion yuan from the mouths of rural children to pay off debts!

Disclaimer: Personal opinion, for reference only