
Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

author:Entertain little naughtys


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In the tide of online live broadcasts on June 29, Xu Min's live broadcast with goods was like a bright star, shining in the starry live broadcast world, attracting the attention of countless eyeballs.

However, on the eve of the live broadcast, a screenshot of a chat in Tian Mimi's fan group was like a pebble thrown into a calm lake, causing layers of ripples.

This screenshot reveals a well-planned conspiracy aimed at interfering with Xu Min's live broadcast, which is shocking.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

This conspiracy, like an absurd drama, is staged among the fan base.

Some fans actually planned to stumble Xu Min during the live broadcast, and this unbelievable behavior quickly caused an uproar on the Internet.

People have speculated about what these fans have in mind and why they treat their idol Xu Min like this.

In the past, the Tian Jing sisters always came forward to clarify such controversies as quickly as timely rain, but this time, they were silent about the authenticity of the screenshot, and this unusual reaction undoubtedly added some credibility to the authenticity of the screenshot.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

As the owner of the fan base, Tian Mimi's public image is closely related to the behavior of her fans.

And this incident undoubtedly caused Tian Mimi's already crumbling public image to suffer a heavy blow again.

At the same time, Tian Jing's online delivery business has also experienced many twists and turns in the past two years.

Back then, she was so powerful in the live webcast, and her ability to bring goods was staggering.

However, in the last few live broadcasts, her performance is not as good as before, which makes people sigh.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

Although some people blame Xu Min for all this, anyone with a discerning eye knows that this is not entirely the case.

In fact, although Tian Jing's son Guo Wei and daughter-in-law's various behaviors have been controversial, Xu Min has always tolerated everything with a tolerant heart.

Her reluctance to bring family disputes into the public eye is admirable for her grandeur and wisdom.

In this unpredictable world of Internet celebrities, Xu Min is like a clear stream, always sticking to his professional ethics.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

Even though she has been involved in controversies many times, she has always maintained her calmness and restraint, and has never taken the initiative to expose various problems within the family.

Even in the face of Tian Mimi's outrageous act of acting as a witness in the letter incident, she chose to remain silent, showing great respect and protection to Guo Wei and Tian Jing.

The decline of Tian Jing's online delivery career is actually more due to the frequent controversy caused by his sister Tian Mimi, which has pushed Tian Jing to the forefront of public opinion again and again.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

Faced with the double blow of family disputes and career, Tian Jing also tried to turn the tide by creating a good public image.

She silently worked hard to try to turn things around through Guo Wei's change of words and Jiujiang's real estate plan.

However, as the conflict between the attention of public opinion and the truth became more and more intense, Tian Mimi did not succeed in guiding Tian Jing out of the predicament.

Instead, he teamed up with his sister to perform absurd dramas in the live broadcast, which exacerbated the public's misunderstanding and dissatisfaction with Xu Min.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

Tian Mimi's various behaviors not only had an irreparable impact on Tian Jing's career, but also exacerbated the conflicts within the family.

Her overly interfering and boundary-devoid behavior in her sister's life did not bring about any positive change, but rather made an already complex situation even more difficult.

This internal dispute and misunderstanding eventually led to serious damage to the reputations of Tian Jing and Guo Wei, while Xu Min has always worked hard and cared silently behind the scenes.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

The online dispute surrounding the families of Xu Min and Tian Jing is like a mirror that reflects the complex humanity of public figures in Vanity Fair and the fragility of family relationships.

Even in the face of various criticisms and challenges, her love and support for her family has never weakened in the slightest, and this kind of commendable persistence and efforts undoubtedly demonstrate her deep importance and cherishing of family values.

Xu Min repaid his grievances with virtue, and Tian Mimi made many "out-of-line" moves, revealing the truth about Guo Wei and Tian Jing's declining reputation

【Disclaimer】The process and pictures described in the article are all from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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