
Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

author:Things speak in new words
Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

Mr. Liu, who has been found to have high blood pressure for more than ten years, suddenly felt dizzy when he was washing at night, and then fell to the ground.

When the family heard the commotion, they hurriedly ran to find that Mr. Liu's consciousness was so blurred that he could not speak.

Seeing this scene, the family called the emergency number without hesitation, thinking that Mr. Liu should be sent to the hospital as soon as possible.

After the ambulance arrived, he rushed to the hospital and gave Mr. Liu a simple preliminary examination.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

During the examination, Mr. Liu's blood pressure was found to be 220/140mmHg, which is a relatively serious hypertension.

So he quickly reported the situation to the hospital and gave Mr. Liu antihypertensive treatment. After rushing to the hospital, after a more detailed examination, it was determined that Mr. Liu had a massive cerebral infarction caused by high blood pressure.

After all-out rescue, Mr. Liu was still in a coma and did not know when he would wake up.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

During this period, when Mr. Liu's family communicated with the doctor, they talked about some of Mr. Liu's daily habits.

When I learned that Mr. Liu is a person who is very afraid of heat, he likes to drink ice water all day after the weather is hot.

After drinking a large glass of ice water before this coma, the doctor believed that the act of drinking ice water became "the last straw that broke the camel's back" when Mr. Liu usually did not take medication on time to control his blood pressure.

In fact, cerebral infarction is related to daily drinking habits, as a group with high blood pressure, even if you drink water, you should pay attention to three aspects.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

1. What is the relationship between hypertension and cerebral infarction?

According to the data, the prevalence of hypertension in China aged 18 years and above is 27.5%.

As for which condition is considered hypertension, the criterion is that blood pressure is not measured three times in the same day without taking antihypertensive drugs.

If the results of the three measurements show a systolic blood pressure of ≥ 140 mmHg and a diastolic blood pressure of ≥ 90 mmHg, then the diagnosis of hypertension is clinically made.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

For example, according to the information provided by Mr. Liu's family, he can learn that he himself originally had high blood pressure. In addition, when he was sent to the hospital, his blood pressure was measured to be 220/140mmHg, so during the rescue period, lowering blood pressure was a step that must be experienced.

But there are some places where some people have not been able to figure out what happened to Mr. Liu. What these people wonder about is why Mr. Liu obviously has high blood pressure, but what was finally confirmed was a massive cerebral infarction?

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

It has to be said that there is a correlation between the two. High blood pressure is the "cause", and cerebral infarction is the "effect".

Of course, the appearance of "fruit" requires a process, and it does not mean that people with high blood pressure will necessarily have cerebral infarction. It's just that the probability is higher than that of healthy people.

If you insist on regular check-ups and take medications to control your blood pressure as prescribed, you are less likely to have cerebral infarction.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

At this time, don't think about what "it's a poison of medicine", and more importantly, keep your blood pressure stable first and stop rising repeatedly.

Otherwise, it may occur, like Mr. Liu, who has been reluctant to take medicine for a long time, and is sent to the hospital for emergency treatment and found to have a large cerebral infarction. Generally, from hypertensive cerebral infarction, it will go through three stages.

The first stage is long-term hypertension that can damage the lining of blood vessels if left untreated.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

When damaged, it's like cutting the skin and the skin heals. Vascular endothelial cells also release growth factors to repair damaged areas.

As the number of damage increases, the walls of blood vessels become thicker and thicker, and they lose their previous elasticity and become atherosclerosis.

As the severity of atherosclerosis intensifies repeatedly, the blood vessels become narrower and narrower, and at the same time, the narrowed blood vessels are more likely to become occluded due to reduced blood flow.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

In addition, when the atherosclerotic plaque in the blood vessel is broken off, it may also enter a certain part of the head with the bloodstream.

As a result, acute cerebral infarction, a health problem with high disability and mortality rates, is prone to occur.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

2. The elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

1. Pay attention to drinking water in small amounts and often

The human body has about 70% water, and if you don't replenish it in time every day, your health will be affected. According to scientific research, the normal daily water intake of adults is 2000-2500 ml, and the specific amount of water depends on whether they have exercised.

If you want to increase sweating exercises, you need to add some water to avoid dehydration. When drinking, be careful not to drink all the water in one go, even if you are very thirsty.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

Especially for people with high blood pressure, it is even more important to avoid such behaviors, which may put themselves at risk to their health. After drinking a large amount of water at one time, the water rushing into the blood will increase the blood volume, and eventually cause the blood pressure in the body to rise abnormally in a short period of time.

After the cerebrovascular blood vessels feel greater pressure from the outside world, it is more likely to induce cerebral infarction. In particular, some elderly patients with high blood pressure have slowed down blood circulation because of their age.

Drinking water like this every day, not to mention that it is not friendly to blood pressure, will also increase the burden on the stomach and intestines.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

What should be the right way to drink? In fact, it is very simple, you can divide the amount of water you need every day into different time periods and drink it in small sips every time.

Note that you don't need to drink a lot of water about 1-2 hours before bedtime, and if you feel dry mouth, you can drink a small amount of water to moisten it.

As for why you can't drink more, the reason is that drinking a lot of water at night will increase the frequency of nocturia, and you won't be able to sleep well at that time. Moreover, the body is in a state of rest at night, the circulation in the body slows down, and drinking too much water will cause edema of the lower limbs, physical weakness and other conditions.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

2. Be careful not to drink too many beverages

In some people's opinion, water can be a variety of beverages in addition to plain water. As long as it is a drinkable liquid, it can be considered "water".

Therefore, when I feel that plain water is weak, I usually drink other "water", such as strong tea, coffee, and carbonated drinks, thinking that this can still replenish water to the body.

There is an old Chinese saying that "if you are greedy, you can't chew it out". Compared with boiled water, which has a simple material composition, the substances contained in various beverages are much more complex.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

Even if it is relatively healthy, strong tea cannot really be drunk as water like cow drink, especially for people who usually don't sleep well, drinking strong tea or coffee and other drinks, it is likely that they will not be able to sleep at night.

The behavior of staying up late is naturally not good for blood pressure, and people who sleep less than six hours a day will have a higher risk of developing high blood pressure than those who sleep eight hours a day.

In addition, in the case of high blood pressure, staying up late will aggravate the symptoms of elevated blood pressure, and will cause insufficient blood supply to the brain, and the precursor of cerebral infarction will appear.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

As for the various other beverages, that's not to mention. In order to preserve the quality and provide flavor, a variety of food additives will be added, and drinking it for a long time will bring a heavy burden to the kidneys.

Like people with high blood pressure, it is better to drink plain water honestly. After drinking, the body is not so troublesome to metabolize, and on the basis of reducing blood viscosity, it can also avoid the formation of blood clots.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

3. Pay attention to the water temperature to be appropriate

Hotter water, as well as colder water, have a larger audience. Some people don't even need to drink water, and they need to eat hot.

In fact, such a habit can easily harm the gastrointestinal system. After the hotter food enters the stomach, the reason why it will give people a feeling that the stomach is warm and comfortable is actually that the gastric mucosa is scalded, and it may cause gastritis after time.

As for whether it is okay to drink colder water, Mr. Liu, mentioned earlier, must have given you the answer. In general, if you drink some cold water occasionally and in small amounts, it is unlikely to have a large effect on blood pressure.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

But Mr. Liu drank cold water every day after the weather was hot, and even drank it at night before going to bed.

In the long run, the blood vessels in the body will shrink due to the "cold", so that the blood cannot pass smoothly, causing the blood pressure to rise.

In order to avoid this phenomenon, it is advisable to drink lukewarm water every day, usually 20-50 degrees Celsius, which is called lukewarm water.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

3. Have you learned the daily maintenance methods for high blood pressure?

If you want to avoid cerebral infarction, as a group with high blood pressure, you should learn daily maintenance measures.

Especially in the "food" of "food, clothing, housing and transportation", it takes some thought.

Generally, people with high blood pressure are not suitable for eating too much in this aspect, and are too greedy for high-temperature, high-sugar and high-calorie foods.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

You can eat lighter foods appropriately, such as green vegetables, soy products, seasonal fruits, etc. Be careful not to be greedy when eating, and you can also cooperate with some exercise every day.

If you still smoke or drink too much, you should also get rid of it. It not only affects blood pressure, but also affects the health of organs such as the liver and lungs.

When there is nothing wrong with eating, you also need to pay attention to regulating your emotions.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water

In the past, everyone always believed that the "three highs" were chronic diseases that only appeared in the elderly. In fact, the "three highs" are also common among young people.

Mainly due to the high pressure of work or life, some people can't control their emotions and become more and more excited.

Mood swings can lead to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, it is important to learn to control your emotions, listen to soothing music, or use the popular stress relief toys to vent your bad feelings.

Is cerebral infarction related to drinking water? The doctor reminded again: the elderly with high blood pressure have "3 attentions" when drinking water


I believe that many people don't realize that there will be a lot of attention paid to such an ordinary behavior as drinking water.

Especially for some elderly people with chronic underlying diseases such as high blood pressure, for the sake of their own health, do not be stubborn in some wrong behaviors and habits, and are unwilling to make a little concession.

In addition, after confirming that you have high blood pressure, it is important to see a doctor in time and control your blood pressure according to your doctor's instructions. Don't be like Mr. Liu, who has inappropriate lifestyle habits and doesn't take medication on time.


Guangming.com2023-10-08 "The number of people with hypertension in mainland China is about 245 million, an article to understand this chronic disease"

Putian Jiuhua Hospital 2020-12-26"Professor Liu Wenjie reminds you - from hypertension to cerebral infarction, there will be three stages, if you want to live a long life, please adhere to four don'ts before going to bed"

39Health.com2023-09-26Does Ice Water Stimulation Lower Blood Pressure?

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