
At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

author:Things speak in new words
At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives
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Bulgaria is one of the countries in Europe that have always had a strong economy since ancient times, and there are many European countries.

Since it is an economically developed Europe, the country is generally relatively civilized, and I never thought that in this era of civilization, Bulgaria still has a bad habit of taking money to buy a daughter-in-law, which is really surprising.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

It is understood that bridal gatherings are always held in Bulgaria, and 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives.

This is no different from the ancient human trafficking, these girls are in their most beautiful years, but it is really embarrassing to face such a tragic fate, so why is this bad habit passed down to this day?

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

1. Bulgarian bad habits

There are five continents in the world, and among these five continents, Europe has always been strong. At present, the economic strength of European countries is still very strong, and the European people are living happily.

Especially in developed countries like Europe, people have the impression that they are all socially harmonious and civilized, and who would have thought that some European countries still have some uncivilized phenomena.

Bulgaria, for example, has long had a bad habit in Europe, similar to the slave markets held in ancient times, where people could be bought and sold at will.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

But unlike the ancient slave market, this gathering was mainly for the sale of maidens, who were like cattle and sheep being pulled to the market to sell at a price.

Men can directly use the money to select and buy these girls, as long as you fall in love with any girl, you can spend money to buy her home to get married and have children, which also reflects the tragic fate of these girls, and it is the men who really get the benefits.

really responded to the sentence "there is no wonder in the world", and many people must have heard of this kind of gathering to buy and sell girls for the first time.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

It would not be surprising if this phenomenon existed in ancient times, after all, ancient societies have always been relatively feudal and backward, and even allowed many inhumane behaviors.

However, it is now the 21st century, and in this beautiful era of advanced civilization, it is really outrageous that there is such a situation of buying and selling human beings.

In this era, everyone should be free to fall in love, if there is a spark of love between men and women, they can become a couple, and then continue to live like glue, and after a few years of love, they can also tie the knot and hold a wedding.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

In contrast to the Bulgarian assembly, which forcibly sells girls as commodities, is clearly disrespectful to women and does not reflect the principles of equality between men and women and freedom of marriage.

It is no wonder that this bad habit is not accepted by the world, and it is simply a lack of humanity. Calls have been made for the abolition of this inhumane rally, but the Bulgarian government has refused to do so, which means that a large number of girls are sold as commodities every year.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

Second, the 15-year-old girl was clearly marked

This infamous and long-criticized bridal festival in Bulgaria has not been cancelled and has been passed down to this day.

Many 15-year-olds come to this rally, and when it officially begins, the girls will be clearly priced.

Men can use the funds they have prepared to buy these girls, and the price is not very expensive, only a few thousand euros can buy a wife. It's like going to a vegetable market to buy groceries, which is unbelievable.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

This gathering has a long history, it did not exist in modern society but has existed since ancient times, and it is not difficult to imagine how many young girls have experienced this terrible gathering over the years, and they have also been bought by men to become wives.

Usually the brides at the rally come from poor backgrounds and do not have the opportunity to decide their own fate, and their families will ask their children to participate in the rally, reflecting the low status of women in the country.

Their families all hope that their daughters will be bought and get an income so that they can subsidize the family, after all, the family is extremely poor, and it is difficult to increase income through multiple channels, and the family can only make money in this way.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

It is reported that this bridal rally is held in the spring of every year, and at first glance it looks like a blind date event in our country, but in fact it is not, because the blind date activity on the mainland is equal between men and women, and both parties have the right to choose each other.

But this assembly in Bulgaria is completely different, these girls have no choice but to be bought by men, to put it bluntly, they are like a commodity.

These girls also need to master certain dressing skills and makeup techniques, and only by making themselves beautiful can they be easily bought at bridal gatherings.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

Parents at home have to scrape together money even if they smash pots and sell iron, and spend money to buy various clothes and cosmetics for their daughters, which is undoubtedly equivalent to an investment. After the daughter is bought, she can get a lot of income and let the family live a happier life.

Although this is an unequal human trafficking rally, the atmosphere at the scene is joyful and lively, everyone is talking and laughing and even singing and dancing, it can be seen that the girls have already accepted this fateful rally, so they can only choose to adapt, after all, even if they want to fight, they are powerless.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

3. Will you be happy if you are bought?

Everyone must also be curious about what will happen to these girls after they are bought by men? Will you really be happy? No one can answer this question, after all, the answer will only be known until the girls are bought and married.

If you meet a good man, you will definitely be very happy in this life, and your husband will treat the beautiful wife he bought well after marriage, but not everyone has such good luck, and there may be some bad men.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

In this way, a woman's life will be over, and these bad men will never treat their wives well, and the possibility of them being abused is very high, and how terrible those days will be, I can't imagine it.

If you want to pass on some good traditional customs, everyone will fully support them, but bridal gatherings like those in Bulgaria are a typical bad custom and should have been abolished long ago, so that the fate of young girls can be better.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

Unfortunately, instead of doing so, the country continues to perpetuate bad habits, which also reflect some of the shortcomings of developed capitalist countries.

Almost all of these countries have a huge gap between the rich and the poor, and even the governments are not willing to treat them equally, they do not care about how the poor live, but only care about the living conditions of the rich.

However, this is not the case in a socialist country like the mainland, and we must know that the government of our country has always served the people wholeheartedly.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

And the people of all ethnic groups in the country have already been lifted out of poverty and become well-off, and no one is missing, such a situation is almost impossible to occur in the developed countries of the West.

In any case, we hope that Bulgaria will end this bad practice as soon as possible, otherwise it will only harm generations of young girls, which is inhumane and unfair to young girls.

Now belongs to the new era of civilization, we should not let such bad habits continue to exist, otherwise it is a kind of social regression, this phenomenon in the ancient era of closed and backward appeared is not surprising, but today is different from the past, we should respect every independent individual.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

These girls in Bulgaria deserve all the equal rights of modern society, and they are not cattle and sheep but living beings, and they should not be treated so mercilessly.

I hope that the Bulgarian government can seriously reflect on it and make changes in time, because if this bad habit is allowed to persist, doubts and criticisms from the outside world will only follow, and the government will face more pressure from the outside world, and I believe they do not want to face this embarrassing situation.

We also hope that all similar bad habits can be completely eliminated from the earth in the future, and only in this way will human society be more harmonious and beautiful.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives


Women on the mainland have long been liberated, especially after entering the new century, Chinese women have the same rights as men, which means that the mainland has achieved equality between men and women.

In contrast, there are still some countries where there is inequality between men and women, such as Bulgaria, a European country.

Bulgaria is a European country, which means that the country's economic strength is not weak, because the countries in the European region are all economic powerhouses.

At the Bulgarian bride rally, 15-year-old girls are clearly marked with a price, and as long as they give money, they can be taken away as wives

Economically developed countries should be relatively civilized, but unexpectedly, Bulgaria, a European country, has a bad habit that has been passed down to this day. A 15-year-old girl was clearly marked at the rally, and as long as she gave money, she could take her away as a wife.

The fact that these girls do not have the right and the opportunity to decide their own destiny has to be said to be sad and infuriating. This is a modern version of the slave auction market, in fact, there are constant doubts from the outside world, and I hope that Bulgaria can abolish this bad practice as soon as possible.

What do you think of this bad habit in Bulgaria? Welcome to the comment area to discuss.

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