
The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

author:Kyushu Shinashi
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

The judges have heard of the referee and seen beautiful women. But the combination of the two is rare, this person's figure is simply foul level! As soon as she got on the field, she forgot to watch the game, just staring at her shirt that was about to collapse with buttons, and muttered in her heart: "This is too much of a test of the quality of clothes!" ”

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

If you really think that she only has beauty, then you have a small pattern, and you can check your achievements from a white to a god!

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Du Siqi's initial contact with fitness was not to show off his muscles or brush up his presence in the circle of friends, but purely for health and beauty. If you think about a beginner at the beginning, he doesn't know anything, and he relies on blind groping. At first, I just wanted to get rid of my boring life and sculpt my body curves by the way.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

This road is even more difficult than climbing to the sky, and every time she walks into the gym, she can hear those gossips: "Yo, look at that little body and come to the gym?" Some people laughed at her: "You are so thin, don't lift dumbbells, be careful to squash yourself!" "To be honest, it's annoying to hear a lot, but do you think this will hit her self-confidence? No way!

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

High-intensity training coupled with strict diet control is simply the ultimate test of willpower. Imagine getting up at five in the morning to run, and still playing iron at eight o'clock in the evening, without touching a mouthful of junk food in between. While her friends were eating hot pot and singing, she was nibbling on chicken breasts and drinking sugar-free yogurt.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Every time she passed by the food court, she had to hold herself tightly, for fear that she would pounce on it in the next second. Some people said that she was stupid, and some people advised her not to fight so hard, but she only had one thought in her heart: "Either you succeed or you die!" ”

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

It is this kind of hard work that has transformed her from a thin little white to the focus on the stage. Her upright posture, smooth muscle lines, and confident smile all tell her persistence and dedication.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

It has been proved with practical actions that women can not only have a strong physique, but also combine beauty and strength so perfectly.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

What is traditional thinking? In the eyes of many people, women should be gentle and demure, behave elegantly, awkward old waist and lift dumbbells, and don't have too many muscles, otherwise they will be women. Well, her presence is like a hammer, directly smashing those old stereotypes.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

You say girls can't build muscles? Partial practice, you say that muscular women are not beautiful? She's like a gorgeous red pepper, so hot that you can't open your eyes, and you have to look at it a few more times.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

The story is not only the glory on the field, but also the countless sweat and tears in training. It's all made up of strict self-discipline, and she has challenged the limit more than once in training, and that kind of sourness is only understood by those who have experienced it.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

In order to make herself more professional, she began to make up classes crazily, watching all kinds of fitness books, videos, and courses, and practicing squats, deadlifts, and bench presses one by one.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

The competition is not only to win prizes, but also to learn from experience. At the end of each time, I will reflect on what I am not good enough and learn from the good points of others. In this way, her fitness skills have improved by leaps and bounds, not only to develop a muscle, but also to train the professional level of a bodybuilding coach.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

You think you're just working on your physical strength? Then you're really underestimating her. Her mastery of various movements and techniques is called a skillful one.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

From basic to complex and difficult movements, she can tell a set of professional theories. Coupled with her in-depth research on human muscle structure and exercise physiology, it can be called a walking encyclopedia in the fitness world.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

From amateur to professional referee, this is not something that anyone can make. With her solid theoretical foundation and rich practical experience, Du Siqi successfully stood on the referee's seat. Do you think it's just holding up a sign and scoring it? That's a big mistake. She must not only have professional knowledge, but also a high level of judgment and impartiality.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

In competitions, she is always able to quickly and accurately capture the details of each player's movements and give a fair score. The sharp eyes were like X-rays, and no small flaw could escape her eyes.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

The players respect and fear her, and they all know in their hearts that as long as she is in the game, there will hardly be any cats.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

In addition to sharing her fitness experience on social media, she is also passionate about various charity activities. is not the kind of young lady who sits at home and basks in the sun, she is a real down-to-earth doer.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

A series of classes have been organized to provide free instruction for those who want to get fit but are shy. Her tenet is: as long as you have the heart, you can practice without money. Special guidance is also provided for some people with disabilities so that they can also feel the joy of sports.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

She continues to influence more people and believes that exercise strengthens the body, but also makes people feel happy and refreshed. After practicing for a while, her fans said that they not only got in better shape, but also had a better temper, and their lives were more energetic.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Her life is really busier than Super Mario, and she is simply a slash youth model. Have you ever seen a street at four in the morning? As soon as the alarm went off, she jumped up and ran like clockwork. Many people are still playing chess with Zhou Gong in their dreams in the morning, and she has already completed a round of morning exercises.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

During the day, I shuttled through various work situations, and I had to continue to work at night. The timetable is accurate to the minute and second, just like an army fighting, and it cannot be sloppy at all.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Her diet plan is accurate to every gram of protein and every gram of fat, and she is like a walking dietitian. In order to maintain fitness and muscle, the daily food intake should not only be healthy, but also be well matched. She often said: A good figure is practiced and eaten. Think about the snacks we usually stuff in our mouths, and then look at the perseverance of others, what a gap!

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

For her, fitness has long been no longer a task, but a habit, a way of life. Just like a fish can't live without water, no matter how busy you are, you have to find time to go to the gym and sweat it out.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

The circle of friends is always a fitness check-in, posting a sweaty photo, accompanied by a few words of inspirational chicken soup, it is simply a mobile positive energy transmitter.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Do you think fitness enthusiasts are stress-free? She also had her breakdowns. But the best part lies in mindset management.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

has a unique set of cheats: when she encounters setbacks, she is not depressed; When faced with challenges, she does not back down. Always encourage yourself: no matter how tired you are today, you will be stronger tomorrow. This positive attitude has not only helped her overcome countless lows, but also allowed her to go further and further.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

To maintain her mental health and improve the effectiveness of her training, she has perfected her mindfulness and meditation practices. Every morning, I spend 20 minutes meditating, focusing on my breath and letting go of distractions. You may think it's a bit of a chatter, but it's a secret weapon for her to maintain balance in her body and mind.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Imagine if you train every day with a lot of negative energy, the effect will definitely be greatly reduced. It is because of her importance that she can stay in the best shape.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Du Siqi is not only the iron goddess of the fitness industry, but also a big name on social media. She has long understood that the power of one person is limited, and if she wants to really promote the fitness trend, she has to rely on team battles. So she established a huge community on Weibo, Douyin and other platforms.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Every day, I will share my training experience and dietary advice, and I will also post some inspirational chicken soup articles. Through these online interactions, it not only attracts a large number of fitness enthusiasts, but also creates a platform to support and motivate each other. Everyone discussed in the group, and the atmosphere was so lively that it was like the New Year.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

When it comes to influence among female fitness enthusiasts, it's thunderous. Many girls originally had a fear of fitness, afraid that they would become muscular women, but when they looked at Du Siqi, wow!

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

This figure, this curve, is simply a perfect combination. She used her own personal experience to show everyone that girls can also practice health and beauty.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Through her community, many women have found like-minded fitness partners, ironing together, running together, cheering each other on, and supervising each other. It's like a warm base camp where every woman who joins in feels incredibly supported and motivated.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!


From fitness novice to national bikini champion, national Miss Butt Beauty, to IFBB International Personal Trainer and ACE American Athletic Association certified professional coach, Du Siqi has proved with practical actions what is called nothing impossible.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

So, dear readers, are you also a little itchy? Have you ever hesitated because of the doubts of the outside world, this may be just the right shot in the arm for you to understand that as long as you have a dream in your heart and work hard for it, everyone can shine on their own stage.

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!

Sources of information:

Linda Du Siqi - Weibo web link

The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!
The hot body is hotly discussed! The D Cup female referee's shirt was tight, and netizens exclaimed: The beauty of the foul level!
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