
The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

author:Kyushu Shinashi
Disclaimer: The content of this article is written with authoritative sources and personal opinions, and the source of the literature has been marked at the end of the article, please be aware.
The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

The tragedy of the world is that the white-haired people send the black-haired people, which is an unacceptable thing for any family, and the children they have worked so hard to cultivate do not seek to be rich and rich, as long as they are healthy and safe, and give full play to their own values.


Zhang Zhijie passed away suddenly at the 2024 Asian Youth Badminton Championships in Indonesia! As soon as this matter came out, the whole feather altar fryer, the big guys were stunned, who would have thought that a young and strong young man was fighting vigorously and suddenly disappeared.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

This handsome guy from Jiaxing, Zhejiang Province, has been obsessed with badminton since the kindergarten class. Other children are still playing with mud, but he is already swinging his racket on the court, and he is a little athlete. Who would have thought that a little fart boy could perform so well?

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a teenager. Since the third grade of primary school, he has been sent to the Zhejiang Provincial Team and has become a baby bump there. You think this is just the beginning? Wrong! His badminton career is nothing short of a stretch.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

The titles of the men's team champion of the National Youth Games and the men's singles champion of Group B of the National Youth Championship are not over, and even the championship of the team competition in the U series finals was won by him. It can be said that he chopped melons and vegetables all the way, and carried the trophy home.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

If you want to talk about the international arena, you are not a vegetarian character. The Dutch Youth International Championship and the German Youth International Grand Prix, his quick victories made foreign opponents break out in a cold sweat.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

But not only is he a playing genius, he is also a standard good student. Usually don't fall behind in learning, and take care of other people's children. It was only a few days ago that he sent home the certificate of escort to the university.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

This was a big step in his life, but fate made a little unfunny joke at this time.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

The sudden death was like a hammer, hitting his family's hearts hard. My sister's statement on social media is even more sour: "I don't even know what to say." ”

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

What's even more embarrassing is that June 30 is still his sister's birthday. I was going to send a blessing after the game, but who would have thought that this gift would never be given. A 17-year-old child, whose life has just begun, suddenly goes to another world. Who can stand this twist?

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

That day's match was supposed to be highly anticipated, with Zhang Zhijie playing against the Japanese player, and sparks were flying. The score is tied at 11, and the big guys are holding their breath and looking forward to the excitement of the next moment.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Unexpectedly, a dramatic scene happened at this time, only to see that his feet suddenly went soft, as if he had been drained of all his strength, and fell directly to the ground. Lying like this, his hands and feet began to twitch unobediently, and the whole person was like a fish struggling on the shore, and the scene made people worry about it.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

But things are far from that simple, the live broadcast camera recorded every detail, and everyone's hearts sank again and again. Time passed by second, and 40 seconds later, I saw that the first medical staff was late. At this time, Zhijie was still twitching, we were going crazy, this speed was too grinding!

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

The point is that he didn't bring any professional equipment, and he didn't even see an AED, which was a symbolic turn for him. watched the audience before the live broadcast stomp their feet, such a rescue was really speechless. I really wanted to ask on the spot: "What are you doing here?" ”

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Immediately after that, the stretcher finally entered the field after 1 minute and 40 seconds. It's not long, it's not short, but in an emergency, it's a fatal delay! Think of a soccer match where when a player falls to the ground, the referee stops immediately!

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

In this way, he was dragged away, and the people in the arena did not relieve. The commentators in the live broadcast began to stutter, and everyone was even more anxious. One by one, they sweated in front of the screen, and they were so anxious that they couldn't wait to get into the screen to help.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

As soon as the professionals analyzed, sure enough, the reaction was quite slow! Cardiac arrest should be the first consideration for non-contact falls, in which case CPR should be performed immediately and the AED should be used as soon as possible.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Everyone pondered that the medical insurance for this badminton game is really enough to pull the crotch. Usually those high-intensity training is a great test for the athlete's body, especially the heart, why can't the event organizers put in more effort?

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Saving people is like fighting fires, and the speed of response at this critical moment is directly related to life safety.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Do you think badminton players just swing their rackets and win games easily? Then you couldn't be more wrong! Let's talk about Cai Yun, a former national team player, who had to withdraw from treatment in 2002 because of heart problems. It was a radiofrequency ablation of the heart, and it took half a year to return to the arena after the operation.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

If you think about it, this is a top athlete, and his physical fitness is not picky, but he can't bear the high intensity of badminton competitions. His experience is not an isolated one, but a microcosm of all athletes competing at high intensity.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

This tragedy reminds us once again that the importance of medical care for the event cannot be underestimated. The organizers of the competition should not only pay lip service, but also take practical actions.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

First of all, AEDs (automated external defibrillators) are absolutely standard. Some people don't know what? To put it simply, it is a "life-saving artifact" that can save the lives of cardiac arrest patients. Secondly, the response speed must be improved, and the medical team must be on call at any time, and rush to the scene immediately without delay.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Then there is the first aid training, not only medical staff, but also coaches, referees, and even other staff on the field should master the basic knowledge. In this way, when an accident happens, everyone can be the first rescuer.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Everyone saw the young players on the badminton court, all of them were full of vigor and seemed to be full of inexhaustible energy. But who would have thought that behind this glamour, how much psychological pressure they carried?

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Every game is a competition against your own limits. The tense atmosphere, the expectations of the audience, the eyes of the opponents pressing every step, every detail was pressing the nerves of these young players. Psychology experts have repeatedly reminded that if you are in this state for a long time, your body will turn on a red light sooner or later.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Training day in and day out, you must meet the strict requirements of the coach, and if you don't meet the standard, you have to face a higher intensity of "extra meals". Not to mention the expectations of the outside world, which is even more overwhelming.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Each one is a future star with high hopes, and these are invisible burdens. If you don't play well, you will not only lose the game, but you may also face a lot of doubts and criticism.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Therefore, providing mental health support to athletes is no longer the icing on the cake, but a relief in the snow. Everyone should have more understanding and care, they are not machines, they need all-round care.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

When it comes to safety standards in sporting events, countries are all over the world to show their powers. You see, the medical team in the United States alone is like a small hospital, with team doctors, physical therapists, and psychologists all available, which can be called the "emergency room on the field".

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Then look at the ambulances on standby on the sidelines of the European stadium, and the referees are even holding walkie-talkies, ready to stop the game at any time. These are obvious standards, and they are not just casually improvised.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Take a look at the requirements of international organizations, theoretically speaking, the standard is set high! The IOC, FIFA, etc., these bigwigs are not ambiguous and have developed a lot of safety guidelines and emergency plans. But the problem is that no matter how high the standards are, it will be useless if they are not put in place.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

In this case, the call to formulate and promote stricter is really not on paper. All event organizers, regardless of whether they are big or small, must strictly enforce them to ensure the safety and security of athletes during the competition.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Guoyu just issued an announcement to mourn his passing, but I didn't expect our table tennis team to choose to swim against the current and rush forward with all our might! Just in time for our showdown with Taipei, all the athletes stood in a row before the game to observe a moment of silence for them. Sharp-eyed spectators can see that the players of the Chinese team are wearing black armbands on their arms, and the atmosphere is quite dignified.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

The first to appear were our two young talents - Hu Keyuan and Lin Xiangyi. These two young players, don't look at their young age, their strength is leveraged, and they won the opponent 2:0 cleanly!

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

When it was over, they first knelt on the ground to celebrate, and then pointed to the sky with one hand, as if to say to the spirit in the sky, "Big brother, we have won!" The next step was even more exciting, as their teammates fought all the way to defeat Malaysia 3-1 in the semi-finals to reach the final and compete with South Korea for the title. This is not only what we are looking forward to, but also what he wants to see.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

They told Zhang Zhijie with actions: Brother, we will take your dreams all the way forward to the peak!

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details


For Zhang Zhijie's sudden death, the event organizers must show sincerity and announce the entire rescue process. Families and the public have a right to know the truth and what really happened.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

What is wrong with these sluggish responses? Was there any negligence? There has to be an explanation.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Matches can be repeated, but lost lives can never be recovered. The badminton world has lost a shining star, but his fighting spirit and love for badminton will always remain in our hearts.

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Sources of information:

Guoyu Zhang Zhijie fainted and passed away, fans: The on-site medical response was too slow, and a whole minute was wasted-Upstream News Gather upward strength

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details

Red Star News: 17-year-old national feather teenager Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the game, and his sister posted a question about the untimely rescue: unacceptable!

The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details
The white-haired man sent the black-haired man: the national feather genius Zhang Zhijie died suddenly in the field, and his sister and Olympic champion revealed the details
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