
The Party Committee of Kunpeng Community, Huashan Street, Huanggu District, joined hands with Century Beibei Kindergarten to celebrate the "July 1st" activity

author:Starlight Media World

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The Party Committee of Kunpeng Community, Huashan Street, Huanggu District, joined hands with Century Beibei Kindergarten to celebrate the "July 1st" activity

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stimulate children's patriotic feelings and inherit the red gene. On the morning of July 1, the Party Committee of Kunpeng Community, together with Century Beibei Kindergarten, held a flag-raising ceremony with the theme of "Children's Hearts Welcome July 1st to the Party, Passing on the Torch to the Party". Accompanied by the sonorous and powerful national anthem, all teachers and children paid attention to the salute. The bright five-star red flag was rising, and the children saluted the national flag and sang the motherland, and everyone's face was full of pride.

The Party Committee of Kunpeng Community, Huashan Street, Huanggu District, joined hands with Century Beibei Kindergarten to celebrate the "July 1st" activity

Subsequently, the head of the kindergarten told the children about the glorious history and great achievements of the party, and encouraged the children to establish lofty ideals from an early age, study hard, and contribute to the prosperity of the motherland when they grow up. The children sang classic red songs such as "Without the Communist Party, there would be no New China" and "Red Star Shining" with immature children's voices, expressing their love for the party and blessings to the motherland.

The Party Committee of Kunpeng Community, Huashan Street, Huanggu District, joined hands with Century Beibei Kindergarten to celebrate the "July 1st" activity

At the end of the event, all teachers and students took a group photo together, which drew a successful end to the celebration of "July 1st". This activity not only allowed the children to understand the history and great achievements of the party, but also sowed the seeds of patriotism and love for the party in their hearts. I believe that under the glorious light of the party, the children will definitely grow up and become the pillars of the motherland.

Source: Kunpeng Community, Huashan Street, Huanggu District

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