
Wenshui community organization carried out volunteer service activities of "love free clinic into the community, intimate service and warm hearts".

author:Starlight Media World

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Wenshui community organization carried out volunteer service activities of "love free clinic into the community, intimate service and warm hearts".

"Auntie! Your bone density is not good, you usually have to eat some calcium tablets or put some shrimp skin when cooking, drink some milk, and bask in the sun or something to supplement! "Uncle, your glaucoma is very serious! Come to our hospital for a thorough examination, otherwise it will seriously affect your daily life" In order to further enhance the awareness of residents' health prevention, help community residents understand their physical health status in a timely manner, popularize basic skills such as early prevention of common diseases, and self-help in case of emergency.

Wenshui community organization carried out volunteer service activities of "love free clinic into the community, intimate service and warm hearts".

On the morning of July 2, the Wenshui Community New Era Civilization Practice Station and Liaoning People's News Network jointly organized a volunteer service activity of "Love Free Clinic into the Community, Intimate Service Warms People's Hearts". At the event site, the doctors took medical equipment early in the morning to carefully and meticulously examine and auscultate every resident who came to the clinic, patiently inquired about the physical condition, analyzed the causes of discomfort, and put forward reasonable diagnosis and treatment suggestions and treatment plans for different diseases and individual differences, and advised the residents to develop good living habits of healthy diet, regular work and rest, and moderate exercise. At the same time, community volunteers also distributed health leaflets to the general public, disseminated the concept of health, and created a good community atmosphere of "everyone understands health and everyone enjoys health".

Wenshui community organization carried out volunteer service activities of "love free clinic into the community, intimate service and warm hearts".

Through the development of this free clinic activity, it not only improves the health awareness of the residents, but also allows the residents to achieve early detection, early prevention and early treatment of diseases, stay away from diseases, increase the residents' understanding and understanding of disease knowledge, guide residents to establish health concepts, cultivate healthy behaviors, improve health literacy, and work together to create a "healthy and happy community".

Contributed from Wenshui Community

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