
Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

author:Hop History

In 1976, the guards discovered that the normally peaceful General Pidingjun was furious in his office.

I saw that in the office, Pi Dingjun said to the secretary: "They can't do these things, how can they fight?" The whole military region must be rectified! ”

Why does Pidin say that? What did the "they" in Pidingjun's mouth do?

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Furious, what's the matter

In 1976, Pi Dingjun, who returned to the Fuzhou Military Region, walked into the office angrily. The secretary followed behind him, a little trembling, after all, what he was most afraid of was the commander being angry. Once he gets angry, it's definitely a big deal.

Sure enough, after Pi Dingjun sat down, he asked the secretary to call the managers of various departments of the military region, especially the people in the education management of the military region.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

The secretary didn't know why, but he called everyone one by one. The people who came were all confused, and they didn't know why the commander had called them.

After everyone arrived, Pi Dingjun told the story of what he had encountered before.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

It turned out that he had just gone to the Nanchang Army School to inspect the training of cadres at the army, division, and regimental levels. At the beginning, he listened to the school administrators, and he felt pretty good.

But unexpectedly, a run exposed the truth.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

In order to welcome Pi Dingjun as the leader, the school specially asked the students to show the training of each project. And the first run made Pi Dingjun "eye-opener".

I saw a division-level cadre, with a chubby figure, and after running a few laps, he was so tired that he was out of breath. You know, the laps he ran didn't meet the overall training standard at all.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Not only that, but the backpack behind him became a crossbody bag, giving it a nondescript feel. However, the person in charge of the academy was still praising these personnel, and he didn't see the anger on Pi Dingjun's face at all.

Looking at the panting students below, Pi Dingjun's face was very calm, but his heart was extremely angry.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

He asked them to stop, and then randomly ordered a few cadres to conduct training, but he didn't expect the result to be unsatisfactory. Even running is like this, let alone other events.

Pi Dingjun pointed at the panting students and shouted: "Look at their appearance, can they fight?" If this had been left in the Central Plains to break through, they would have been arrested by the national army a long time ago! ”

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

After saying that, he didn't look at it anymore, and returned to the military region angrily, and asked the person in charge of education management to come by name. He asked the man, "Did you find out about this?" ”

The person in charge was so frightened that he didn't dare to speak, and Pi Dingjun yelled at him for a while, telling him to hurry up and straighten out, he would keep an eye on it all the time.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Pi Dingjun also made other responsible persons take this as a warning, pay attention to the building of military discipline in the army, and absolutely not be lax.

But what happened next made Pi Dingjun even more annoyed. They promised to do well, but they did ......

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

It's a good review, but what's the use?

Pi Dingjun suppressed his anger for a few days, thinking that the replies given to him by these people would make his anger disappear a little, but he didn't expect that after seeing their actions, his anger rose gradually.

Half a month later, Pi Dingjun asked his secretary whether the situation in the military region had improved, especially in the area of education and management of the army.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

After the observation of the past few days, the secretary did not find any improvement, so he could only tell the truth.

After hearing this, Pi Dingjun immediately called the person in charge of education management over and asked how the work was going.

The person in charge said: "The management of the army school has written a review, this is their review." ”

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Pi Dingjun looked at the information in his hand, and immediately became angry: "Did I ask you to write a review?" I want you to rectify and put an end to this lazy style once and for all. ”

Only then did Pi Dingjun understand that if the military region wants to fundamentally change this style of work, it must start with high-ranking cadres, and these responsible persons are the target.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

If the upper echelons are rectified, the people below will definitely follow suit, and they will not be able to change it.

He waved his hand and told the person in charge to leave first. Cold sweat had already broken out on the forehead of the person in charge, and he left tremblingly.

Pi Dingjun said to the secretary: "We also have to let the senior cadres change, and now that the whole military region is rectified, we must pay attention to both military discipline and training!" ”

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

After the order was issued, the entire military region began to carry out the reorganization of the military region as if it were preparing for war.

Pi Dingjun summoned all the responsible persons over and held an important meeting to show everyone the importance of military discipline, especially as a senior cadre, he should set an example.

General Pi Dingjun also went into battle in person and appeared to say, wanting to prove the importance of military discipline to everyone.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

He went to the army school again and explained to the cadets about the style of the soldiers. Not only in terms of behavior, but also in terms of dealing with people, it is necessary to reflect the atmosphere of a soldier.

Obviously straightened his waist and walked forward in a soldier's posture, but some students had to show a different style to everyone, which made people speechless, and Pi Dingjun seriously criticized such behavior.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Not only that, Pi Dingjun told the crowd many problems, and asked all units to make strict corrections, hoping to see a new and different military region in the future.

And General Pi Dingjun himself has set an example and has become a benchmark for many people. Some people say that he left many legends, but what did he do?

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Leading by example is quite touching

As the commander of the Fuzhou Military Region, he once taught his subordinates to abide by military discipline and absolutely not to violate military discipline, and therefore the soldiers under his command have always been the benchmark for the whole army to learn.

Before that, his army was also the most disciplined. Because there is a strict commander, there is a strict army, and Pi Dingjun has done this to the extreme.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Once, when Pi Dingjun was inspecting a certain division, he passed by a young soldier standing guard. He glanced at it, stopped and walked towards the warrior. The others didn't know why, so they hurriedly followed.

And the little warrior was also very puzzled, why were they staring at him? Did you do something wrong?

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Pidin stood still in front of the warriors, and then ordered the man next to him to fetch something. After a few minutes, the man who had taken the object returned, and the people saw what he was carrying, which turned out to be needle and thread.

Afterwards, Pi Dingjun pointed to the soldier's clothes and said, "You have a button that has fallen off, which will affect the appearance of the army!" ”

After that, he asked the soldier's division commander to sew buttons on the soldier so that he could remember this lesson.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

In fact, in Pi Dingjun's eyes, there is no distinction between high and low positions, only the difference between abiding by military discipline and not abiding by military discipline. And as long as he sees it, he will say it.

On another occasion, Pi Dingjun inspected the grassroots units of the army. Since there was no advance notice, the army was extremely panicked when they saw Pi Dingjun and didn't know what to do.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

And Pi Dingjun wants to achieve such an effect, because what he wants is not a sudden perfunctory, but a normal work.

As a result, the company clearly did not do all the work properly, and even did not do the usual hygiene. There was some dust in some corners, on the windows.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

The head of the company was worried and at the same time ashamed. On the contrary, Pidein did not say anything, but asked them to bring a bucket of water, then pick up a cloth and wipe the window.

The people who followed behind saw Pi Dingjun do this, and hurriedly picked up a cloth and wiped the window. Everyone stepped forward one after another, and there was a surprising scene.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

I saw that in the corridor, all the leaders cleaned the windows, which surprised the soldiers passing by. Soon the news spread, and everyone admired and admired General Pi Dingjun for his example.

Pi Dingjun didn't care what others thought, he just wanted the army to be built better.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Now, too, when the military region was being reorganized, Commander Pidingjun was even busier. It is necessary not only to handle various administrative affairs of the military region, but also to inspect the implementation of various local policies, and all personnel must be in place.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Discipline is more important than anything else

Pi Dingjun once said repeatedly, that is, "discipline is more important than anything else".

Therefore, in the process of rectifying the whole military region, Pi Dingjun also made a lot of hard work. First of all, we should start with the appearance and appearance of the army, strictly grasp the typical examples, and ensure that they have a good posture.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

Then, in terms of ideological education, it is necessary to let the soldiers engrave military discipline in their hearts and show it better.

Finally, in terms of military training, the standards for soldier training should be strictly stipulated, so as to ensure the physique and physique of the soldiers, so as to embody a serious military style.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

One of the most important points is that the training of senior cadres should be mainly grasped, and only when the higher levels have rectified the situation can the policy be implemented below.

General Pi Dingjun always observes the situation of the military region and the army and gives feedback, so that the person in charge can discover the problem and solve the problem.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

In just one month, the Fuzhou Military Region took on a completely new look, and the appearance of the soldiers of the military region had undergone a great change, and Pi Dingjun was very pleased.

In order to check the results of this month, he specially selected a group of division-level cadres to check their physique, physical fitness, and other aspects, followed by battalion-level cadres and regiment-level cadres.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

What is gratifying is that these cadres behaved very well, which made Pi Dingjun's face finally relaxed, which had been tense for a month. The fact that they have performed so well shows that the current rectification is effective and that the military region is developing in a good direction.

Pidingjun said "keep it up", and they all breathed a sigh of relief. Pi Dingjun's words are already a great support, and it is enough for them.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

The Fuzhou Military Region has undergone great changes, and the central authorities have seen it in their eyes, and they have called on all military regions to learn from the Fuzhou Military Region, implement the set of methods mentioned by Pi Dingjun, and improve the military region.

The central authorities have also stated that military discipline cannot be abolished, and a good work style must be ensured so that the soldiers can have the idea of being prepared for danger in times of peace.

Pi Dingjun said that the division-level cadres could not run, and the organs of the military region ignored them, and Pi reprimanded: The whole military region will be rectified

If they were just content with the status quo, the fighters would certainly not be highly motivated, and a force might just disperse.

General Pi Dingjun has always carried out this idea, and wherever he goes, he will soon become a benchmark for others to learn. It is precisely because of people like General Pi Dingjun that our army is so strong, they are all good!